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Dyson DC31 Handheld cleaner
Original Message Jun 25, 2009 6:06 am |
In the press today:- details:- - Motor goes at 106,000rpm 'three times faster than any other motor'
- 200 watt motor
- 65/38 air watts (switchable power??)
- £129.99 GBP RRP, powered brush version £149.99
I think the devil will be in the other details, as we learn them. Presumably it's using the Dyson Digital motor? From the photo, the collection bin looks slightly deeper and has a more prominent release switch. It has improved max suction (DC16 has 36 air watts) so I'm presuming (nay hoping) that it can run in standard mode for more than 5mins and switch to a 'turbo' mode as needed? I have prefectly good DC16, but I could be tempted by something with a longer run time and twice the already impresive suction for car cleaning.
Location: USA
Joined: Jul 30, 2007
Points: 1454
Re: Dyson DC31 Handheld cleaner
Reply #272 Aug 16, 2009 2:49 pm |
DIB: Don't you ever get tired and weary of posting the same sugar coated lies here. Doesn't your conscience bother you? No it can't. You don't know enough about vacuums and the vacuum industry to have the conscience of a wise vacuum professional. You're a babe in the woods. The only 'con' game my dyson friend is being perpetrated by dyson. The dyson ponzi scheme applied to its products has nothing to do with science. Unless you are referring to sugar coated bull shine as science. It's quite simple: Overstate, falsify, and exaggerate dyson product claims with glitzy adds and marketing so you can overcharge consumers for mediocre products and performance. Pay dyson pawns [like you] who know nothing about the vacuum industry and don't have the judgement/wisdom to know any better to talk up the dyson brand on public vacuum forums and with 5 star product reviews. Defend dyson's mediocrity in the vacuum industry at all costs against the independent truth tellers who post honestly and accurately about the ongoing problems with many dyson products. Of which there are scores to name. Build up the overpriced dyson brand as premium product by impugning the years old vacuum brands and models with established reps in the industry that outperform dyson models for much less hands down. That's the dyson game plan. Always has been. Probably always will be too. Like all shams and ponzi schemes it can only work just for a little awhile. Once the truth be known, the gig is up [to quote my friend MOLE here]. Oh sure dyson will be around like MIke W. says. At least for the near future. Lots of cult followers with PT Barnum signs posted on their foreheads. But sooner or later, these too figure it out [you included] and fade away never to be heard from again. Carmine D. Feel free to demonstrate. DIB
Location: USA
Joined: Jul 30, 2007
Points: 1454
Re: Dyson DC31 Handheld cleaner
Reply #273 Aug 16, 2009 3:00 pm |
Seriously?... You cant get mad cause a dealer voices his opinion of a product when asked...some trash dyson more than others. it is what it is. You can also be a service center and not like what you service.....but you service to bring in money so you can pay the bills and take care of your people...thats not only business....its taking care of business. How much a dealer charges to work on a dyson is the dealers view...choice. on how they view the job and the time it takes them...not how long YOU think it will/should take...overcharging?.. are you there for all repairs? in day out?.. What a dealer carries is his/her choice and what sells good in the areas around you...your selling whats viewed as the best you feel is the best in vacuums.....most dealers hate anything bagless...period....and dyson falls in with it too.....gotta respect that view. the only way your gonna get the respect you feel dyson deserves is to open coast to coast dyson only serv. centers....that can and will solve all your dyson gripes....views ..opinions...points of view...james included. To all who copied what . they took current tech and made it at a far lower price..same perf and quality...poss better ..leaving the public to ask why does dyson charge way more for the same product.....same thing just diff name?....yet no answer for the public. No matter what vac you have..your gonna have usage costs....some more some less.........comes with your choice/what you picked. Many would say anybody who pushes a dyson is a con...of an overpriced $250-300 vac.....for 600+...but i say they gotta respect what you see in it...your views as to why its the best.....your right to choose. all the comp did was make what dyson foot the bill for...and make it affordable /just as durable /poss better......capitalized on where dyson and his team fell short...saw it solved it and capitalized on it......cant get mad about that...gotta envy and respect the eyes and minds that caught it...and capitalized on it. turtle1
In the context of your many Dyson bad-mouthing posts... When a Dyson dealer distributes what you deem - “an opinion” it is called slander and cause for their dealership termination. Dyson too, [has many more] families to feed. Society can easily survive when less than truthful mom and pops are caught and then shut down. Society has a much tougher time surviving when invention factories and large employers are shut down. DIB
This message was modified Aug 16, 2009 by DysonInventsBig
Location: USA
Joined: Jul 30, 2007
Points: 1454
Re: Dyson DC31 Handheld cleaner
Reply #275 Aug 16, 2009 4:53 pm |
Retardturtle, A good horse race and a fair shot at winning and/or improving is a good thing for all. DIB
If my vacuum can remove even one spec of dirt that yours misses, then mine is better than yours - even if there's no proof that mine would have picked up as much dirt as yours...
