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Dyson on t.v.
Original Message   Aug 14, 2007 10:51 pm

This message was modified Dec 26, 2008 by DysonInventsBig

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Joined: May 15, 2009
Points: 358

Re: Dyson on t.v.
Reply #51   Jul 29, 2009 12:38 pm
CarmineD wrote:
You're not honest.  You must have watched the HSN video with dyson color glasses.  The demo was very disappointing and filled with errors and/or outright lies which Dave let pass several times w/o correction.

The reason dyson has eliminated HSN prime view times, TV product spots, and printed product ads is due to MONEY!  He's [dyson] is bleeding cash daily.  He can't afford to pay high priced engineers [average yearly salary of dyson engineers is in the 6 figure numbers], in-house lawyers and for hire lawyers on retainers, unprofitable/ unrealized  R&D costs and advertising expenses too.  Hence dyson products skipped the Oscars and conceded defeat to HOOVER!  

Declining vacuum sales and market share globally for the past year and some.  Dave no longer boasts dyson as the top seller in dollar sales as he once did in the past. 

Carmine D.

hey it me or is dib wound a little too tight on this dyson thing? is he a dyson invester.../high end dyson dealer...

Joined: Dec 30, 2007
Points: 5894

Re: Dyson on t.v.
Reply #52   Jul 29, 2009 1:46 pm
retardturtle1 wrote:
hey it me or is dib wound a little too tight on this dyson thing? is he a dyson invester.../high end dyson dealer...

Hello turtle1:

DIB, like James, suffers from dyson insecurity syndrome.  James and dyson have to elevate dyson by bashing and attacking the competition.  Can't succeed on its own merits.  That's the dyson play book.  DIB is the first one to point call out others when they do it to dyson but can't see it when dyson has been doing it for years.  I have often quoted scripture to DIB:  Telling him [dyson] to remove the log from his own eye before criticizing the splinter in the eye of others. 

Carmine D.


Joined: Dec 30, 2007
Points: 5894

Re: Dyson on t.v.
Reply #53   Jul 29, 2009 1:58 pm
DysonInventsBig wrote:

Sure [HSN] Dave did and did not say things during his debuting the radically different and new vacuum with its many new technologies, and so what?-It proves nothing.  The late night time-slot debut is mostly practice anyhow.  Nice try.


The late night product spots are the cheap slots!  No viewers.  No call ins.  No sales.  Period.  Practice?  Maybe for Helen.  Dave should know this stuff by now.  Shouldn't have to practice.  Tho, as I said the demo was very disappointing.  Dave should go.   

DC28 hasn't debutted officially yet on HSN.  This was not it.  As Helen said, lovely lady that she is, HSN is trying to make a few sales first so when it does launch there are some dyson persons [other than dyson shills] to call in with product affirmations.  Wait until the HSN dyson buyers find out that there is a prcing war on the DC28 and its not an HSN exclusive.  That should be real good for dyson and HSN's business agreements and sales.   

Carmine D.


Location: USA
Joined: Jul 30, 2007
Points: 1454

Re: Dyson on t.v.
Reply #54   Jul 29, 2009 3:24 pm
retardturtle1 wrote:
hey it me or is dib wound a little too tight on this dyson thing? is he a dyson invester.../high end dyson dealer...


Many in the dealer industry and many in the enthusiasts sub-culture freely jeer the man and his team that blew life (invent new technologies) into a tired product and industry.  On this site and thus far another side to the Dyson story is represented.

I must commend you for sticking your neck out, most bad-mouthing-of-Dyson vacuum cleaner clubbers and dealers stay off.

This message was modified Jul 29, 2009 by DysonInventsBig


Joined: May 15, 2009
Points: 358

Re: Dyson on t.v.
Reply #55   Jul 29, 2009 8:36 pm
DysonInventsBig wrote:

Many in the dealer industry and many in the enthusiasts sub-culture freely jeer the man and his team that blew life (invent new technologies) into a tired product and industry.  On this site and thus far another side to the Dyson story is represented.

I must commend you for sticking your neck out, most bad-mouthing-of-Dyson vacuum cleaner clubbers and dealers stay off.


i say what i gotta say....i stand my ground on what i believe in......all in good fun...nothing better than a debate i say... heck DIB even save you a seat on the lifeboat

when it comes time for you to jump ship. 


Joined: Dec 30, 2007
Points: 5894

Re: Dyson on t.v.
Reply #56   Jul 30, 2009 2:38 am
retardturtle1 wrote:
i say what i gotta say....i stand my ground on what i believe in......all in good fun...nothing better than a debate i say... heck DIB even save you a seat on the lifeboat

when it comes time for you to jump ship. 

