Vacuum Cleaners Discussions |
Joined: Dec 30, 2007
Points: 5894
New iRobot Product
Original Message Aug 4, 2008 4:06 am |
Sorry fans, it's not a vacuum, tho it certainly bears a very strong resemblance. I thought others besides myself would be interested in the latest webcam devices, called ConnectR, from the makers of robotic floor cleaners. What's next? A floor cleaner and a webcam combined? A robot that roams around the house, cleans the floors while sending pictures, then docks itself at the base for recharging! Who knows? Carmine D.
This message was modified Aug 4, 2008 by CarmineD
Joined: Jul 22, 2007
Points: 1900
Re: New iRobot Product
Reply #1 Aug 4, 2008 4:50 am |
Good morning Carmine, Burglars beware! I'd read about this device a while back. It is yet another device to meant to play on the fear factor. At best, it is basically a method to check on what's going on at home with the kids, the puppy or the maid. No more goofing off allowed. Owners of this device will either have to record and later review the day's goings on or use some sort of picture within a picture set-up to keep track of things from a remote computer. I'd also wonder how much effort it would take on the part of the average, not overly computer savvy consumer to figure how encrypt what it sends so that no other persons or all manner of information seekers on the web access what should be totally private. Yet I can't see how much help it might be even if they put a bullhorn on it to blast, "You just wait 'til I get home!" After all, how much are you going to get into if you know your mother or employer is watching somewhere as this little gadget patrols the house? A bad nanny will simply drag the kid out of camera range to slap the daylights out of him. Good ol' Junior will merely head for the basement to light up. Come to think of it, I think irritated household members may have no difficulty at all explaining to dad how the refrigerator fell on it. Venson
Location: earth
Joined: Sep 29, 2007
Points: 783
Re: New iRobot Product
Reply #2 Aug 4, 2008 5:06 am |
Hey Venson, that was the best post you have made yet,I love it""", Always leave it to the Big V to make our day. Whats to stop the culprits from just throwing the built in watchdog in the closet, Does it have an alarm system built into it?, Can it make the coffee? do you have to let it outside to do its business?, WHAT A WORLD, WHAT A WORLD, .......... Regards MOLE