Hello Venson, retardturtle1:
You posted and cited a link for the pano Opti-Flow series uprights and canisters. A component of these bypass motor vacuums is the signature tpano tri-force motor. For old-timers, like me, this motor resembles the fan design in the Lux 30's, which you mentioned too Venson. The 32 percent more air flow circulating throughout these panosonic units, including the bag and motor cavities, is attributed in large part to the tri-force motor as well as the design and operation of bag in the bag cavity. Enjoy.
Carmine D.
The Panasonic TriForce Motor is only available in some upright models in a special subset of the Panasonic Performance Plus series. It develops about 1/3 more suction compared to the current 1-fan models described on Panasonic Authorized Dealer websites.
Panasonic is playing a game of "Hide and Seek" with their policy of not selling the models in this special subset to dealers who promote them on the web. Since these models are quite popular in our stores we choose to not include them on our website. However, they are shown and described briefly on Panasonic's website. See their Panasonic MC-UG773 upright, Panasonic MC-UG589 upright and Panasonic MC-UG585 upright. Also in this special series is the deluxe Panasonic MC-V9658 canister with power nozzle. Since the Triforce motor is an upright motor, the canister has a different motor which is still quite powerful.
The MC-V5200 Series has been discontinued, being replaced by the MC-UG580 series. To learn more about these special vacuums, please send an e-mail to us or call toll free at 800-413-2778 to discuss them and their availability.
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