Hello 'turtle1'

You're a gentleman and a vacuum man.

Carmine D.


Joined: Dec 30, 2007
Points: 5894

Re: Dyson on t.v.
Reply #57   Jul 30, 2009 2:50 am
CarmineD wrote:
I watched the HSN clip.  Takes about 25 minutes.  Very disappointing demoes and pitches.  Gone are the grandiose praises of dyson sales.  Dave had difficulty with picking up some of the materials he spread on th carpets.  Boasting one pass pick up and after several passes w/o luck said the materials must have "static charge."  Welcome to the real world Dave. 

Carmine D. 

CarmineD wrote:

Hello vaclov and Venson:

Procare is right on and is MOLE.  DC28 design could be problematic by sealing too tightly with rugs and stiffling suction power even resulting in overheating.  Note the Aerus write up about the Aerus power brush heads and tools. 

Carmine D.

After thinking on this for a bit, I'm concerned that the reason dyson Dave couldn't pick up the materials he spread out on the rug in one [and even more passes] is the reason Procare and MOLE provided.  Sealed to tightly to the rug.

mole wrote:

Ahh the dc28,the Dyson king of the hill machine.

will seal itself to higher pile carpeting

the normal everyday consumer will over adjust the brush and head, causing big prblems right off the bat.

This should be the straw that breaks the camels back.



procare wrote:

  The DC-28 sounds like it is not made for the American carpets.With the pneumatic acuator and STIFF brushes going deeper into the pile a couple of things would happen.  ONE ) The carpet would be frayed in a year's use and  TWO) airflow would be deminished because of the seal it would cause. Our carpets, the majority have a plastic moisture barrier to keep water from going through because of hot water extraction. In the earlier carpets they breath due to jute back carpeting. That is why older Kirby s could seal to the floor and clean , today they need air openings to let airflow.


When I demoed dyson's DC28 at BEST BUY store, the carpetting is their run of the mill flat line pile.  Not typical of what is found in US homes and houses.  Dyson may have an expensive red herring on his hands with this one and perhaps that is the reason for the price wars, since the dyson twins have ignored the questions. 

Carmine D.

This message was modified Jul 30, 2009 by CarmineD

Joined: Dec 30, 2007
Points: 5894

Re: Dyson on t.v.
Reply #58   Jul 30, 2009 4:47 am
Acerone wrote:
I don't know... Everytime Dave launches a new model I'm disappointed... And you know I'm a die hard Dyson supporter...

Hello Ace:

The crux of Dave's premise/pitch is that the new dyson airmuscle technology gets more deep down dirt, period.  All the rest is fluff.  Never did he provide evidence to prove this premise.  He made a very feeble attempt by running over an unvacuumed portion of the carpet and showing what the DC28 picks up.  Not good enough.  Any vacuum will do this. 

When I demoed the DC28 at BEST BUY, I dumped a dyson display dirt bin and spread out and walked the contents into the carpet.  Using the default setting of medium [wrong choice by dyson], I vacuumed up the contents.  Didn't get it all in one pass/two.  The remains were vsibly present on the surface.  Imagine the imbedded unseen stuff still lingering.  I lowered the rug setting and tried again.  Much better.  But the drawback is the hard pushing and pulling.  Now, this is the traditional flat line BB pile rug.  Not the norm for US homes.  Upgrade the pile a tad.  What happens?  Again, as others like MOLE and Procare noted here, the tendency of the airmuscle components to seal the nozzle to the rug.  Not only hard to puch/pull but doesn't get up the dirt.

Carmine D.


Location: USA
Joined: Jul 30, 2007
Points: 1454

Re: Dyson on t.v.
Reply #59   Jul 30, 2009 12:02 pm
retardturtle1 wrote:
i say what i gotta say....i stand my ground on what i believe in......all in good fun...nothing better than a debate i say... heck DIB even save you a seat on the lifeboat

when it comes time for you to jump ship. 

Likewise.  Although...  my life saving invention will be made off the backs of Dyson’s inventive men and women.  Your life saving invention is likely made (in full/in part) off the back of competitors inventive men and women (using their expired patents), and sold as exclusive, new and exciting.  :)

This message was modified Jul 30, 2009 by DysonInventsBig


Joined: Dec 30, 2007
Points: 5894

Re: Dyson on t.v.
Reply #60   Jul 30, 2009 12:15 pm
DysonInventsBig wrote:
Likewise.  Although...  my life saving invention will be made off the backs of Dyson’s inventive men and women.  Your life saving invention is likely made (in full/in part) off the back of competitors inventive men and women (using their expired patents), and sold as exclusive, new and exciting.  :)


As usual DIB, turtle1 responds in a gentleman fashion and you respond like cry baby again.

Carmine D.

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