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Consumer Reports - March 2008
Original Message   Jan 31, 2008 1:47 pm
Some observations -

  • Oreck is conspicuously missing from the upright ratings.
  • Panasonic has a new AeroBlast for $700 is a apparently a poor copy of a Dyson that burps loudly when it reverses the air flow to clean the filter.   Why would anyone pay so much for a Dyson copy, particularly when the filter clogs with fine dust?
  • Hoover's fall from grace is noted, presumably due to their ill conceived bagless vacuums.  Hoover now has the worst reliability of the uprights.  Dyson is second only to Kirby in the reliability rankings.   
  • For uprights, Kenmore takes the top 2 spots (bagged and bagless), followed by the Riccar SupraLite RSL3, the Electrolux Oxygen EL5035A, and the Kirby Sentria.  
  • The Halo is #33 on the list for uprights. 
  • The $60 Hoover Tempo Widepath has a better tool airflow score than the Dyson DC17 as well as better carpet cleaning scores. 

The smart tyrant writes his own story to ensure that it is favorable.  The lazy will repeat lines from the book without fact checking. 
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Re: Consumer Reports - March 2008
Reply #108   Feb 24, 2008 7:23 am
What is your purpose in using Mole's response about the hose in all of your replies?  Your attempt at intimidation is useless and you can't answer my original question.  BTW for all the others.  My question has stumped Carmine for 3 years and now Mole is unable to answer.     

I hope that Dyson does not go under if Mole parts with them.  I remember how you pulled away from Hoover and 50 some years later they were out of business.

Is there a difference in servicing a vacuum in warranty vs out of warranty.  I think I cna answer my own question.  You have to be more honest with the manufacturer than with the comsumer.


HARDSELL, what question are you looking for an answer to.No selling parts in just extra income,the money is in selling refurbed dysons,the ones we buy for almost nothing from sources we have contacts with.Sometimes we even get a few dc15 $#%*. You know the one that failed to sell in the fancy high priced retailers.Which leads me to a question for you how come dyson did not give these retailers a full credit refund for the dysons that have been sitting in stock for over 6 months.

Hi Carmine these are oem dyson hoses,There is no bojack stuff yet, the second most popular item is the clutch and belt kit,we sell them at 50% off dysons price.

Would you like to sell them for us also.You can be the left coast parts center.......



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Re: Consumer Reports - March 2008
Reply #109   Feb 24, 2008 11:32 am
mole wrote:

Hi Carmine these are oem dyson hoses,There is no bojack stuff yet, the second most popular item is the clutch and belt kit,we sell them at 50% off dysons price.

Would you like to sell them for us also.You can be the left coast parts center.......


OEM, interesting. 

Ironic you should ask.  An indy here in North Las Vegas has made me an offer to repair and refurb just dysons for his store. 

He just recently took in the dyson line for the parts and repairs and to refurb all the trades and abandoned dyson repairs.  

I visit him from time to time.  He keeps asking me.  The owner is a friend and church

member in the same church as my daughter and son-in-law.  I'm mulling it over. 

Carmine D.


Joined: Aug 21, 2007
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Re: Consumer Reports - March 2008
Reply #110   Feb 25, 2008 5:52 am
mole wrote:
HARDSELL, what question are you looking for an answer to.No selling parts in just extra income,the money is in selling refurbed dysons,the ones we buy for almost nothing from sources we have contacts with.Sometimes we even get a few dc15 $#%*. You know the one that failed to sell in the fancy high priced retailers.Which leads me to a question for you how come dyson did not give these retailers a full credit refund for the dysons that have been sitting in stock for over 6 months.

This is my original post :

We know that independents can't survive on sales alone and you want us to believe that ALL BUT DYSON are rarely repaired.  Again I ask. 

How have so many independents survived without repairing Dysons?


I am not in the vacuum business so I can't answer your question.  I have no concern with the business end.  I simply tire of reading all the negativity and lies about Dyson. 


Joined: Feb 17, 2008
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Re: Consumer Reports - March 2008
Reply #111   Feb 25, 2008 7:52 am
CarmineD wrote:
The HOOVER Mach models superceded the FUSION and are not only in Wal*Mart and Sam Club stores NOW but also other retailers.  Why?  FUSION paved the way with several years of successful sales. 

