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Electrolux -- First Quarter 2008 . . .
Original Message Apr 29, 2008 6:31 am |
Hi all, Following is a link to a news article regarding the up and down sides for Electrolux during this year's first quarter. Best, Venson
Joined: Dec 30, 2007
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Re: Electrolux -- First Quarter 2008 . . .
Reply #72 May 21, 2008 10:29 am |
I doubt Dyson would care - they don't appear to currently offer a recycled vacuum cleaner. They tried it and for whatever reason couldn't make it work for them.
Hi M00seUK:
I tend to agree with you. 1998. Dyson's timing was bad. Timing is right now with the July 2007 WEEE law. And the emphasis on being socially responsible and going green. Electrolux is capitalizing on that fact. In business it's not good enough to have a good idea and/or invent a good product. The timing has to be right for launching the idea/product too in order to make it work and be profitable! Carmine D.
This message was modified May 21, 2008 by CarmineD
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Re: Electrolux -- First Quarter 2008 . . .
Reply #73 May 21, 2008 12:33 pm |
Dropping the “worlds first” or rewording the tag line as Carmine says still gives Electrolux what it wants and is still a powerful phrase. . James does not need expensive suits or deep pockets to get Electrolux from claiming (in the U.S.) that they have the exclusive/“worlds first”. A complaint to NAD and a check for less than $3000.00 will do just fine. Dyson presents his facts, Electrolux presents it’s facts and NAD decides what the truth is only so to benefit the consumer. NAD rules and that’s it. Or at least this the agreed way all/many manufacturers choose to resolve allegedly false or unsubstantiated advertising claims. It is cheap, fast and it works. If James ever plans to get back into a ReCycled vacuum business then he may choose to stop/get Electrolux to stop the claim. I know all this talk if simply parlor room chatter, but were talking of it because “Worlds First” is a big deal in the minds of people. ReCyclone, a money maker? James has the money, freedom and will to pursue his dreams. It’s simply a courageous, yet seemly unprofitable exercise if forward thinking. James like good/great innovators was ahead of his time, history books are full of “ahead of their time” men. DIB
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Re: Electrolux -- First Quarter 2008 . . .
Reply #74 May 21, 2008 1:41 pm |
Hello DIB: Here's what I think will transpire: Mr. Dyson and/or his designee will contact their counterpart at Electrolux and say dyson had the first recycled vacuum. The Electrolux person will ask what does that dyson claim mean? And the dyson person, like you and others here, won't be able to intelligently say what the dyson claim means. Let alone will dyson have the proof to back it up. [10 years ago]. An impasse will result. Dyson's high powered, high hourly priced, NY lawyers with 3 names and 3 piece suits will file a lawsuit against Electrolux. In fact, I personally and professionally believe that all the vacuum makers, including Electrolux, hope this is the case. Three years from now when the opening arguments are presented, the dyson legal team will fall short of the necessary proof to back up its claim: World's first recycled vacuum. Electrolux will have 3 years of proof and be represented by a low-paid paralegal that looks like Kali from HSN with Kelly Rippa in toe as the official spokeswoman for Electrolux. The hearing official, probably a kratchety old male judge, will recommend a mutual settlement to and by both parties. Terms will be confidential and undisclosed. Electrolux will agree to modify its existing claim to the following: "The World's First Proven Recycled Vacuum." The dyson attornies will agree to this verbage. Then they will mail Mr. Dyson an invoice for legal fees for $1 MILLION, possibly more. All the vacuum manufacturers will have a good laugh [at dyson's expense]. Carmine D. Lawyers are leaches whether in 3 piece suits or underwear.
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Re: Electrolux -- First Quarter 2008 . . .
Reply #75 May 21, 2008 4:09 pm |
It appears then that only one poster here, the honorable Tom Gasko, Esq., believes a lawsuit will result from the Electrolux claim. M00seUK, DIB, Hardsell, and I think dyson will not proceed with a legal court action save an industry arbitrator review and decision [DIB] by the NAD. So much for the big dustup in the old town tonight. Great saying Tom. As I recall the exact same you used on the Forum about the dyson/HOOVER lawsuit. Biting sense of humor. Carmine D.
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Re: Electrolux -- First Quarter 2008 . . .
