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Oreck sues Dyson TWICE over Dyson's advertised claim of - “No Loss of Suction”...
Original Message Mar 1, 2009 12:50 pm |
Joined: Dec 30, 2007
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Re: Oreck sues Dyson TWICE over Dyson's advertised claim of - “No Loss of Suction”...
Reply #104 Jul 25, 2009 4:58 am |
I can see how one could make an issue with the filter never clogging statement. I also understand that a person with common sense would know that some maintenance (cleaning filter) would be required for it to never clog. If it never clogged without maintenance there would be no need fot it in the first place. It is just as laughable to read when one claims that Oreck, Hoover and others are good for 15 or more years. They just fail to tell how much maintenance costs will be during that 15 years.
Hello my dyson friend HS:
Common sense my dyson friend is very uncommon. FACT: No vacuum maker you cited above, nor any others in over 100 years of the vacuum industry, ever printed in its product literature, on cartons, and sales information that its vacuum products had 'zero maintenance costs' SAVE ONE. Your fave d brand. Remember the sugar coating to buy and use. That claim now long gone by dyson is one prima facie example. Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me. Carmine D.
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Re: Oreck sues Dyson TWICE over Dyson's advertised claim of - “No Loss of Suction”...
Reply #105 Jul 25, 2009 7:22 am |
I can see how one could make an issue with the filter never clogging statement. I also understand that a person with common sense would know that some maintenance (cleaning filter) would be required for it to never clog. If it never clogged without maintenance there would be no need fot it in the first place. It is just as laughable to read when one claims that Oreck, Hoover and others are good for 15 or more years. They just fail to tell how much maintenance costs will be during that 15 years.
It should be very clear that I was referring to individuals in my quote above. You should also realize that the second paragraph is referring to one of the many half truths made by some of the self proclaimed pros.
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Re: Oreck sues Dyson TWICE over Dyson's advertised claim of - “No Loss of Suction”...
Reply #106 Jul 25, 2009 9:49 am |
HS dyson friend: It's very obvious that I'm talking about disengenuos [read: false, misleading, UNTRUE] product claims made by ONE vacuum brand in over 100 years and not people who post here. Dusty pointed out the error of allowing misleading/untrue posts here. The same applies to products. False, misleading, untrue written claims result in consumers losing credibility in the product and brand name. Your fave d brand is guilty in the first degree. I related a story here about a young mother who purchased a new dyson from COSTCO for almost $600 only to return it a year later, with the box, receipt, and owner manual in tow. Why? It lost suction! I said to her when I met her in the parking lot with dyson and child in hand: Did you clean the filter? She'll looked at me with a look that would kill. She said when I bought this vauum for $600, nobody told me I had to clean filters. They told me it would never clog and lose suction. That's why I paid $600 for it! She got her money back. Oops! There goes another dyson refurb! Carmine D.
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Re: Oreck sues Dyson TWICE over Dyson's advertised claim of - “No Loss of Suction”...
Reply #107 Jul 25, 2009 12:18 pm |
Strange that everyone is quite happy to come down on manufacturers when they exaggerate claims but when someone completely alters another users quote nothing is said. Shall we consider this acceptable practice from now on?
Dusty Dusty's right. Re-editing others words only highlights lack of integrity. DIB
This message was modified Jul 25, 2009 by DysonInventsBig
Joined: Dec 30, 2007
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Re: Oreck sues Dyson TWICE over Dyson's advertised claim of - “No Loss of Suction”...
Reply #108 Jul 25, 2009 12:44 pm |
Dusty's right. Re-editing others words only highlights lack of integrity.
If done deliberately, as in making false, misleading, untrue product claims, I agree. If done in error, poster gets a pass in my book. And apparently in the book of the ones who monitor the Forum.
Now DIB, that I have your attention, MOLE made a statement of fact in that post about a former dyson gung ho poster here and directed it to you. Seems the dyson banner carrier/waver has set up a tent in the TACONY camp. No comments on MOLE's observation? Recall that after the dyson supporter's dyson conversion, SIMPLICITY debarred him/his store biz as an authorized user. [May have been before your time]. The two have kissed and made up. Always like a happy ending! Don't you? Carmine D.
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Re: Oreck sues Dyson TWICE over Dyson's advertised claim of - “No Loss of Suction”...
Reply #109 Jul 25, 2009 2:21 pm |
If done deliberately, as in making false, misleading, untrue product claims, I agree. If done in error, poster gets a pass in my book. And apparently in the book of the ones who monitor the Forum. Now DIB, that I have your attention, MOLE made a statement of fact in that post about a former dyson gung ho poster here and directed it to you. Seems the dyson banner carrier/waver has set up a tent in the TACONY camp. No comments on MOLE's observation? Recall that after the dyson supporter's dyson conversion, SIMPLICITY debarred him/his store biz as an authorized user. [May have been before your time]. The two have kissed and made up. Always like a happy ending! Don't you? Carmine D. Carmine, If done deliberately or not, there has been plenty of time for correction. I accept a certain amount of lack-of-integrity here, I do not accept changing others words. No one was backing up what Dusty (a dealer) stated and I thought I would. I've met and like Tom. I have not spoke to him is some time, I wish him well in all his endeavors. I thought it was most kind to invite you to the museum. After reading what Motorhead posted of the museum, it sounds like the only one in the world at this magnitude and caliber. It’s funny... the guy who is uninvited to a *silly vacuum club goes on to run (not sure of his title) and/or open the **worlds largest vacuum museum. Too funny. DIB *My words only. **I’ve yet to hear of anything bigger.
