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Oreck sues Dyson TWICE over Dyson's advertised claim of - “No Loss of Suction”...
Original Message   Mar 1, 2009 12:50 pm
Story here:

This message was modified Mar 1, 2009 by DysonInventsBig

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Re: Oreck sues Dyson TWICE over Dyson's advertised claim of - “No Loss of Suction”...
Reply #54   Jul 22, 2009 8:15 am
I agree with my colleagues here like MOLE and lazaruspup.  But... the "d" brand falls way short on its business model [sales thru big box retailers] while the timeless ORECK excels by sales/service/parts through ORECK stores nationwide. 

Tho dyson and its supporters here taut more vacuum patents than all the other vacuum brands from the beginning of time, it costs buku money to pay an in-house cadre of lawyers and have on call an outside group of lawyers to protect and defend those patents.  Money that a company with falling sales GLOBALLY year over year for the last 3 years can't afford to shell out.

To ORECK's credit, it scarfed up it's competitor's technology at bargain basement prices.  It owns all of halo's rights now.  A smart business move on ORECK's part.  It didn't cost ORECK the yearly salaries of 475 engineers on staff and who knows how many more high paid lawyers.

Innovation in hard economic times is highly overrated.  A simple basic BISSELL Clearview for $70, ORECK for $199, and HOOVER TEMPO for $85 is an easy sell all the time, not just when times are good.

Carmine D. 

This message was modified Jul 22, 2009 by CarmineD

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Re: Oreck sues Dyson TWICE over Dyson's advertised claim of - “No Loss of Suction”...
Reply #55   Jul 22, 2009 8:40 am
DysonInventsBig wrote:
NO ONE IS COPYING the Dyson Ball.  And the Dyson Ball ranks high in sales per Target, Sears, Best Buy and Walmarts web sites.


CarmineD wrote:

There you go again!  If you are sales puffing with your rose color dyson glasses, fine I can grin and bear the farcical.  If however you are making a statement of fact for us to believe as fact, please provide the sales numbers of the dyson ball models [DC24/25] at any one of these retailers for 2008/2009 as evidence.  I'm told by several store staffs at all these retailers in LV that there is zero demand among its vacuum buying consumers for dyson ball models.  They can't tell me the last time they sold one in the recent past, even with sales and discounts. 

BTW, did Sir James and his engineers resolve/correct the wiring harness defects on its DC25 ball.  The wires come undone rendering the vacuums totally inoperable within just months of purchase.  I know at least one authorized dyson dealer for North Las Vegas who has refused to sell new DC25 $#%* for several months now because of the warranty returns on this model for the motor wiring harnesses.  He keeps a sample handy to show customers who ask about the DC25, like I did.  Here's a question for you to mull and stew over and answer.  How much is Innovative technology costing  $500 worth if it's dead within a few months of purchase?

Carmine D.


Perhaps you should try an independent dealer detox program or sit in a dark room with other con men (oops) and confess all the deceptive independent dealer practices.  Perhaps you could get your buddy to support you and join you...  you know him, the so-called Dyson dealer who’s nailed many Dyson’s to the floor with his garbage side-by-side demo’s. - None of which demonstrate the Sack N Choke filters drastic drop in suction....  If you’ve forgotten, the dealer I’m talking of is the guy you said bought into a dealer program only for/mostly for the warranty work.

How come you fail to mention the fact that Dyson’s competitors have finally woke up to the Dyson technology gravy train and this has an impact on Dyson sales as does the economy too?  Can you explain why TTI, Hoover UK, LG, Samsung, Miele and many others are all attempting to reverse engineer Dyson’s patent claims and use Dyson patents in their patent application referencing?  Samsung is patenting many ways to separate dust from an airstream and attempting to copy the DC18 function.  Their patent drawings unashamedly show a DC18 looking vacuum.

Miele, Hoover UK, Samsung have all applied for and/or have somewhat steerable upright products that came only after the success of the Dyson Ball.  The Dyson Ball is a financial success no matter what independents and frustrated enthusiasts claim.

I have posted links to some of our nations largest retailers which told the Dyson sales story.  I have seen independent (non-Dyson) data on how Dyson sales rose from nothing (2002) and destroyed Hoover/Maytag share.  Will I discuss it here?  No.  Do I care if you believe me?  No.

I think you should stand outside of Oreck assembly with a Garry in one hand and an TTI bag Platinum in the other and ask if the Oreck employees feel better knowing their suits refuse to invest in making the vacuum better and protecting their jobs via utility patents.  It is only a matter of time before Oreck is forced to close down all/most of their US assembly do to their unwillingness to invent product people want and invent product that give them a worldwide monopoly.

