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Kirby Lovers feel free to comment
Original Message Mar 19, 2008 10:22 am |
Wondering what the big diff is between the older 80's Kirbys like Heritage/Legens vs the G series in say construction, suction, sound I know the g series is easier to push but sometimes I like the old heavy sturdier construction. I hear the G5 has a kevlar fan & its purpleish which is nice too but also interested in the Heritage 2 or Legend... Thanks PS how much should you expect to spend for the older say Heritage 2 models?
This message was modified Mar 19, 2008 by camelotshadow
Location: 2Manyvacuums
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Re: Kirby Lovers feel free to comment
Reply #2 Mar 19, 2008 12:15 pm |
Interesting idea...least you can inspect it in person & hear it so no sad surprises when you open the box...
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Re: Kirby Lovers feel free to comment
Reply #3 Mar 19, 2008 12:26 pm |
Now your getting smart, i just got done overhauling a legend2, the small head one.I will more than likely have g-6s,diamonds,ultimate g's, all ready to go by next week. Have been looking to buy in bulk from kirby distributors,and other sources.Even a few dysons and mieles on the way.And if i can score an e series rainbow for under 50 bucks,i'll sell it for 200.00 with a 3 year motor warranty. My rebuilt ELECTROLUXES sell like crazy,still the best machines for rebuilding. M0LE
Joined: Nov 27, 2007
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Re: Kirby Lovers feel free to comment
Reply #4 Mar 19, 2008 12:34 pm |
Psst--Camelot, You have to be in the closet on this site if you love Kirbys. To be an open Kirby lover is like walking through the lion cage wearing a steak on your tush. I on the otherhand have delt with Lions all my life so here goes. Being a lifelong Kirby lover, I learned to walk pushing my Mother's 1960 Kirby, I believe it was a 516. I have later had an Omega, which I still have and hold dear to my heart. A Tradition and a Ultimate G. Don't let the fact that the G's push easier fool you if you need to carry them up stairs as they are much heavier. In comparing the Omega to the UG, I think the Omega (1975) has a lower almost throaty sound. There is really no mistaking a Kirby when you hear it running. The newer G series have a higher pitched sometimes almost shrill sound to my ear, though I believe the db level is lower. The older models, up to the Tradition had a 10 blade aluminum fan which could break rather easily if you sucked up a coin or rock larger than a small pebble. I only did this once while vacuuming out a car, (I use a shop vac for that job now). The repair was actually quite minimal at the time I think $25. Starting with Tradition they had a Lexan fan that was much tougher, I never broke one of those, but I did wear one down when I lived on a reclaimed sand pit where the fan had to be replaced. I did that job myself and I believe it cost me $12-$15. I am not sure when they started using the Kevlar fans, I think I heard with the G series. I again have never had any problems with that fan, but I am pretty careful but an accidental coin in the couch could still do some damage when it hits a fan spinning at high speed. BTW--Though looks are deceiving the G series looks like it has a smaller head than the Classics/Omega/III/Tradition/Heritage models. I recently put them head to head and they are the same width. BUT--the UG weighs in at about 10 lbs more, and tends to be front heavy when you carry it. As far as the pushing. It like any vacuum depends on the surface. I currently have a deep saxony plush in my living room. The UG pushes with barely a finger to guide, whereas the Omega requires a bit more effort it isn't uncomfortable, but you need to use your whole hand to guide it. On my lower pile carpet (indoor/outdoor/kitchen style) the Omega is a dream to push across, whreas the UG seals so tight the transmission struggles with it. If you take it out of drive you can barely budge it. On berber style carpet they both push about the same. As far as sturdy construction, I think all the Kirbys will be around for awhile. They are built to last.
Joined: Nov 27, 2007
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Re: Kirby Lovers feel free to comment
Reply #5 Mar 19, 2008 12:43 pm |
My rebuilt ELECTROLUXES sell like crazy,still the best machines for rebuilding. M0LE
What is your best selling most abundant Lux? I still see some of the old XXX at the flea market. They must have sold a million of those. My Mom's friiend had a Super J back in the early 80's I always thought that was a sweet machine, and so quiet. My sister's husband traded her Kirby for a gray plastic model in the early 90's. I think she kept that only until the next Kirby dealer came through her town and it was gone.