This message was modified Jul 25, 2009 by DysonInventsBig
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Re: Oreck sues Dyson TWICE over Dyson's advertised claim of - “No Loss of Suction”...
Reply #111 Jul 25, 2009 4:11 pm |
The said poster Me did it on purpose would i do it again Yes in a heartbeat,All you clowns are clueless.H,S, knows that Carmine was an independent dealer for many years,And his distain for Carmine is because Dyson tried the dealers first and the dealers REJECTED Dyson in a hurry,So H.S. lumps all vac shop owners as unethical,greedy,rip off artists,who should be banned from ever putting a key in the door.
I have been following this trend for 5 years now. So hows this for HONESTY D,I,B,, YOUR NOTHING BUT A CORPORATE CLINGON HIDING BEHIND i SUPPORT INVENTORS, Your so full of B,S, your eyes should be brown.......
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Re: Oreck sues Dyson TWICE over Dyson's advertised claim of - “No Loss of Suction”...
Reply #112 Jul 25, 2009 9:03 pm |
The said poster Me did it on purpose would i do it again Yes in a heartbeat,All you clowns are clueless.H,S, knows that Carmine was an independent dealer for many years,And his distain for Carmine is because Dyson tried the dealers first and the dealers REJECTED Dyson in a hurry,So H.S. lumps all vac shop owners as unethical,greedy,rip off artists,who should be banned from ever putting a key in the door.
I have been following this trend for 5 years now. So hows this for HONESTY D,I,B,, YOUR NOTHING BUT A CORPORATE CLINGON HIDING BEHIND i SUPPORT INVENTORS, Your so full of B,S, your eyes should be brown.......
MOLE Mole, Of course you changed HS words deliberately to fit your motives. Carmine (a fellow dealer-brother con) said it was a computer error and that too was a con. Profit margin is KING with independent dealers. Dealers turn down Dyson primarily for this reason only. The DC07 has a miniscule $120 or so margin and a $0 bags and belts margin. Economics (huge margins of hyped tired vacuums), not Dyson products are the reasons Dyson is lied about by bad-mouthing-sellers of competitive vacuums and/or there are the jealous of Dyson’s success independents too. So-called hi-end vac’s have margins 4-8 times that of the DC07, anyone can do the math. Many in sales/services of all kinds are happy with their career choices. Yet and for some pathetic reason many bad-mouthing part swapper independent Dealers are frustrated when they watch what looks to them... was easy money and fame Dyson achieved. Bad-mouthing independents fail to recognize Sir James is very intelligent and this God given intelligence and courage and against the odds determination and not luck made him. As for your Dyson likes to sue and other garbage claims, they too are simply another con... I’ve seen many of the lawsuits and Dyson has very few on file. So the Dyson is sue-happy con that you and Carmine use is just that... a con. Dyson spends/has spent up to $45m annually in U.S. advertising. When your hyped-made with in the public domain, off-the-shelf parts and design vacuums spend nothing in advertising this translates into bigger margins for independent dealers. And since the tired vacuum manufacturers spend little to nothing in R&D this translates into more or bigger margins for the independent dealers. Manufacturers sell em cheap and vac’s are marked up astronomically and hyped as special. They vac alike/almost alike and filter no better than any sack N choke. Remember... inventors like Dyson do what they do so guys like you can wake up and have a job. Bad-mouther’s and rock-throwers are a dime-a-dozen, creators of life changing, job creating, wealth creating widgets or service’s are not. Remember... it was you who illustrated how easy it is to make strong sack N choke vacuums using junk parts. Vice Dyson... Dyson holds many utility patents, which translates into world exclusives and moneymakers. The vac’s you sell can be equaled with junk parts and sold to the public and it’s all perfectly legal. Not so with Dyson. Bissell and TTI for example had to wait (or almost) 20 years until they could make a dual cyclone. The Ball is a Dyson world exclusive and moneymaker and cannot be copied until year 2025 or so. Dyson has the cleanest hose/wand combo exclusive on the planet. Again, your high margined, "hyped as special vac’s" can be made and equaled/near equaled and sold publicly using junk parts and it's all perfectly legal. Not so with Dyson, patent laws protect Dyson, a reward system for hard work and intelligence. DIB P.S. Certainly many independents are honest, but most are not. Independents and/or their enthusiast’s buddies are the number one Dyson bad-mouther’s posing as consumers at review sites. Fact.
This message was modified Jul 25, 2009 by DysonInventsBig