Vacuum Cleaners Discussions |

Joined: Jul 31, 2007
Points: 34
NEW Hoover Upright
Original Message Jan 23, 2009 6:02 pm |
I don't know if anyone has seen this but I think I like it better just by hearing how it sounds, seems much more quiet than the Oreck. This vacuum comes with a 6 year warranty at only $399, pretty good deal. Sorry if this was posted already.  HSN Video:|644&prev=hp!sf!644&ccm=HW|644
Joined: Aug 21, 2007
Points: 1293
Re: NEW Hoover Upright
Reply #42 Jan 27, 2009 4:24 am |
Hello HARDSELL: Relax. Calm down. Have a cup of joe. My Mohawk carpets were purchased over 3 years ago for my home, as were many others here in my community. What is the date of your Mohawk reference? Is it possible Mohawk wool was still available then and not now? Especially through builders as an upgrade as a special order? And what say you about berbers and dysons? Use straight suction! When my $150 ORECK cleans and grooms them so well. What say you about dyson's scrubbing of the fail safe clutch on models after the DC14? Works so well, it's gone. The Mohawk voided warranty info about dyson was posted here in great detail some time back. As well as another carpet maker's warranty void for dyson. I didn't post the links either, I merely reference. You never posted about them then. Silent as a mouse. Glad to see you are awake today. If and when I find them, I'll send to you for your benefit. Probably thru a private message, as was my message to Trebor, which went on too long here before I cut it and you quoted. Carmine D. I do not know what was available 3 years ago. Your contention is that DC07 was discontinued in part because it is inferior. Same must be true of your builder grade carpet. Maybe you have learned about builders. Upsell discontinued carpet and gift inferior plasmas. Do you think that Mohawk would set up shop to make a run of wool? It is more likely that they had their name put on another's product.
Do you know positively that the clutch was eliminated because of problems or because of design on newer machines? Facts only please. Another double standard by you. The manufacturer is right if he faults Dyson and wrong if he does not recommend a product you like. The Oreck would likely choke and stall before doing damage. Manufacturers will look for any loop hole to void a warranty. Sure hope you never have a problem due to not using suction only.
Joined: Aug 21, 2007
Points: 1293
Re: Oreck XL7 vs. Dyson DC24 - the Which? verdict.
Reply #43 Jan 27, 2009 4:36 am |
Whose fault? Did the Kirby sales person hold a gun to your head and take your money? Or do you make a habit of buying things you don't really like. Score one for Venson and his MIELE S7 Tango! He knows what he likes and then buys it. You buy it then determine if you like it! Carmine D.
The Kirby salesman had no gun in my home. All strangers to my estate get a strip search and body cavity search by security before passing through the gates.
No one knows positively if the like something without sharing time with it / them. Otherwise there would be fewer divorces and returned goods. If marriage liscenses were renewable the courts would be less crowded. How many vacuums have you purchased????????
Joined: Aug 21, 2007
Points: 1293
Re: NEW Hoover Upright
Reply #45 Jan 27, 2009 7:51 am |
Hi HARDSELL: Vacuums are my vocation. I've purchased many but only use a few. By default, so are rugs. I have connections and buy what I like and want and pay for it. Mohawk is correct, my wool carpets do stain more so than the synthetic blends, which I can't have in my home because my 11 year old English lab is allergic to the chemicals in them. They cause her epileptic seizures. Carmine D.
Vacuums were your vocation. You do not resell so why do you buy so many?
I have connections in autos, electronics and numerous other items (golf clubs) etc. I pay cash for all purchases. I have no debt. What makes you right about purchasing what you want and me wrong? You are no bettert than anyone else, except in your one sided mind.
Joined: Dec 30, 2007
Points: 5894
Re: NEW Hoover Upright
Reply #46 Jan 27, 2009 7:57 am |
HARDSELL: I answered this question at least once before for you! Old customers and their families and friends still ask me about vacuums. I buy, use, keep, gift vacuums, just to assist them and stay current in the industry. BTW, I sent you TWO private messages with TWO links that I promised above about the Mohawk warranty and rugs. One appears to be fairly recent, August 2008. You may want to check the date of your reference, it may be old. The other is a Web SIte for a rug distributor which according to another poster here voids rug warranties with dyson use. Check them out for yourself. I'm really happy for you. Actually, according to my latest brain scan I have two sides: right and left. Most people do I'm told, tho some don't use them.  Carmine D.
