Dyson vacuum cleaners are very bulky and it is hard to vacuum a kitchen with them as an upright.... Plus, with the floor tool, the suction is much more concentrated. I've NEVER met a machine that didn't have superior performance on bare floors with a straight suction nozzle attached to the hose end than with the brush roll turned off as an upright. The Dyson is no exception.
Hey V.F. i can only gather from the way you are commenting about your dyson, any upright with on board tools have the same problems,
most customers break out the cleaner clean the carpeting and put it back in the storage closet,with the cord unwraped

. who wants to go through the nonsense of trying to do above the floor cleaning or hardwood floors the right way [with the cleaning set],
THE easier the better, i still have the best vacuum [my house cleaner] and she's nice to look at too...........