
Joined: Oct 3, 2007
Points: 37
My Kenmore can is about to die!
Original Message Jul 26, 2008 2:23 pm |
I don't frequent this forum very much. I bought the kenmore can red pepper canister 2 yrs ago, well almost 2 yrs ago. Prior to that I had one for two years, then I bought a Rainbow and gave that one to my DAD which lasted him another year before he said it caught on fire with him using it. I don't know how well he maintained it though. Anyway, I wished I had kept it because I hated getting the Rainbow out to vacuum everyday because I have two cats and try to vacuum everyday. So thats why I ended up buying another one. Because I LOVE how user friendly and effective they are. I take care of them, change the bags frequently (micro-lined) and filters. But my issue isn't a motor problem. One thing, where the power head cord makes the bend as it starts to go up the lower wand is starting to fray. Also the 360 degree swivel hose when it swivels, it is losing contact with power so it now goes on and off when I'm trying to vacuum. Keep this in mind. When I first bought it ALMOST 2 yrs ago, during the 30 day warranty, the on/off button on the handle malfunctioned and the vacuum stayed on unless you plug/unplug it. I took it to get it fixed for FREE. It has worked flawlessly for almost 2 yrs. IT has been used Heavily though. I would venture to say at least 5 days a week. 1300 sq ft one story home. So with the heavy use, is this justifiable? I'm wondering, had I bought the extended warranty since I use it so heavily instead of having to buy a brand new vac, I could have just taken this to get it fixed. But Would they have fixed it? I LOVE these vacs, I wish they were more durable. I didn't abuse it at all. I just used it ALOT! I still use the Rainbow and wouldn't give it up. But I only use it for MAJOR cleaning.