This message was modified Jul 22, 2009 by DysonInventsBig


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Re: Oreck sues Dyson TWICE over Dyson's advertised claim of - “No Loss of Suction”...
Reply #56   Jul 22, 2009 9:05 am
mole wrote:
Before being beaten down about having nothing good to offer, I will say that ORECK and DYSON both market their products in different fasion although the advertizing is put out in the same method,Dyson has the bagless cyclonic,never clogs and looses suction mantra that appeals to the buying public,[HEY OUR VACUUM ALWAYS USE TO CLOG AND THE SUCTION WAS TERRIBLE] So this must work look at all the innovation they put into it.It has a nice long story behind it,So half way through the infomercial or sales pitch on the qvc's etc the potential customers eyes glaze over and buy into it.

Oreck goes at it in similar fashion although weight,made in the states, sanitary disposal,remember the 80 year old woman holding the oreck over her head on the cartons in the dealers, Its all in the marketing both DYSON and ORECK have found its nitch markets,is one better than the other [thats for the customer to decide].

As for dyson and oreck  ITS BEEN A GOOD RIDE. And he who has the slickest ads will win,and the most money.

Lets face it where else can you get people to buy a 89.95 vacuum for 500.00 plus.

b.t.w watch out for falling prices,Its getting tuff out there,all that will be left is wally world, and casinos..................



On first read I thought you were referring to Oreck.  Then I realized the sell a $59 vac for $700.

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Re: Oreck sues Dyson TWICE over Dyson's advertised claim of - “No Loss of Suction”...
Reply #57   Jul 22, 2009 9:14 am
CarmineD wrote:
I agree with my colleagues here like MOLE and lazaruspup.  But... the "d" brand falls way short on its business model [sales thru big box retailers] while the timeless ORECK excels by sales/service/parts through ORECK stores nationwide. 

Tho dyson and its supporters here taut more vacuum patents than all the other vacuum brands from the beginning of time, it costs buku money to pay an in-house cadre of lawyers and have on call an outside group of lawyers to protect and defend those patents.  Money that a company with falling sales GLOBALLY year over year for the last 3 years can't afford to shell out.

To ORECK's credit, it scarfed up it's competitor's technology at bargain basement prices.  It owns all of halo's rights now.  A smart business move on ORECK's part.  It didn't cost ORECK the yearly salaries of 475 engineers on staff and who knows how many more high paid lawyers.

Innovation in hard economic times is highly overrated.  A simple basic BISSELL Clearview for $70, ORECK for $199, and HOOVER TEMPO for $85 is an easy sell all the time, not just when times are good.

Carmine D. 

You have stated that Oreck is having a great year.  Where are the figures to show how great sales are.  BTW that Halo is great.  How many did they sell and how much has it boosted Oreck's sales?  Halo is an excellent addition to the Oreck line.  Another poor performer to the existing line.

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Re: Oreck sues Dyson TWICE over Dyson's advertised claim of - “No Loss of Suction”...
Reply #58   Jul 22, 2009 9:48 am
If it is't my two best dyson friends pairing up again.  Business must be bad to have you both here at the same time posting.

DIB, very simple on the bagless models for typical bagged brands.  They are cloning your fave brand and selling cheaper in a down vacuum market/economy to push your high priced brand out!  Dyson may go the same way as halo, and one od the clones might buy up dyson's patent rights dirt cheap.  That's what happens in down markets. 

HS, ORECK did better than your fave brand in 2008 and so far in 2009.  How do I know?  Tom ORECK told me and all others so on national news [FNN].  It's been posted here.  That's why a host of other vacuum brands including the latest Garry are imitating ORECK's giveaways and lightweight products.  Your fave brand too.  As I said, ORECK bought the rights to the competition at bargain basement prices.  Why?  Eliminate the competition.  

Carmine D. 


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Re: Oreck sues Dyson TWICE over Dyson's advertised claim of - “No Loss of Suction”...
Reply #59   Jul 22, 2009 9:58 am
CarmineD wrote:
If it is't my two best dyson friends pairing up again.  Business must be bad to have you both here at the same time posting.

DIB, very simple on the bagless models for typical bagged brands.  They are cloning your fave brand and selling cheaper in a down vacuum market/economy to push your high priced brand out!  Dyson may go the same way as halo, and one od the clones might buy up dyson's patent rights dirt cheap.  That's what happens in down markets. 

HS, ORECK did better than your fave brand in 2008 and so far in 2009.  How do I know?  Tom ORECK told me and all others so on national news [FNN].  It's been posted here.  That's why a host of other vacuum brands including the latest Garry are imitating ORECK's giveaways and lightweight products.  Your fave brand too.  As I said, ORECK bought the rights to the competition at bargain basement prices.  Why?  Eliminate the competition.  

Carmine D. 

Again, what are those figures.  I missed them.  I believe that you have said that Dyson fudged on his numbers.  I would class Oreck below Dyson in honesty, therefore I need something other than an Oreck's word.

Dyson is not exactly competition for Oreck.  Dyson buyers prefer cleaning power over gimmick gifts and a machine that has to be rebuilt annually (at best).


