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Dyson DC31 Handheld cleaner
Original Message Jun 25, 2009 6:06 am |
In the press today:- details:- - Motor goes at 106,000rpm 'three times faster than any other motor'
- 200 watt motor
- 65/38 air watts (switchable power??)
- £129.99 GBP RRP, powered brush version £149.99
I think the devil will be in the other details, as we learn them. Presumably it's using the Dyson Digital motor? From the photo, the collection bin looks slightly deeper and has a more prominent release switch. It has improved max suction (DC16 has 36 air watts) so I'm presuming (nay hoping) that it can run in standard mode for more than 5mins and switch to a 'turbo' mode as needed? I have prefectly good DC16, but I could be tempted by something with a longer run time and twice the already impresive suction for car cleaning.
Joined: Dec 30, 2007
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Re: Dyson DC31 Handheld cleaner
Reply #58 Jul 10, 2009 3:18 pm |
Let's be honest. Dyson has a right to exist the same as any other manufacturer. My complaint most times has to do with practicality, performance and price not only by way of Dyson which in the end is far less expensive than Miele, Bosch, Rainbow, Kirby, FQ, Miracle Mate and the Schoettler machines. So far none them are out of business either.
A person has the right to whatever brand or model vacuum strikes his or her fancy. However, if asked for a recommendation I will not lean on hype.
Hi Venson:
James was totally unprepared for the economic conditions existing in the world today. The dyson business model, sales thru big box stores, which are suffering from the worse consumer buying recession since the Great Depression, is a very shakey sales venue right now. The other brands you site have been tried and tested in the past and survived well. Why? Good business models to weather all economic conditions. MIELE and BOSCH brands have the added benefits of a diverse range of household appliances as well as the German engineering to boot. James' business model puts the fate of the bulk of dysons' sales into the hands of third party big box retailers. Same with dyson parts and repairs which rely on third party independent vacuum store owners and operators. In hard times, these third party concerns are more concerned with their own survival and not that of a unrelated brand for which they have no vested interest in survival. Carmine D.
Joined: Dec 30, 2007
Points: 5894
Re: Dyson DC31 Handheld cleaner
Reply #59 Jul 10, 2009 3:29 pm |
hi carmine But then again dyson may survive.......we must not forget about the ''DYSON ELITE''......a '' niche '' group of dedicated and loyal supporters.... to SIR JAMES and his '' niche ''vacuum ....but never mind the fact that some of those '' DYSON ELITE '' dont own a dyson..never baught a dyson or wont buy a dyson....hmmm.... yeah thats got '' LOYALTY '' written all over with loyalty like that ,,how can dyson go wrong.
Hello 'turtle1'
As a general rule customers loyal to a brand account for less than 10 percent of the brand's sales. In fact, most companies will say flat out that that their loyal customers are not their bread butter. This is true to form here where we hear loyal dyson buyers who have not purchased a new dyson since the DC07, or bought a DC15 from BEST BUY for $300 vice the $600 MSRP. How many have sprung for a newer ball models? Or a DDM model? Or a DC28? Why? Performance concerns? Prices too high? Hard times don't allow the luxury of a new vacuum when the old is working okay? All the above. Time is ticking on dyson. James needs to move quickly to reinvent the company and pricing its products. Else doom and gloom for the ONE billionaire dollar Brit [down from $2 B in 2006]. Carmine D.
Joined: May 15, 2009
Points: 358
Re: Dyson DC31 Handheld cleaner
Reply #60 Jul 10, 2009 4:00 pm |
Let's be honest. Dyson has a right to exist the same as any other manufacturer. My complaint most times has to do with practicality, performance and price not only by way of Dyson which in the end is far less expensive than Miele, Bosch, Rainbow, Kirby, FQ, Miracle Mate and the Schoettler machines. So far none them are out of business either.
A person has the right to whatever brand or model vacuum strikes his or her fancy. However, if asked for a recommendation I will not lean on hype.
Venson i totally agree....and believe in freedom of choice. never said otherwise. ...but if you critisize all who dont have a dyson
or have a different outlook as you about a dyson then at least own one. just as i love riccar and panasonic, someone else may not. and thats fine....i respect that . i also feel the other units you mentioned are of outstanding quality .build .performance .matierials .engineering... all true high end units. that will outlast most if not all. but the price of those units is not something id matter what. when a customer asks my opinion..i give it. ..but its an honest one. if i dont know much about a certain brand...then i say so. i sell within their budget and stand by that sale.....i recommend what i know and feel to be the best choice for their needs. i totally respect your view...and what you have to say...and always will ...i do understand all your points ....but as ive said before'' i give dyson credit where credit is do. but high is not.... but thats just my opinion.
