In answer to your question,
and I have.
I had a basement flood last fall. The flood restroation company brought out Ozone generators as well as big-honking dehumidifiers. The Ozone was supposed to supress the mold growth while they were drying things out. The cost was $35 per day.
Now I will add, would I continue to run one of these after the restoration? NO. The ozone irritates your lung tissue, if you are asmatic as I am it worsens the symptons, In my case the benefit of the temporary use of an ozone generator to kill the mold out weighed the health effects of the ozone later as I would not be in the area of the ozone as much as I would the mold if it were allowed to grow. As mold is one of my triggers it was necessary to get rid of it as quickly as possible. I will add that they also used anti-microbic sprays in the clean up. Luckily it was clean water flood (broken pipe) so we didn't have to deal with the problems of muddy or dark water invasion.