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The all new Dyson DC26 "Japan"
Original Message   Mar 13, 2009 1:05 pm
Dyson Japan

This message was modified Mar 14, 2009 by Acerone
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Joined: Jul 15, 2009
Points: 192

Re: The all new Dyson DC26 "Japan"
Reply #91   Oct 10, 2009 4:11 pm
DIB, H.S.,

            To me Dyson is a Niche cleaner with others trying to grab a piece of the action.What percentage of the business is Dyson trying to get? What percentage of the country will buy Dyson? I don't mean Dollars spent but percentage of the machines sold. As far as Dyson's service , there is always one coming in whereever there are Dysons sold. Parts would not be available if they weren't.  No vacuum cleaner even the weak powered Dyson are invincible and don't need repair. The new DC-26 is weak at 165 airwatts power. It compares to some of the of the better performers of the late 1980's.  Sanyo sold a Mite Hunter in the 80's advertised with 170 airwatts power.

           Dyson is not God's gift to the people as you would have us believe. A man had an idea and people said they liked the idea. Many are being turned off after using the various cleaners including Dyson. As long as there is someone out there that hasn't heard of Dyson and his concept there will be some sales. But there will always be repair.




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Re: The all new Dyson DC26 "Japan"
Reply #92   Oct 10, 2009 4:25 pm
procare wrote:
DIB, H.S.,

            To me Dyson is a Niche cleaner with others trying to grab a piece of the action.What percentage of the business is Dyson trying to get? What percentage of the country will buy Dyson? I don't mean Dollars spent but percentage of the machines sold. As far as Dyson's service , there is always one coming in whereever there are Dysons sold. Parts would not be available if they weren't.  No vacuum cleaner even the weak powered Dyson are invincible and don't need repair. The new DC-26 is weak at 165 airwatts power. It compares to some of the of the better performers of the late 1980's.  Sanyo sold a Mite Hunter in the 80's advertised with 170 airwatts power.

           Dyson is not God's gift to the people as you would have us believe. A man had an idea and people said they liked the idea. Many are being turned off after using the various cleaners including Dyson. As long as there is someone out there that hasn't heard of Dyson and his concept there will be some sales. But there will always be repair.



For an inventors kid, you sure fail to see the upside to patentable and problem solving inventions.



Joined: Dec 30, 2007
Points: 5894

Re: The all new Dyson DC26 "Japan"
Reply #93   Oct 10, 2009 4:37 pm
DysonInventsBig wrote:
...Yet you slave to lies.  I doubt you spent even one day in this "freedom" (after childhood), if you did you'd want to remain there.


You hide behind lies.  42 years in the same location in the vacuum cleaner sales and service business.  Honesty is the best policy.

Carmine D.


Joined: Aug 21, 2007
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Re: The all new Dyson DC26 "Japan"
Reply #94   Oct 10, 2009 4:54 pm
procare wrote:
DIB, H.S.,

            To me Dyson is a Niche cleaner with others trying to grab a piece of the action.What percentage of the business is Dyson trying to get? What percentage of the country will buy Dyson? I don't mean Dollars spent but percentage of the machines sold. As far as Dyson's service , there is always one coming in whereever there are Dysons sold. Parts would not be available if they weren't.  No vacuum cleaner even the weak powered Dyson are invincible and don't need repair. The new DC-26 is weak at 165 airwatts power. It compares to some of the of the better performers of the late 1980's.  Sanyo sold a Mite Hunter in the 80's advertised with 170 airwatts power.

           Dyson is not God's gift to the people as you would have us believe. A man had an idea and people said they liked the idea. Many are being turned off after using the various cleaners including Dyson. As long as there is someone out there that hasn't heard of Dyson and his concept there will be some sales. But there will always be repair.



I have never claimed Dyson to be trouble free.  Nor have I claimed that they are the best for everyone.  I do believe that there is a lot of deceipt among the anti Dysoners. They dislike Dyson because the didn't or can't sell dyson as indys.    Airwatts have been discussed many times here.  I do not believe that airwatts is the only measure of performance.  Neither do I believe that the brush with out proper suction is any better.  Oreck produces a high RPM brush.  However, it will not deep clean carpet.  BTW, cleaning hourly or daily does not constitute deep cleaning.  Only surface cleaning.

Hoover and Oreck are not god sends. However some would lead us to believe that they are.  I doubt that you ever admit to a prospective customer that there are other brands as good (or better) as you sell.

I agree.  They all need service, repairs, bags, etc.  If all those other brands are so good why is this?


