Vacuum Cleaners Discussions |
Joined: Jul 15, 2009
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What makes the vacuum cleaner inustry so important?
Original Message Sep 4, 2009 9:20 am |
Since I have been coming to this site I have seen bickering about Dyson, Hoover and a few other brands. But to me it is why is this industry important and why all the different brands and models. My feeling is that they are necessary to maintain a way of life. Cleanliness, health, and just plain keeping everything nice. We started with dirt floors, went to rock and wood floors. Floors were kept up with brooms for hundreds of years. With the advent of electricity the vacuum cleaner came along with elecrtic motors. Just so you know , I am aware of the types of early sweepers from the late 1800's. So the question I put to you is why is it so important to be a bagless society of Dyson? Why Bagged? Why a particular brand over another? Give me and anyone that comes to this site some answers as to why and how is one better than another? I am watching and listening. Procare 54 years in the business and still going strong.
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Re: What makes the vacuum cleaner inustry so important?
Reply #120 Sep 15, 2009 5:31 am |
Dysons dirt bin is just an illusion,Why, paper or filter bags compress and pack the dirt The dirt bin does not acomplish this thus making the debris in the container look like more than it really is. And by the way the center of the bag is still open to keep the suction consistant,, The best for airflow is still a top load design. How would the dyson work with a filter bag in it?. Heres a tip for you Sir Jimmy, it would centralize the suction better and compress the dirt and only would have to be changed every 4 to 6 weeks,under normal household conditions.Of course you would have to change the chacateristics of your cyclone design and feed it from the top down. Of course then your vacuum will be just as good as a 39.95 dirt devil[bagged upright]. Of course you still have the wildest colors on the market, Did the contract with HASBRO expire yet. REGARDS MOLE
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Re: What makes the vacuum cleaner inustry so important?
Reply #121 Sep 15, 2009 8:37 am |
DIB: We've had all the discussions you re-posted above before many times too. You inevitably repeat the dyson party line . Why? Your perspective is always that of one who has his head up James's posterior. Hence, the reason you look before James flushes. Carmine D. When you check yourself into "the program" for bad-mouthing vac-shop owners, you should seek help for your nose troubles too. VacuumUK and I have rarely talked (if ever and if my memory is correct). VacuumUK went after some of my statements and I fired back. Venson and his caped crusader alter-ego (aka Severus) have had their chance (we've discussed before). DIB
If my vacuum can remove even one spec of dirt that yours misses, then mine is better than yours - even if there's no proof that mine would have picked up as much dirt as yours...
Joined: Jul 30, 2007
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Re: What makes the vacuum cleaner inustry so important?
Reply #124 Sep 15, 2009 9:41 am |
Carmine, Dont you realize that your dealing with an intellectual juggernaut. I assume that when DIB speaks, he is spouting the official Dyson position. Clearly DBI has insider information, even knowing the details of the red headed model and the photo shoot. I assume that Dyson pays him to push the Dyson message on this forum, and when he's not doing that he's filling out positive Dyson product reviews on other web sites. I suspect, he even fills out negative reviews on competitors products. We also knows that he monitors the Home Shopping Network, utube and other web sites to spread the Dyson message. When DIB's message is completely incoherent, it's because of the restrictions Dyson places on him. DIB cannot answer our questions, because he doesn't always have Dyson's permission to speak, so he has to throw out a Dyson slogan - even if it makes no sense. One would think that a company with as many smart people as Dyson has would have found a better spokesperson, but maybe the marketing budget got cut back with the downturn in the economy.
The smart tyrant writes his own story to ensure that it is favorable. The lazy will repeat lines from the book without fact checking.
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Re: What makes the vacuum cleaner inustry so important?
Reply #125 Sep 15, 2009 9:47 am |
DIB: When you spew untruths and lies here, and dyson spun fairy tales, my nose and mouth will respond to you and them. Be assured of this regardless of whom/what are the recipient of your posts. If you can't deal with the truth DIB, which apparently is the case and has been of late [amazing what no dyson bonuses for 2008 and 2009 will do to one's mental capacities], regardless of the source, then you are the one who is truly in need of rehab here. Does your employer provide these types of assistance to its slaves, I mean employees? Carmine D. Carmine, You support and play-along with the caped-crusader and Venson’s alter-ego by the name “Severus” (a Harry Potter character)... and you claim to be a man of truth and me living a fairy tale???? I’ll tell you a fairy tale... bad-mouthing, envious vacuum dealers or dealer groupies who do not lie or have an original and substantial thought. DIB
This message was modified Sep 15, 2009 by DysonInventsBig
Joined: Dec 30, 2007
Points: 5894
Re: What makes the vacuum cleaner inustry so important?
