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BOSCH Formula Electro Duo
Original Message Aug 19, 2008 7:23 pm |
After some advice here, I bought a BOSCH Formula Electro Duo. it was 499 minus 20% at linens and things. It came with the turbo nossel as well. Although my wife likes it because it's light, I have my doubts. I am a product designer, and know more than the average person about design and manufacturing. My main complaint are the quality of the plastic parts--especially the attachments. I would like something that would last at least ten years, and i know the bosch won't. It's not well built, although it does have some nice design touches. I visited the five closest independent dealers, and wasn't impressed with them. Perhaps it's because I'm in an area where most people don't have much money. No one had the verve in stock, and the hoover dealer didn't have their most recent model. So, while i still have time to return the bosch, I wondered if you had any recommendations. someone on craigslist is selling a miele redstar for 200 bucks. is that a good vacuum? One dealer had a riccar 1500 for $550, which seemed nice, but it's more than I'd like to pay. If anyone can tell me what and where to get something good, i'd appreciate it. I'd like to keep it less than 500 bucks. -Ben
Joined: Jul 22, 2007
Points: 1900
Re: BOSCH Formula Electro Duo
Reply #5 Aug 20, 2008 2:09 pm |
The fact that I may need to pay 1,000 for a quality vacuum is crazy to me. There must be a huge profit margin in them.
To that, I absolutely agree and please do not take my statement in any way as a recommendation to go out and drop a grand on a vacuum cleaner.
Per your description, a canister tthat provides an electric power nozzle with a height adjustment would be ideal. Variable speed or suction bleed valve also make fine tuning for easy pushing and maneuvering convenient. Nonetheless, manufacturers like the maker of the Miele I own for one, do have controls set up so that retail dealers may not sell their product for less than, and I assume not more than, the "suggested" price. Getting nicer pricing may be hard to accomplish where Riccar, Simplicity and Miele are converned. I managed to save a couple humdred dollars on mine as the dealer has known me for a good while. He honored his offer to match the price I could have gotten for the model on eBay after I printed out a current post re the model I wanted as proof. I'm a pretty determined old cuss but I attribute the transaction more to luck than cleverness on my part. In any event, when all is said and done,a vacuum vendor can ask for the moon if he or she wants but the bottom line for the consumer is that you can't give anyone that which you don't have. Anyway, there's no harm in trying. You just might be able to wangle a better price on an upper-tier brand with your local vac seller. If you are really not pleased with your Bosch take it right back. Politely but clearly state that you see it as over-priced and unacceptable. Then ask to be shown something better but in near price range. IIf a better buy can't be negotiated get your money back and walk. First go to Riccar or Simplicity's website and get as thorough an overview of what's available as you can and then seek out vac shops where you may be able to negotiate. The best way to shop is to be able to walk into store already knowlegeable about the proiduct you want to buy. The new Hoover S3760 is just out and votes should be coming in in not too long a time. I can only say it looks like it's got possibilities. Using the search sources that I suggested earlier, I have seen it priced fron $315 to as low as $224. The latter price not being unusual for what are now considered "disposable" vacuums. You might want to see if yo can find one on display in your vicinity and go and inspect it. Venson
Joined: Jul 25, 2008
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Re: BOSCH Formula Electro Duo
Reply #6 Aug 20, 2008 4:05 pm |
thanks venson, for your reply. Linen's and things has a 60 day returrn policy, and i have no qualms about returning something there. I would prefer to shop at a small shop, and would not treat then the same way. Based on my visits to the local shops, I couldn't figure out how things were priced. They just gave me "approximate" prices. That is why I assumed they were negotiable, and wanted to know what was fair. If I were shopping for myself, i'd buy a rebuilt one, but my wife wouldn't go for it. Ben
Joined: Dec 30, 2007
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Re: BOSCH Formula Electro Duo
Reply #7 Aug 20, 2008 4:14 pm |
If I were shopping for myself, i'd buy a rebuilt one, but my wife wouldn't go for it. Ben
May I ask why your Wife would not? And without sounding naive [happy Wife happy life], ask why her decision on this matter preempts yours.
Carmine D.