Joined: May 15, 2009
Points: 358
Re: Dyson DC31 Handheld cleaner
Reply #62 Jul 11, 2009 3:04 pm |
Hello Venson, 'turtle1' Dyson will survive but not as the dominant bagless vacuum product that many forecasted and predicted years ago when dyson came on the USA scene. I recall dyson forum shills/supporters heralding dyson's rise to prominence over all other brands in the USA JUST AS IT DID IN THE UK. These dyson advocates told us the vacuum consumers in the USA was no different than the UK. In the last 7 plus years we may have learned that the UK vacuum consumers are no different than those in the USA. Dyson is carving out a niche market at best and needs to be content with that status in the industry. Not to impugn that achievement. It's an accomplishment. Just not quite on the same scale as dyson expected. Carmine D. hi carmine
i guess james will have to be content with 1 billion...guess it beats being a millionaire.. yes i agree dyson will wedge himself into a small corner of the market. and if his presence keeps all the comp on thier toes..all the better i say. keeps things fresh.... From what i have seen and heard from customers was that the dc7 was their was it the dyson that had been given to me...and gave away. all others who bought the models after..disliked them. complained..or just bought something love. I wish i knew more about the european seems as if the uk is the place to be for some cool looking vacs. i like dyson..the inventor....i like a few of his ideas...and i hope to see the ddm take off and do all james said it would do love to see the vac industry go to all digital hi power motors....dysons idea ? yes. But without a doubt his compitition will make a far more powerful version of it.....and top the charts as usual,
Joined: May 15, 2009
Points: 358
Re: Dyson DC31 Handheld cleaner
Reply #64 Jul 11, 2009 4:07 pm |
Hi 'turtle1' According to Forbes magazine: James was worth $2 B in 2006 [probably his best year for profitability]; $1.7 B in 2007 [the recession set in the last quarter of 2007], and $1.2 B in 2008 [officially th recession date is January 2008 and still]. Do you see which way the trend is going for dyson? James may be in the millionaire class now in 2009. Beyond? Who knows? Still not bad for him. However, the wealth editor of the Forbes magazine who tracks and publishes the yearly list of the world's richest, says on record that the billionaires who fall are the ones who fall the hardest. They get use to the perks and celebrity treatment. When that goes away, they don't adjust very well. Carmine D. hi carmine
yeah i can see a change like that can totally mess up your chi....your happy place. kinda like when my sweet wife and i were dating and she'd come over and cook nice dinners all the this is heaven id hard workig man needs a good dinner she'd say. then oneday we got married.......... and now the cashiers at mcdonalds know us by i myself havent ajusted very well either. hahaha
Joined: May 15, 2009
Points: 358
Re: Dyson DC31 Handheld cleaner
Reply #65 Jul 12, 2009 12:28 am |
Does dyson have any plans at all ''to ever put a cord on this [removeable for cordless use] Id see it as a really good move. ..make it more universal OR is he going to sell it till its sales hit bottom....then revive it in another color w/ removeable a deep price cut? to stay close to the more powerful half the price corded comp ? or is everything dyson makes going to be and stay in the higher priced niche category , that gets outperformed by all at a much lower price. With a very competitive price and A CORD.....i see this being dysons only product that can compete or has a chance at breaking loose of the niche lable.
Joined: Dec 30, 2007
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Re: Dyson DC31 Handheld cleaner
Reply #66 Jul 12, 2009 3:03 am |
Hello 'turtle1' A short history of McDonalds: A purchase of 100 shares in April 1965 at $2200 by August 1987 resulted in 18,000 shares at $500,000 if the owner reinvested all the stock dividends into new shares. One of my favorite places for coffee. And I must admit I indulge in a big Mac and fries with a Coke every so often too. On the DC30 and DC31, a separate cord in a rewinder that can be attached and detached to the unit and not part of the held held weight when used with the cord. Excellent idea. Carmine D.
Joined: May 15, 2009
Points: 358
Re: Dyson DC31 Handheld cleaner
Reply #67 Jul 12, 2009 7:32 am |
Hello 'turtle1' A short history of McDonalds: A purchase of 100 shares in April 1965 at $2200 by August 1987 resulted in 18,000 shares at $500,000 if the owner reinvested all the stock dividends into new shares. One of my favorite places for coffee. And I must admit I indulge in a big Mac and fries with a Coke every so often too. On the DC30 and DC31, a separate cord in a rewinder that can be attached and detached to the unit and not part of the held held weight when used with the cord. Excellent idea. Carmine D. hi carmine As a kid in the 80s i can remember dad saying how he wished he had a piece of mcdonalds...instead of NATIONAL / PAN-AM airlines....if only. i had my product tester / evaluator [my wife]..try his a UT video.....thinks it looks like one of those SCUNCE steamers.....not too heavy but needs cord and hasnt much power beyond that of a small dustbuster her grandma used to have...willing to put up with a loud motor only if its got the power / suction to offset. but a larger battery or much heavier version would make it heavy on wrist...overall / likes the look , doesnt mind emptying cup aft each use , needs detachable cord , power not on par with the price....way overpriced....get more for much less from its competitors.