Reply #126 Sep 15, 2009 10:24 am |
You support and play-along with the caped-crusader and Venson’s alter-ego by the name “Severus” (a Harry Potter character)... and you claim to be a man of truth and me living a fairy tale????
I’ll tell you a fairy tale... a bad-mouthing, envious vacuum dealer or dealer groupie with an original and substantial thought.
I am a seeker of all vacuum truths. I go to great lengths to seek, find and reveal. This site and the posters who read/post here like Venson and SEVERUS [and a host of others] do a remarkable job with providing the vacuum truths and facts. It's hard for persons like you, who don't know the vacuum industry, but dabble here as a hobby, to understand and comprehend us. You take all dyson criticism personal as tho it is directed to you. It's not. It's about dyson's products and product claims. The dyson products should be able to go toe to toe in the industry with all the competition up and down the price scale based on facts, results and performance. If dyson comes up lacking especially with bagged competitors as lower costs, accept the constructive criticism and do soemthing positive to assist dyson in improving itself. You appear to cast a blind eye and deaf ear to all vacuum truth by using smear campaigns against vacuum stores and name calling for posters here. You insist on defending James, and his products and claims [lies] but you offer only more panned dyson slogans and marketing hype. This sadly puts you at fault. You are either shortsighted and/or just obtuse. Quite possibly you are both. The reasons for your behavior are on you not us. Carmine D.
This message was modified Sep 15, 2009 by CarmineD
Location: USA
Joined: Jul 30, 2007
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Re: What makes the vacuum cleaner inustry so important?
Reply #127 Sep 15, 2009 10:26 am |
Carmine, Dont you realize that your dealing with an intellectual juggernaut. Hey, give a guy a break... I’m just trying to “keep up” with the *fella’s who have their thumbs on the pulse and keys to life. DIB *The bad-mouthing do-nothin’s and never-were’s.
This message was modified Sep 15, 2009 by DysonInventsBig
Joined: Dec 30, 2007
Points: 5894
Re: What makes the vacuum cleaner inustry so important?
Reply #128 Sep 15, 2009 10:41 am |
Hey, give a guy a break... I’m just trying to “keep up” with the fella’s who have their thumbs on the pulse and keys to life... the bad-mouthing do-nothin’s and never-were’s.
You can't be and do both. They are mutually exclusive. We who strive for the pulse of the vacuum industry and hold the keys to its life can't be bad mouthers, do-nothings, and never weres. These latter types are not in our sphere of influence. Why? Most of those you name call and impugn here with your dribble have years of experience in the biz. They built honorable businesses and reputations in the industry with years of experience. How many years do you have in the vacuum business? Or any business? Do you slave, I mean work, for a boss/bosses? Carmine D.
Location: USA
Joined: Jul 30, 2007
Points: 1454
Re: What makes the vacuum cleaner inustry so important?
Reply #129 Sep 15, 2009 11:48 am |
You support and play-along with the caped-crusader and Venson’s alter-ego by the name “Severus” (a Harry Potter character)... and you claim to be a man of truth and me living a fairy tale????
I’ll tell you a fairy tale... a bad-mouthing, envious vacuum dealer or dealer groupie with an original and substantial thought.
DIB DIB: I am a seeker of all vacuum truths. I go to great lengths to seek, find and reveal. This site and the posters who read/post here like Venson and SEVERUS [and a host of others] do a remarkable job with providing the vacuum truths and facts. It's hard for persons like you, who don't know the vacuum industry, but dabble here as a hobby, to understand and comprehend us. You take all dyson criticism personal as tho it is directed to you. It's not. It's about dyson's products and product claims. The dyson products should be able to go toe to toe in the industry with all the competition up and down the price scale based on facts, results and performance. If dyson comes up lacking especially with bagged competitors as lower costs, accept the constructive criticism and do soemthing positive to assist dyson in improving itself. You appear to cast a blind eye and deaf ear to all vacuum truth by using smear campaigns against vacuum stores and name calling for posters here. You insist on defending James, and his products and claims [lies] but you offer only more panned dyson slogans and marketing hype. This sadly puts you at fault. You are either shortsighted and/or just obtuse. Quite possibly you are both. The reasons for your behavior are on you not us. Carmine D. Carmine, So your wife's "cool with it." - She's cool with you role-playing or going along with other men who do? DIB
This message was modified Sep 15, 2009 by DysonInventsBig