This message was modified Jan 27, 2009 by CarmineD
Joined: Dec 30, 2007
Points: 5894
Re: NEW Hoover Upright
Reply #47 Jan 27, 2009 8:39 am |
Do you know positively that the clutch was eliminated because of problems or because of design on newer machines? Facts only please. Another double standard by you. Hey HARDSELL:
Actually for this one, I defer to DIB. He stated here recently that in his opinion many dysons are returned and refurbed due to clutch chatter. That's a dyson euphemism for "gawdawful ratcheting noise." On this opinion of fact, I concur with DIB. I suspect it is a significant reason that dyson scrubbed the clutch. If you like I can privately email you DIB"s post here with it. Carmine D.
This message was modified Jan 27, 2009 by CarmineD
Joined: Dec 30, 2007
Points: 5894
Re: NEW Hoover Upright
Reply #48 Jan 27, 2009 8:52 am |
5. Ahh. Such a wonderful past. Better to exit in glory than to stay and be humiliated.
6. Is it possible that the future may present truths and not biased unsubstantiated opinions from you?
On this one, I follow your lead. I asked you several times why if you liked a DC07 so much, did you sell after 3 years? And not buy another dyson, but instead 2 other brands: Kirby Sentria, Royal Emminence, and now HOOVER Whisper. Not that I have anthing bad ro say about these choices. They are all fine choices if you can't make up your mind. Youe answer was that when you're good and ready, you'll buy another dyson. Personally I'd say you're working/waiting on another as a gift. I have a DC07 pink! When I'm so inclined, I'll exit here. Glory and/or humiliation will probably play no part. Neither will your and dyson's hoping.  BTW, truths are truths whether or not anyone believes and falsehoods are falsehoods even if all believe. Opinions by their nature are biased. I have my share and so do you. And we both express them here. Readers and posters in need of assistance can pick and choose what and who they wish to follow. If there are any of your points that I may have missed, please let me know. Always happy to accomodate you, my friend. Carmine D.
This message was modified Jan 27, 2009 by CarmineD
Joined: Aug 21, 2007
Points: 1293
Re: NEW Hoover Upright
Reply #49 Jan 27, 2009 8:52 am |
Hey HARDSELL: Actually for this one, I defer to DIB. He stated here recently that in his opinion many dysons are returned and refurbed due to clutch chatter. That's a dyson euphemism for "gawdawful ratcheting noise." On this opinion of fact, I concur with DIB. I suspect it is a significant reason that dyson scrubbed the clutch. If you like I can privately email you DIB"s post here with it. Carmine D.
From your orevious quote: All truths start out as heresies
You should not start or quote heresies. The do not always turn out to be the truth. Sort of like your opinions which are half truth at best.
Joined: Aug 21, 2007
Points: 1293
Re: NEW Hoover Upright
Reply #50 Jan 27, 2009 8:57 am |
HARDSELL: I answered this question at least once before for you! Old customers and their families and friends still ask me about vacuums. I buy, use, keep, gift vacuums, just to assist them and stay current in the industry. BTW, I sent you TWO private messages with TWO links that I promised above about the Mohawk warranty and rugs. One appears to be fairly recent, August 2008. You may want to check the date of your reference, it may be old. The other is a Web SIte for a rug distributor which according to another poster here voids rug warranties with dyson use. Check them out for yourself. I'm really happy for you. Actually, according to my latest brain scan I have two sides: right and left. Most people do I'm told, tho some don't use them.  Carmine D.
Why not just give them a new vacuum as opposed to used? No need to try before you buy. An ex pro as yourself should know what to buy without trying.
You became non-current when Dyson made a monkey of you. Have a banana and relax. I buy and try just to keep old biased self appointed experts in line when they try to deceive.
Joined: Dec 30, 2007
Points: 5894
Re: NEW Hoover Upright
Reply #51 Jan 27, 2009 9:02 am |
Hey HARDSELL: Do you think DIB would tell a half-truth here about dysons? My reference that you quote referred to my own assessment of dyson's limp brush bar going back to April 2002 when I first saw it. It was met as heresy here by many pro-dyson folks. Now even dyson and its biggest advocates admit the brush bar [like the clutch fail safety feature] is its weakest link. Hence the brush bar was scrubbed on later models in favor of a more industry standard brush roll. Carmine D.