Joined: Dec 30, 2007
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Re: The all new Dyson DC26 "Japan"
Reply #95   Oct 11, 2009 2:56 am

Dancing the pay toilet shuffle.  You were the one here who said dyson has never regained the performance in vacuums that it achieved with a DC07.  Hence the reason you don't own and use one.  That's what you said.  Right!  If after 9 years of trying and 500 engineers dyson still can't match a flawed ridden DC07, then the "anti-dysoners' here have it spot on as my UK friend says.  You my good friend and DIB are living in the glory days of dyson's past.

Carmine D.


Joined: Dec 30, 2007
Points: 5894

Re: The all new Dyson DC26 "Japan"
Reply #96   Oct 11, 2009 3:02 am
DysonInventsBig wrote:
For an inventors kid, you sure fail to see the upside to patentable and problem solving inventions.


However, unless you are still living in the glory days of dyson's past, as I allege, you would admit that Procare has it all exactly right.  A DC26 has 165 AW.  A standard in suction power achieved in the vacuum industry in 1980's, almost 3 decades ago [one whole generation].  Where's the innovation in that?  Other than the high price and baby size.  On the latter, Venson cogently explains that others have come before.

Carmine D.

This message was modified Oct 11, 2009 by CarmineD

Joined: Dec 30, 2007
Points: 5894

Re: The all new Dyson DC26 "Japan"
Reply #97   Oct 11, 2009 3:24 am

You should know by now that it is not about vacuum sales.  It is about profits in parts accessories and REPAIRS, hence the dislike for Dyson.  Carmine supported repairs and parts for 3 major cities.  Never sold a Dyson or Dyson part.  Yet he tells us how poor the quality is with Dyson. 

Truth is the other brands require as many or more repairs, belts bags, etc than Dyson.  Otherwise those like Carmine could not have survived and the others would not have such a dislike for Dyson.

Did I forget to mention that Dyson has bitten one when he down played their possibility of being a threat to another brand?

It is a well known industry fact that bagged vacuums, from the cheapest $40 Dirt Devil to the most expensive import, are and always will be more resilient to user abuse and misuse than a bagless dyson.  Ask any of the indies, dyson authorized too, who repair.  Look at yourself.  You were so confident in your DC07, what did you do?  You bought an extended service plan from BEST BUY along with your purchase.  Then couldn't use it because you sold the DC07 a few years after purchase.  Pay toilet dancing again.

HS you fail miserably to comprehend the reality of the consumer economy and spending on the the vacuum repair and parts business.  Vacuum users have to agree to doing the repairs and buying new/used parts.  In good times, vacuum customers forego vacuum parts and repairs and instead buy new every few years.  Big box rip off stores see their profits skyrocket.  In bad times, vacuum customers defer new vacuum purchases and instead repair their old vacuums.  Indies can make a decent living.  Too high prices, and/or shoddy workmanship, and the vacuum indies would lose the repairs, and parts business.  That's a formula for going out of business real quick like in bad times like these. 

Carmine D.

This message was modified Oct 11, 2009 by CarmineD

Joined: Dec 30, 2007
Points: 5894

Re: The all new Dyson DC26 "Japan"
Reply #98   Oct 11, 2009 4:04 am
You HS and your anti indy poster DIB luv to minimalize the achievements/business acumen of the independent vacuum cleaner store owners and operators.  The backbone of the vacuum industry.  You malign and impugn us whenever you can.  When the we reciprocate with valid consumer and industry expert criticisms for the big box store vacuum brands, products and companies, who slave to them like your dyson and HOOVER, you take personal offense.  You call us names and try to undermine our business integrity and skills.  Have you or DIB ever been self-employed and run your own business.  For 42 years?  For one year?

Like I always tell DIB and it applies as much to you too:  Before you criticize the splinter in your neighbor's eye, remove the log from your own.  [That comes from the same good BOOK that DIB often quotes here when it suits his purpose].

Carmine D.



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Re: The all new Dyson DC26 "Japan"
Reply #99   Oct 11, 2009 4:42 am
Hi Carmine,

I personally enjoy being the thorn in their side, So called big military industrial complex like corporations believe they are invincible and can get away with anything they want,This includes fleecing the consumer and being protected by the laws and the lawmakers who sold the little guys[middle class] out for profits and greed.

Anyone remember the french revolution.LET THEM EAT CAKE, or i got mine and the hell with you.

Dysons upright is made for less than 80 bucks.................

Joined: Jul 15, 2009
Points: 192

Re: The all new Dyson DC26 "Japan"
Reply #100   Oct 11, 2009 8:51 am
Seeing Dyson machines on sale for up to $100 off a cleaner that people said didn't need a sale price -my my. This is in the Dyson web site. Remanufactured machines too. That is an awful small digital motor. Says the magnet is tens that of a refridgerator magnet. The refridgerator magnets I see are not that powerful anyway.


This message was modified Oct 11, 2009 by procare
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