Hello Venson:
Sorry to hear about your employment situation. Hope and pray for the best for you.
My community is composed of a mixture of low to middle income level inhabitants, many among either income level might like the idea of quality but are prepared to excuse the lack in favor of more money immediately present in the wallet. I also noted a lot of apparently confused shoppers in the microwave oven aisle. All that is being offered is a lot of stuff that all looks the same except for color and the number of knobs and buttons without any standing out by way of particular advantantage.
WRT above Venson, vacuums have followed the same path as the rest of the household appliances. From going disposable and non-repairable to all looking alike w/o any brand name differences. Alot of the attraction for rebuilts is to hold onto the quality of yester year and customers' past preferences of name brands and makes. Like the 'real' Electrolux. Call it nostalgia, old fashioned etc. It provides a viable business option to MOLE and others like him. While also giving an alternative to big box store vacuum buyers who don't want to toss $200 plus on a piece of plastic that will get thrown in a dump in a few years. What's old is cool again! Like Drew who posted here with the new GE cann from Wal*Mart and TriStar Mg2 from the local vacuum store. If Drew bought the TS Mg2 for $350, he got one heck of a good buy!
Carmine D.
This message was modified Dec 19, 2008 by CarmineD