Joined: Jul 30, 2007
Points: 397
Re: Dyson DC31 Handheld cleaner
Reply #276 Aug 16, 2009 8:18 pm |
In the context of your many Dyson bad-mouthing posts... When a Dyson dealer distributes what you deem - “an opinion” it is called slander and cause for their dealership termination. Dyson too, [has many more] families to feed. Society can easily survive when less than truthful mom and pops are caught and then shut down. Society has a much tougher time surviving when invention factories and large employers are shut down.
DIB DIB, You are full of crap (again). A dealer is free to tell the truth about any product. Independent dealers carry many lines and customers expect to get honest opinions about all of the lines - including strengths and weaknesses. What part of independent vacuum cleaner store don't you understand? As the repairers of many brands, independents are particularly adept at recognizing strengths and weaknesses in products. I can't imagine an independent dealer agreeing to treat one supplier better than all others. Dyson can certainly try to censor dealers with contractual obligations to say only nice things about Dyson, but it is never slander to tell the truth. Perhaps you were thinking of some other word. You claim to have inside information about the contracts between Dyson and independent vacuum cleaner stores. You claim that all employees of the dealers are required to only say nice things about Dysons. Can we assume that your opinions are the official company opinions? Are we to assume that Dyson is such a sleazy company that they have gestapo type forces that go around to see if anyone repairing or selling Dysons is saying not nice things about Dyson? Please explain.
The smart tyrant writes his own story to ensure that it is favorable. The lazy will repeat lines from the book without fact checking.
Location: USA
Joined: Jul 30, 2007
Points: 1454
Re: Dyson DC31 Handheld cleaner
Reply #277 Aug 17, 2009 1:30 am |
You are full of crap (again). A dealer is free to tell the truth about any product. Independent dealers carry many lines and customers expect to get honest opinions about all of the lines - including strengths and weaknesses. What part of independent vacuum cleaner store don't you understand? As the repairers of many brands, independents are particularly adept at recognizing strengths and weaknesses in products. I can't imagine an independent dealer agreeing to treat one supplier better than all others.
Dyson can certainly try to censor dealers with contractual obligations to say only nice things about Dyson, but it is never slander to tell the truth. Perhaps you were thinking of some other word.
You claim to have inside information about the contracts between Dyson and independent vacuum cleaner stores. You claim that all employees of the dealers are required to only say nice things about Dysons. Can we assume that your opinions are the official company opinions? Are we to assume that Dyson is such a sleazy company that they have gestapo type forces that go around to see if anyone repairing or selling Dysons is saying not nice things about Dyson? Please explain. Severus, Take it easy. You take your “vacuum enthusiasm” way-to serious and way-over complicate the uncomplicated. Like the “truth” dealers you vouch for - you too twist-the-truth (my words) as needed. DIB P.S. When you get ruffled, your writing style is dead-on to Venson's.
This message was modified Aug 17, 2009 by DysonInventsBig
Joined: Dec 30, 2007
Points: 5894
Re: Dyson DC31 Handheld cleaner
Reply #278 Aug 17, 2009 2:44 am |
Feel free to demonstrate.
You are full of crap (again). A dealer is free to tell the truth about any product. Independent dealers carry many lines and customers expect to get honest opinions about all of the lines - including strengths and weaknesses. What part of independent vacuum cleaner store don't you understand? As the repairers of many brands, independents are particularly adept at recognizing strengths and weaknesses in products. I can't imagine an independent dealer agreeing to treat one supplier better than all others.
Dyson can certainly try to censor dealers with contractual obligations to say only nice things about Dyson, but it is never slander to tell the truth. Perhaps you were thinking of some other word.
You claim to have inside information about the contracts between Dyson and independent vacuum cleaner stores. You claim that all employees of the dealers are required to only say nice things about Dysons. Can we assume that your opinions are the official company opinions? Are we to assume that Dyson is such a sleazy company that they have gestapo type forces that go around to see if anyone repairing or selling Dysons is saying not nice things about Dyson? Please explain. Not to good on all those %numbers..dollar value ..never have been. ..but its about the best quality ,performance . multi-use durable vacuum at the best price....that does what the the customer needs it to it not? what are people buying...and from who?.....that tells you who they want and what they like /want. ...dollar value of market doesnt really show what the people....the customer really wants....only my view.. and i may see things backwards due to my lack of knowledge in the the stock /shares market .......i figure if you take care of the customer.....theyll take care of you.
turtle1 Retardturtle,
A good horse race and a fair shot at winning and/or improving is a good thing for all.
DIB Severus,
Take it easy. You take your “vacuum enthusiasm” way-to serious and way-over complicate the uncomplicated. Like the “truth” dealers you vouch for - you too twist-the-truth (my words) as needed.
