Thanks Venson. Wonderful article. At 50 years, it puts him starting out in the business in 1958. That's about 9 years after I started in December 1949. I sold out in 1992 after 40 plus years. The store with the vacuum business is still there at the points where the city of Newark and the town of Bloomfield border and intersect. The current owner, who I talk to and visit now and again when I get over to NJ, is still going strong. The site, unlike the Charms Candy Company and Frelingheuser shipping yard which bordered the store on the right side, have long ago gone. But the vacuum store has become a landmark in the area. Some years ago the local newspaper in the town of Bloomfield wanted to do a 50 year story on it and asked me to participate. I tols them to come back and ask me after 100 years.
Carmine D.