Location: 2Manyvacuums
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Re: Kirby Lovers feel free to comment
Reply #6 Mar 19, 2008 12:45 pm |
Just curious & thinking a kirby in a vac collection would be interesting. I know there are vac camps everywhere. I like the older looks as they really look like a royal, then kirby went about giving them there own flair. The body on the G is wider so it makes the head look smaller. I wish my royal would suck better as it moves like a dream. Both have open fans. Royal is metal & good to know some plastic is stronger. I don't like plastic though as it doesn't age as well. Just like I hate Mercedes putting plastic guide rails in the engines I am sort of a metal fan...I like the up & down writing better... I like the deeper sound being loud is not a bad thing if it sounds good, its those shrill ones that whine as they glide & vibrate thats annoying. I would like disposable bags though & the olkder Kirbys are shake out. Guess theres alweays a trade with the advance in technology & I understand they are continually cutting corners to keep the profit margin high. Guess I'm just feeling like a new old vac & trying to figure which one. The Filter queen cannister is sure appealing too as I love the sound of the motors. I'm still a bit old school when it comes to vacs...\ Shhhh we'll keep the Kirby in the closet...LOL
This message was modified Mar 19, 2008 by camelotshadow
Location: 2Manyvacuums
Joined: Mar 15, 2008
Points: 23
Re: Kirby Lovers feel free to comment
Reply #7 Mar 19, 2008 12:51 pm |
Now your getting smart, i just got done overhauling a legend2, the small head one.I will more than likely have g-6s,diamonds,ultimate g's, all ready to go by next week. Have been looking to buy in bulk from kirby distributors,and other sources.Even a few dysons and mieles on the way.And if i can score an e series rainbow for under 50 bucks,i'll sell it for 200.00 with a 3 year motor warranty. My rebuilt ELECTROLUXES sell like crazy,still the best machines for rebuilding. M0LE A new fan of the rainbow myself but more fond of the older ones. New ones are brushless motors? Can I put an entire D3C assemlbly into a D2 case? I'm pretty sure I can do the bottom but I'm thinking the top might not work.. Always had electrolux even the old metal tanks that look like something out of flash gordon. Too bad I don't have that one any more They are great long lived machines for regular vacuuming.
This message was modified Mar 19, 2008 by camelotshadow
Joined: Nov 27, 2007
Points: 172
Re: Kirby Lovers feel free to comment
Reply #8 Mar 19, 2008 12:55 pm |
Actually the older Kirbys and Royals cleaned about the same. I think what you will find is the brushrolls and the airbleeds on the nozzle that make the difference. Kirby is known for their "Tripple Cushion Vibration system" much like Hoover's "Beats as it Sweeps as it cleans". Kirby will seal to the carpet, then slightly lift it into the nozzle thus allowing airflow under the surface to pull dirt from the bottom up at the same time it is viberating the carpet to release all the debris. Mole can probably update us on this, but there are some brush rolls that can't be interchanged on the Kirbys and some that can. This is also true I believe of the Royals. if you get a stiffer brush it will do a better job of lifting the pile of the carpet.
This message was modified Mar 19, 2008 by Just
Location: 2Manyvacuums
Joined: Mar 15, 2008
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Re: Kirby Lovers feel free to comment
Reply #9 Mar 19, 2008 1:02 pm |
Thanks I think the Royal has a stiffer brush & the older square end with a reg belt not the new ribbed. I got the roller on 3 maybe I should put it on 2 as it was when I got it. I don't think the brushes are too worn down but bearings may be old. One of my Salvation Army finds the metal vac just stood out with its gleaming finish. Got to impress when its besides those beat up plastic vacs. 
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Re: Kirby Lovers feel free to comment
Reply #10 Mar 19, 2008 1:04 pm |
Mole What is your best selling most abundant Lux? I still see some of the old XXX at the flea market. They must have sold a million of those. My Mom's friiend had a Super J back in the early 80's I always thought that was a sweet machine, and so quiet. My sister's husband traded her Kirby for a gray plastic model in the early 90's. I think she kept that only until the next Kirby dealer came through her town and it was gone.
Just the XXX, ran from 1937 to 1952, the longest production run for the company, The machines i look for are superJ's,olymipa1's, and early silverardos, stay away from rennys, epic 8000 are a great performer,L.E, ambassadors, epic 6500's sell well. I'm still looking for a hospital G,i have lots of blue and brown ones out there.The best kept secret with electrolux is their discovery,genesis,legacy,uprights along with the pro lux commercial machine machines. These machines will and have lasted over 25 years,with service in between,Another odd machine to play with lately is compacts,and tristars, I sold a lot of filterqueens,feedback always the same like kirbys [too hard to use].The machine is no good to you if you cant use it, i dont care how many cyclones it uses .