P.S. When you get ruffled, your writing style is dead-on to Venson's. DIB: Just like James, you whine. An honest horse race, not fixed, is good for everybody most importantly the bettors. Honest independent vacuum dealers are good for everybody including the industry and consumers. As I see the dyson business model to date in the USA, dyson needs independent vacuum store owners and operators to repair it's products in and out of warranty. Without them, dyson is lacking for the long haul. We are seeing the evidence of that now with dyson consumers not repairing their dyson products. Whenever you are confronted with the truth, you retreat and name call to divert. Stick to the issues and subject. Are you saying as Severus and 'turtle1' posted that James and dyson strong arm the vacuum stores to sugar coat the dyson shortcomings so as to keep their dyson franchises? Do you have inside knowledge of this? Please share here. Carmine D.
This message was modified Aug 17, 2009 by CarmineD
If my vacuum can remove even one spec of dirt that yours misses, then mine is better than yours - even if there's no proof that mine would have picked up as much dirt as yours...
Joined: Jul 30, 2007
Points: 397
Re: Dyson DC31 Handheld cleaner
Reply #279 Aug 17, 2009 6:25 am |
Take it easy. You take your “vacuum enthusiasm” way-to serious and way-over complicate the uncomplicated. Like the “truth” dealers you vouch for - you too twist-the-truth (my words) as needed.
P.S. When you get ruffled, your writing style is dead-on to Venson's. Please explain your words. I'm wondering whether "the truth" and "your words" are even close to being the same. So do you have inside information about the language in Dyson business contracts as you implied? Does Dyson bully dealers by telling them what they can and cannot say? That's what your comments seemed to imply. I'm hoping that you will clarify. I think many of us would be very disappointed to think that Dyson used bully tactics to control what dealers and their employees say. I would like to think that Dyson is above that. Dysons, in general, are fairly good products overall. They've had their big losers, but they've also had some winners. It's taken them a while to figure out how to clean American rugs, but they are making progress. Certainly a 5-6 minute time limit on a handheld doesn't seem like much of a winner to me.
I guess I am honored that my writing style is similar to Venson's. I've always admired him for his opinions, even when they disagree with mine. He has a lot more experience with vacuums than I. It is remarkable to me that someone in the northeast could have the exact same writing style as someone in the southwest given the differences in local dialects. Are you also an expert in linguistics DIB?
This message was modified Aug 17, 2009 by Severus
The smart tyrant writes his own story to ensure that it is favorable. The lazy will repeat lines from the book without fact checking.
Joined: Dec 30, 2007
Points: 5894
Re: Dyson DC31 Handheld cleaner
Reply #280 Aug 17, 2009 9:59 am |
Please explain your words. I'm wondering whether "the truth" and "your words" are even close to being the same. So do you have inside information about the language in Dyson business contracts as you implied? Does Dyson bully dealers by telling them what they can and cannot say? That's what your comments seemed to imply. I'm hoping that you will clarify. I think many of us would be very disappointed to think that Dyson used bully tactics to control what dealers and their employees say. I would like to think that Dyson is above that. Dysons, in general, are fairly good products overall. They've had their big losers, but they've also had some winners. It's taken them a while to figure out how to clean American rugs, but they are making progress. Certainly a 5-6 minute time limit on a handheld doesn't seem like much of a winner to me. I guess I am honored that my writing style is similar to Venson's. I've always admired him for his opinions, even when they disagree with mine. He has a lot more experience with vacuums than I. It is remarkable to me that someone in the northeast could have the exact same writing style as someone in the southwest given the differences in local dialects. Are you also an expert in linguistics DIB? Hello Severus:
Yes, about the same level and degree as vacuums: Zero. I once comlimented Dusty for his word smithing here and DIB got his underwear in a knot and posted a nasty response to me: "Back Off' I believe were his exact words. Dusty had to quote Webster's Dictionary definition of word smithing to DIB to convince and assure him that my post was indeed a huge compliment to Dusty's writing. Carmine D.
Joined: May 15, 2009
Points: 358
Re: Dyson DC31 Handheld cleaner
Reply #281 Aug 17, 2009 11:16 am |
In the context of your many Dyson bad-mouthing posts... When a Dyson dealer distributes what you deem - “an opinion” it is called slander and cause for their dealership termination. Dyson too, [has many more] families to feed. Society can easily survive when less than truthful mom and pops are caught and then shut down. Society has a much tougher time surviving when invention factories and large employers are shut down.
DIB DIB.....I say what i gotta say. ..and stand by all of it...I expressed my views......from first hand day in day out no pro but i am expierenced....and know enough to know when i see a $200 6min waste of time and money......useless. not a wise purchase in any cord no power.....all bagless vacs are more trouble than they are worth....and society can survive without another overpriced dyson on the market ...if i disagree with you DIB...ill tell you i do and explain why...without second thought...while giving you the respect you deserve.. The dealer / owner....can express his views if they feel another brand is supirior to what they carry......based on exp.. and thats your really reaching DIB.
This message was modified Aug 17, 2009 by retardturtle1