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Re: Oreck sues Dyson TWICE over Dyson's advertised claim of - “No Loss of Suction”...
Reply #60   Jul 22, 2009 10:47 am
Again, what are those figures.  I missed them.  I believe that you have said that Dyson fudged on his numbers.  I would class Oreck below Dyson in honesty, therefore I need something other than an Oreck's word.

Dyson is not exactly competition for Oreck.  Dyson buyers prefer cleaning power over gimmick gifts and a machine that has to be rebuilt annually (at best).


You know that ORECK's sales numbers are proprietary information and released to the public only on a need to know bases.  I'll be as specific about Tom Oreck's remarks on the ORECK financial results for 2008 aired on FNN [which BTW he made in January 2009] as Tom.  ORECK was the first vacuum brand in the industry to comment on 2008 sales results.  What about your fave brand?  Missing in action? 

I'll paraphrase Tom's comments, which were posted here from the FNN video clip:  2008 ORECK sales were not as good as hoped and predicted BUT were much better than many of our leading competitors' brands.  That's all that really matters.  Dyson and ORECK are competitors.  Most recently since the DC18 Slim for $469 then DC24 ball for $399 which compete head on with ORECK.  The Slim is gone.  Discontinued by dyson.  DC24 is sitting unsold on shelves and will go the way of the DC18 if prices are not slashed.  Meanwhile ORECK is chugging along keeping its competition at bay.  So waht dysons do you and DIB own and use?

Carmine D.


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Re: Oreck sues Dyson TWICE over Dyson's advertised claim of - “No Loss of Suction”...
Reply #61   Jul 22, 2009 11:26 am
CarmineD wrote:

You know that ORECK's sales numbers are proprietary information and released to the public only on a need to know bases.  I'll be as specific about Tom Oreck's remarks on the ORECK financial results for 2008 aired on FNN [which BTW he made in January 2009] as Tom.  ORECK was the first vacuum brand in the industry to comment on 2008 sales results.  What about your fave brand?  Missing in action? 

I'll paraphrase Tom's comments, which were posted here from the FNN video clip:  2008 ORECK sales were not as good as hoped  and predicted BUT were much better than many of our leading competitors' brands.  That's all that really matters.  Dyson and ORECK are competitors.  Most recently since the DC18 Slim for $469 then DC24 ball for $399 which compete head on with ORECK.  The Slim is gone.  Discontinued by dyson.  DC24 is sitting unsold on shelves and will go the way of the DC18 if prices are not slashed.  Meanwhile ORECK is chugging along keeping its competition at bay.  So waht dysons do you and DIB own and use?

Carmine D.

CarmineD wrote:
Disagree.  I bought mine and 4 others new for $150 plus shipping and handling.  Now over 2 years old and still going strong.  Same as the others that I gifted away.  They are revered by their users.   ORECK had a stellar year in 2008 and so far this year.  While most vacuum brand sales suffered and fell drastically. 

Carmine D.

Ol Tom's statement does not sound as stellar as yours.  Of course we have come to expect exagerations from you. 

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Re: Oreck sues Dyson TWICE over Dyson's advertised claim of - “No Loss of Suction”...
Reply #62   Jul 22, 2009 11:32 am
CarmineD wrote:

You know that ORECK's sales numbers are proprietary information and released to the public only on a need to know bases.  I'll be as specific about Tom Oreck's remarks on the ORECK financial results for 2008 aired on FNN [which BTW he made in January 2009] as Tom.  ORECK was the first vacuum brand in the industry to comment on 2008 sales results.  What about your fave brand?  Missing in action? 

I'll paraphrase Tom's comments, which were posted here from the FNN video clip:  2008 ORECK sales were not as good as hoped and predicted BUT were much better than many of our leading competitors' brandsThat's all that really matters.  Dyson and ORECK are competitors.  Most recently since the DC18 Slim for $469 then DC24 ball for $399 which compete head on with ORECK.  The Slim is gone.  Discontinued by dyson.  DC24 is sitting unsold on shelves and will go the way of the DC18 if prices are not slashed.  Meanwhile ORECK is chugging along keeping its competition at bay.  So waht dysons do you and DIB own and use?

Carmine D.

You previously told us that Hoover sales were above other brands.  Of course they went broke so yes, it is not all that matters.

Fewer sales and greater profits are longer lasting than high sales and low (or no) profits.


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Re: Oreck sues Dyson TWICE over Dyson's advertised claim of - “No Loss of Suction”...
Reply #63   Jul 22, 2009 2:06 pm

Both TTI/HOOVER and ORECK beat sales numbers of their competitors for 2008 and so far in 2009.  Even Consumer Reports made that claim for HOOVER/TTI: Leading brand seeller.  That makes them both have stellar years.  The leaders are always the winners.  ORECK and TTI/HOOVER are the winners.

Carmine D.

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