Hi all. Just thought I'd throw this out there. I went to Target this past weekend and there is a new Hoover sitting on the shelf for $199.99. It is called "Windtunnel + Cyclonic" which looks exactly like the Mach 5 but, as the name suggests, it has the windtunnel feature now.

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Re: Consumer Reports - March 2008
Reply #112   Feb 25, 2008 8:39 am
MrApollinax wrote:
Hi all. Just thought I'd throw this out there. I went to Target this past weekend and there is a new Hoover sitting on the shelf for $199.99. It is called "Windtunnel + Cyclonic" which looks exactly like the Mach 5 but, as the name suggests, it has the windtunnel feature now.

Hello Mr. Apollinax:

This WT model is post TTI takeover of Maytag.  Also slightly more expensive

than the Mach's.  TARGET is advertising it this week too.  Most other retailers

have the WT Cyclonic too [i.e. SEARS, Kohls, etc.].  WT model is widely known

and TTI wants to capitalize on it.  If I'm not mistaken too, it has one/more of the

features from the HOOVER Z.  But I don't know the specifics and may be wrong.

Consumer Reports did not include in its latest testing and reporting.  Probably

due to its newness.  I expect it will in October if not sooner in a short special


Carmine D.

Moderator Mike_W

"There is no BEST or PERFECT vacuum cleaner"

"Take care of your vacuum, then your vacuum will take care of you"

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Re: Consumer Reports - March 2008
Reply #113   Feb 25, 2008 8:51 am
MrApollinax wrote:
Hi all. Just thought I'd throw this out there. I went to Target this past weekend and there is a new Hoover sitting on the shelf for $199.99. It is called "Windtunnel + Cyclonic" which looks exactly like the Mach 5 but, as the name suggests, it has the windtunnel feature now.

This is not real new, because it has been at other retailers for a while now.  Best Buy was the first big box, I believe.

This message was modified Feb 25, 2008 by Mike_W

Joined: Feb 17, 2008
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Re: Consumer Reports - March 2008
Reply #114   Feb 25, 2008 12:42 pm
I had figured that it wasn't very new. I had posted it to add on to Carmine's post of Hoover adding onto the line of vacs he was talking about: Fusion --> Mach --> WT + Cyclonic.

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Re: Consumer Reports - March 2008
Reply #115   Feb 25, 2008 2:38 pm
...I simply tire of reading all the negativity and lies about Dyson. 

Thank you.  DIB


Joined: Dec 30, 2007
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Re: Consumer Reports - March 2008
Reply #116   Feb 25, 2008 2:45 pm
HOME DEPOT had a deal with Maytag/HOOVER

for an exclusive Fusion model called the

Legacy.  Ironically, as much negative commentary

that the FUSION and Legacy bagless uprights

received from bagless vacuum experts and by Consumer

Reports, the sales were always off the charts.

People liked the price and performance.  Two more HOOVER

upright bagless models which were kow towed by the experts

are the HOOVER EmPower and Elite Rewind.  The former

has been a staple among vacuum sales by many retailers

since 2002.  The latter which started out in BEST BUY has made

the rounds to most retailers too.  And now bears the Legacy

name at HOME DEPOT. 

BTW, I gifted a new HOOVER Elite Rewind which I purchased

at COSTCO for $89 as a Christmas gift to a newlywed couple

in Utah.  They love it.  The COSTCO store staff in N. Las Vegas

tell me it has been a huge selling success.

Carmine D.


Joined: Dec 30, 2007
Points: 5894

Re: Consumer Reports - March 2008
Reply #117   Feb 25, 2008 2:55 pm
While much is written about the HOOVER Tempo

as a stand out performer for the price, the HOOVER EmPower

Consumer Report ratings are never mentioned.

Selling between $59 and $100, the EmPower came in 14th

overall in March 2008.  Handily [read by large margins] beating out among

others: dyson DC14, DC07, DC15, and DC18.  Vacuums costing

a whole lot more than the EmPower.

Carmine D.

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