Let me address each, if I miss any, let me know:
Firstly, CR can't review all the vacuums all the time. Even when the EUREKA BOSS was not included in its biannual testing for publication, the BOSS was recommended in the CR yearly edition for BEST BUYs for appliances. The reason the BOSS is a staple at BEST BUY stores and never discounted. Consumers, especially during bad economic times, are shopping for value. COSTCO store club members, at $70,000 plus annual incomes, are among the highest US income shoppers.
If CR reviewed the same models all the time sales of their fiction mag would fall. However, a top pick should be included in each round until it fails. Assume brand x is in 1st place then in the next round it is not included. Any of the top picks in the most current review may be better than the previous winner (possibly at a lesser cost). After all this is sort of like a tournament. Play until you lose. $70,000 income group is not a candidate for higher end goods. Not many of those driving $90,000 vehicles or living in homes exceeding $300,000. Owning $50,000 speakers and $25,00 of electronics to power them. The ones who try usually get in financial trouble.
Secondly, the discounted dyson prices are everywhere. You just have to open your eyes and look. Choose any big box retailer and you'll find discounted dyson prices abound [10-15-20 percent and more not including buyer incentives]. Always have. Most especially now with most models being cleared out of stores. BTW, did you hear dyson sales in 2008 failed to hit $1BN. Why? In part discounts! Dah!
As I said those deep discounts are not visible where I shop/live. Yes, there are Dyson discounts available. However, you want the world to believe that other brands don't discount. Yes, Dyson changes models. Hoover just rebadges the same old stuff and calls it a neew model. Is it unusual to see lowered prices on discontinued items?
Thirdly, no consumer good's retail price is ever set in stone save what a willing buyer and seller agree. Goes for your fave vehicle and TV brands too. MAP is a joke in the vacuum industry. Always has been and still is. No different for your fave brand. Even dyson fans don't pay MSRP for dyson vacuums. Where have you been?
I have no problem with retailers selling at the price of their choice. It is their business that has to succeed. Never supported vendor dictation of slaes price and hope to never support it. I never found a product that I couldn't negotiate a lower price.
Finally, what does CR's latest ratings bode for your fave brand? 2 of 20? Read: Niche vacuum, not mainstream.
I fit in the niche category. I always take performance over hype. Actually I am in the elite category. 
Carmine D.