This message was modified Aug 20, 2008 by CarmineD
Joined: Jul 25, 2008
Points: 11
Re: BOSCH Formula Electro Duo
Reply #8 Aug 20, 2008 8:53 pm |
she is worried about bringing in allergens, and she has had bad luck with refurbished items. Say she would go for it--where would we get one? Also, of the other options i am considering--simplicity/riccar, hoover, miele, which are lightest in weight? This is an important criteria for her. Ben
Joined: Dec 30, 2007
Points: 5894
Re: BOSCH Formula Electro Duo
Reply #9 Aug 21, 2008 3:07 am |
she is worried about bringing in allergens, and she has had bad luck with refurbished items. Say she would go for it--where would we get one? Also, of the other options i am considering--simplicity/riccar, hoover, miele, which are lightest in weight? This is an important criteria for her. Ben Hello Elvis:
Saw you yesterday at the Casino and wanted to catch you but you were too fast for me. Plenty of places for rebuilts. All vacuum stores worth their salt have rebuilts. Just have to ask. And be prepared to pay. But, sounds like your Wife would never use one, in part, due to the weight and allergens. The fomer is real, the latter is perceived. But she trumps you on this buy. I enjoyed your analogy of room air conditioners. Perfect comparison to vacuums. Today's vacuums are better and more efficient than those of yesteryear. Just like window air conditioners. Less expensive too. But quality and durability? Today's room air conditioners are lighter but more flimsy than those of yesteryear. Like vacuums, A/C's were repairable at one time [if they ever needed anything other than a filter cleaning]. No more. They are disposable too like the vacuums you buy at the big box retail stores. Makes no difference what vacuum you buy for $500 and more, if you use the tools [attachments] and especially one/two in particular, the tools won't last 10 years. Be prepared to buy new tools every few years, especially if you and/she are regular and frequent tool users. Carmine D.
This message was modified Aug 21, 2008 by CarmineD
Joined: Jul 25, 2008
Points: 11
Re: BOSCH Formula Electro Duo
Reply #12 Aug 21, 2008 11:30 am |
I guess the kenmore i had was a bargain, then. Too bad the quality has gone down. How about the meile redstar? Any good for my needs? You can get them used for 150 on ebay. Ben
Joined: Jul 22, 2007
Points: 1900
Re: BOSCH Formula Electro Duo
Reply #13 Aug 21, 2008 12:07 pm |
I guess the kenmore i had was a bargain, then. Too bad the quality has gone down. How about the meile redstar? Any good for my needs? You can get them used for 150 on ebay. Ben Hi Ben,
A pre-owned Red Star with Miele's better adjustable power nozzles would be a good choice IF you can find one in tip-top condition. (Try higher pile height settings for thick carpeting and if stalling occurs, try reducing motor speed slightly or opening the suction bleed valve slightly). Being a frequent shopper on eBay I strongly advise that you not only carefully review sellers' posts but their feed back as well. The more they've sold, the easier it is to get a good picture of whether or not those who have bought from them came out happy campers. You can easily communicate with sellers of any item you have in mind through eBay. If a particular seller is not very communicative -- look elsewhere. If pictures in the post are not adequate, ask if more image files can be sent to you. Though it wont tell the whole tale, its best that images of the bag chamber are available. Do not deal with anyone who offers only a "flat" rate for shipping as opposed to an actual rate. Some sellers try to cover all fronts to get the price they really want by marking up the actual cost of shipping and handling. Ask for the shipping weight of the item and go to UPS website to learn the proper rate. All you have to do is enter your zip code and the seller's zip code plus the weight and approximate size of the package. Many eBay sellers have an automatic link up just for this purpose. As for you your wife's possible worry over allergens, search for and order new filters for the used machine of your choosing unless the seller has already replaced used ones with new. Genuine Miele bags and replacement filters can be found for nice prices on eBay. High filtration bags for my S5980 can be found for around $15 or $16 for a package of five not including shipping. Repllacement HEPAs are of course higher. Venson
This message was modified Aug 21, 2008 by Venson
Joined: Dec 30, 2007
Points: 5894
Re: BOSCH Formula Electro Duo
Reply #14 Aug 21, 2008 12:26 pm |
I'm looking for a new Lamborgini for around $38,000....
Hello Lucky1:
Think I saw one on eBay. Not sure yet if I'm allowed to post about it. Carmine D.
This message was modified Aug 21, 2008 by CarmineD