Reply #76 May 23, 2008 8:11 am |
The above picture is from the DC03 manual. No mention of the DC03 claiming to be a recycled vacuum. . Carmine, . I put out a fleece on this forum on weather or not James was the first with a recycled vacuum. Thus far no one has responded with a recycled vacuum that pre-dates James’s ReCyclone. Since many vacuum dealers, collectors and alike enjoy bad-mouthing or sitting on their hands while others do, then it should be a cake-walk and quite pleasurable for anti-Dyson types to be acknowledged as the one to disprove the ReCyclone claim. . Motorhead did his homework, I posted the pic's related to the ReCyclone, and you’ve talked much against the ReCyclone “world first” claim and have demonstrated nothing concrete, no pictures, no literature, nothing. DIB . P.S. I'm jumping off this topic until some proof is demonstrated and the ReCyclone shown to be pre-dated by another.
Joined: Dec 30, 2007
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Re: Electrolux -- First Quarter 2008 . . .
Reply #77 May 23, 2008 8:31 am |
Hello DIB: You're groping for straws. Tom Gasko in his post cited the World's First claim with the DC02 ReCyclone, a dyson canister. Dyson made that claim with the DC02 ReCyclone first. When asked for proof, Tom Gasko cited the DC03 [a dyson upright] Users Manual Guide. [When I asked you which was first DC02/DC03, you said it doesn't matter. First is first]. Well, sorry DIB, it does matter if dyson proceeds against Electrolux. The legal term of law that applies here with dyson is estoppel. Tom Gasko and Dyson can't cite the DC03 Manual as dyson proof. Estoppel is a legal bar that prevents asserting a claim or fact that is inconsistent with a position previously taken. i.e: Dyson can't claim the DC03 Upright is the World's First after making the same claim about the DC02 ReCyclone canister. If dyson proceeds against Electrolux [whether legal/industry review], Electrolux will cite this defense. Dyson is put in the untenable situation of defending itself against its own claim. Thereby subjecting itself to the same/similar remedy/retribution it asks against Electrolux. I believe vacuum makers want dyson to proceed. They will be laughing at dyson's expense. Electrolux did its research and homework much better than dyson. I did my homework too, better than Tom Gasko. Dyson DC02 Recyclone Model In Green/Yellow. The Worlds First Recycled Vacuum Cleaner. SEE BELOW FOR THE FULL RANGE OF SPARES ... The Dyson DC03 has a built in. motor protection thermostat to protect .... make new, Dyson Recyclone cleaners – the world’s first recycled vacuum cleaner. |
Carmine D.
This message was modified May 23, 2008 by CarmineD
Joined: Dec 30, 2007
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Re: Electrolux -- First Quarter 2008 . . .
Reply #79 May 23, 2008 9:02 am |
Hello M00seUK: There is a dyson DC03 ReCyclone upright which bears the same World's First claim as the dyson DC02 ReCyclone [canister]. Carmine D.
This message was modified May 23, 2008 by CarmineD
Joined: Dec 30, 2007
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Re: Electrolux -- First Quarter 2008 . . .
Reply #81 May 23, 2008 9:26 am |
Carmine: You keep talking about court of law, there is a bigger court – the court of public opinion. A very simple and easy to understand “side-by-side” Dyson ad campaign demonstrating the 2 vacuums, the 2 claims, the 2 companies and the 2 product launch dates. Electrolux claiming what is not theirs to claim (that they pre-date all others) has it’s downsides in the minds of public opinion. DIB
Hello DIB:
I call the court of public opinion "street justice." Kenneth J took dyson to court for his patent on the vacuum wheel facilitator. Dyson copied Kenneth J's patent for the DC15 Ball. Kenneth J lost in a court of law. Kenneth J was a engineering student when he patented the vacuum wheel facilitator in 1998. In 2005 dyson launched the DC15 Ball, which Kenneth J recognized as his invention. Kenneth J was no match for dyson's hot shot high priced NY lawyers with 3 names and 3 piece suits. The case was dismissed on a technicality. The DC15 is the worse of all dysons according to commentary by many including Consumer Reports. That's street justice. Street justice tells me despite Mr. Dyson's persistence to win acclaim with the ball technology for his latest vacuums [DC24/25], these will meet with the same ignominious sales as the DC15. I think the court of public opinion counts for something. That court is hoping that dyson proceeds legally against Electrolux. Carmine D.
This message was modified May 23, 2008 by CarmineD