What do you think is a fair price for the RY6900? Anyway . . .
If I had a limited amount to spend and wanted to get the best cleaning for my dollar I'd go for the rebuilt G series in a heartbeat. I have a G5 that I bought used and in good shape and despite its shotcomings -- weight, size, etc., can it clean a rug -- oh yeah. There'd be little doubt in my mind about its quality or longevity
Of course I'm from a different place in time. I grew up during the '50s when just about everybody's vacuum weighed in at at least fifty pounds but nobody complained much. They were too glad for the convenience. Amazingly, now that we're in an age where it seems everybody is running back and forth to the gym, despite weight training, treadmills and the like, all you hear is, "It's too heavy!"
It would be a HARDSELL at 699.00, for my liking its better at 349.00. or less.
I agree with you on the KIRBY the 5 is one of my favorites,Outstanding cleaning, smooth transmission, die cast aluminum housing,NOT UGLY, The ultimate carpet cleaning assault machine. i really dont need the handy butler,or sanding kit though.
And ROYALS classic metal upright hangs with kirby also,i still miss my 880 upright, looked classy and the headlite was high and low beam