Rexair/Rainbow is too greedy to share with anyone. Consider that vacshops get NO discount on any genuine Rexair parts,no matter how much they order because even supply houses like Essco and Steel City have to mark therir prices up because they pay the same retail as anyone else. The only ones who get a break are the authorized repair centers
The separator concept for water filtration vacuums, which is really the only water concept worth considering, has many, many copies. Rexair, by their treatment of their distributors has spawned at lot of copies, Delphin and Hyla, to name two. The one I want to see up close is the Pro-Aqua. It looks like a gussied up version of the Hyla, with some nice features. I wonder if they split off from Hyla?
These are the separator machines I am aware of
3)Robot Turmix
6) The Roboclean. I would say it is another copy unaffiliated with anyone else. The basin clamps are on the basin itself, a disaster waiting to happen, and it looks like they only offer a 4qt basin, which for some users is too heavy when full, and makes it more top-heavy. It appears to have the same semi conical shape the Delphin has. Interesting