Vacuum Cleaners Discussions |
Joined: Jul 15, 2009
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What makes the vacuum cleaner inustry so important?
Original Message Sep 4, 2009 9:20 am |
Since I have been coming to this site I have seen bickering about Dyson, Hoover and a few other brands. But to me it is why is this industry important and why all the different brands and models. My feeling is that they are necessary to maintain a way of life. Cleanliness, health, and just plain keeping everything nice. We started with dirt floors, went to rock and wood floors. Floors were kept up with brooms for hundreds of years. With the advent of electricity the vacuum cleaner came along with elecrtic motors. Just so you know , I am aware of the types of early sweepers from the late 1800's. So the question I put to you is why is it so important to be a bagless society of Dyson? Why Bagged? Why a particular brand over another? Give me and anyone that comes to this site some answers as to why and how is one better than another? I am watching and listening. Procare 54 years in the business and still going strong.
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Re: What makes the vacuum cleaner inustry so important?
Reply #27 Sep 5, 2009 1:27 pm |
I will only give a short sample of the what's & whys of the issue but I could discuss for hours if so inclined.
Basically the Bagless Vacuum serves 1 main purpose and it's not to save the customer $'s on bags. It's to fit a business model that ......"value=price". The previous business Model that "Service, Quality, Repairability, Brand Loyalty etc=Profit" does not offer QUICK ENOUGH FINANCIAL RETURN.
1 You can now sell a Vacuum in a box-no demo, no qualified sales person, no parts, no service, no repairs, no accountability. SALE boom SHORT TERM PROFIT...NEXT! You can even sell it by being a faceless entity just by posting a picture on a computer.
Amen, thanks to customers like HS and vacuum makers like dyson who cater to them and big box retailers. Take note: Circuit City: bankrupt. Linens-N-Things: bankrupt. SEARS: Tetering on bankruptcy. Most big box retailers currently: Struggling. Why? GREEDY. Carmine D.
Joined: Aug 21, 2007
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Re: What makes the vacuum cleaner inustry so important?
Reply #28 Sep 5, 2009 2:50 pm |
Lucky1: Amen, thanks to customers like HS and vacuum makers like dyson who cater to them and big box retailers. Take note: Circuit City: bankrupt. Linens-N-Things: bankrupt. SEARS: Tetering on bankruptcy. Most big box retailers currently: Struggling. Why? GREEDY. Carmine D. Using a vac in the indies store is a very poor test.
Joined: May 15, 2009
Points: 358
Re: What makes the vacuum cleaner inustry so important?
Reply #30 Sep 6, 2009 5:23 pm |
Why? Reasons please. Carmine D. HI CARMINE
I too , would love to hear this one.......please enlighten us on this one HS.
This message was modified Sep 6, 2009 by retardturtle1
Location: USA
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Re: What makes the vacuum cleaner inustry so important?
Reply #31 Sep 6, 2009 6:23 pm |
And filters by Dyson have to be replaced eventually so there are not always 'lifetime guaranteed" again dependent largely on the matter of dust picked up per owner and their homes. This is why Dyson filters are washable but even the most washed filter can begin to lose its strength compared to one that hasn't been tainted.
No, don't think so. The HEPA pleated post motor filter with fiberglass surface on the DC07 Animal I recently repaired is not washable. It's replaceable at $40 plus bucks. The pre-motor filter on this model is washable and dyson recommends on this model every 6 months. Carmine D. Carmine, Nice try. True, the older and discontinued DC07 had choke points and choked prematurely if not maintained properly. The new Dyson’s all have washable filters - a point you hid (oops, I meant to say - overlooked). DIB
This message was modified Sep 6, 2009 by DysonInventsBig
Joined: Jul 15, 2009
Points: 192
Re: What makes the vacuum cleaner inustry so important?
Reply #33 Sep 6, 2009 8:43 pm |
I thank everyone that so far has put some input in this thread but you still haven't told me or anyone else why is one better than the other or why the industry is important to everyone. Bagless vacuums have been around since the beginning. The bagged vacuums have been around also. The idea of how vacuums are designed and made to work come from different individuals at different times in history. I will tell you of one instance where one individual trusted a man and his idea was used in the industry and he lost out. The idea was take 2 square dishpans and put them together with a motor in it and had a working prototype of the cleaner in 1956. The company was Douglas Manufacturing and wasn't very long after that a new line of vacuums with this design came out. The man was my father and the man was what my Father called a friend from the factory. Some ideas for stonger motors with the same wattage usage was not shown to them and we had some powerful cleaners. I have even seen two mtor vacuum cleaners running around before anyone else had them by 15-20 years. Dyson took the idea of a Roots blower system and made use in a vacuum. Old ideas and improved it for use in smaller systems. Does that make it better than anything else out there? No. It is giving people something they think they want. Many will not go back to a bagless afterwards,some might. Someone will design what they think is better and sell it to a new group of people. That is the nature of this very important business. Build a better mousetrap and all will buy it. Sorry to burst your bubble all will not buy. Cyclonic action of a vacuum cleaner is not new. It is used in every vacuum cleaner to this day. It is the nature of the beast. It is who designs their attachments and motors and bag set up or bagless setup up to utilize it best. My 97 year old Father , who has been in the business 64 years and an engineer says that all vacuums lose suction when cleaning . If there is a sytem out there that doesn't ,it doesn't have the performance to clean todays carpet.