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Joined: Dec 30, 2007
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Re: Sears Premalite TV Ad for $379
Reply #34 Mar 13, 2008 3:26 am |
So you agree that the Premalite is a POS.
I recall my good man, when your DC07 was launched it had a major flaw that required some quick dyson remedy. Airblade [Matt mmc] can verify. I pointed it out on another Forum before you arrived. The U-bend airway was a detachable piece. And detachable it was. It had a thumb button on it. Most if not all users took it to be the handle release. Their first reaction was to step on it. When they did, it came off. When it came off the DC07 had no suction in attachment mode. And guess what. The comprehensive dyson manual had no illustrations and instructions on how to reinstall. Consequently the piece was often off or separated from the vacuum. Dyson corrected the flaw on subsequent models. And the DC07 launched at $439.
The Premalite gets a pass for now until I have a chance to use it extensively. Carmine D.
Joined: May 5, 2008
Points: 2
Re: Sears Premalite TV Ad for $379
Reply #37 May 6, 2008 7:41 pm |
Acerone, I am experiencing the same problem with my premalite. i was wondering if you stillhad that part since you returned the vac and if so would you be interested in getting rid of it. i am in need of this piece. also how did you ghet the piece, they wanted to charge me almost 34$ plus shipping for this small plastic piece. well they wouldnt sell me the plastic piece, the whole wand. if you could give me any tips or help i would greatly appreciate it!!!
Joined: May 5, 2008
Points: 2
Re: Sears Premalite TV Ad for $379
Reply #39 May 8, 2008 7:55 am |
Hello, again. my SEARS isnt as helpful as theone you went to. figures for me right! i wanted to write kenmore and complain about how they are handling the whole situation with this faulty piece. do you have info on how to contact the manufacturer. thanks!!!!!
Joined: Aug 21, 2007
Points: 1293
Re: Sears Premalite TV Ad for $379
Reply #41 Apr 12, 2011 4:58 am |
Ir Ace was referring to a Dyson you would be telling that is a POS. You want us to believe that only Dyson is the problem and not the user. Your credibility would be better if you presented the fact that all vacuums have problems. Could it be that this Sears vac is a POS and overpriced. Almost $400 for a vac that is likely a lemon. Carmine, Just to refresh your memory of my comment. I did not make a statement about the Premalite being a POS. I asked if it was one. You will notice my reasoning is because you would call the Dyson a POS at every opportunity. How many different twists can you use to avoid admitting that I never called the vac a POS. I will get the pop corn as I wait.
Joined: Aug 21, 2007
Points: 1293
Re: Sears Premalite TV Ad for $379
Reply #43 Apr 12, 2011 6:55 am |
Wrong thread. Too early in the LG Premalite history. Came later. See the thread I mentioned. (that is what I just posted) It's there. You were commenting on the host of complaints that buyers were reporting with the new LG Premalite. There were quite a few on this page by several regular posters. You said to me if consumers would report the same complaints about a dyson I WOULD CALL IT A POS. You said perhaps (meaning that would be if you were discussing Dyson)the new LG PREMALITE IS A LEMON.? I said: You said it for me. And I agreed with you. FACTS.  BTW one of huge fans was your buddy here now Mike W. Carmine D. The quote that I brought forward today was originally posted in March 2008. This is the same time period that you referenced in the WalMart bag thread. Your quote above is same as what I brought forward. Caught in your own web----AGAIN.