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Location: Middletown Ohio
Joined: Feb 7, 2008
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New Kirby ?
Original Message Feb 8, 2008 9:36 am |
Hi Everyone, Does anyone know if Kirby is coming out with a new model soon? Another board mentioned a Kirby Mark2........ Thanks for any info
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Re: New Kirby ?
Reply #2 Feb 10, 2008 8:47 am |
Hi Bud and Just. If you look at kirbys past history of product design, They have not really changed the molds and specs on the generation 3,much they just tweak it here and there. Is it good business,i dont know you tell me, My opinion is why get away from a product thats reconized and respected through out the industry.Kirby's, electroluxes, and old hoovers and even compacts are the most sought after machines for rebuilding by both recon guys and collectors.All of these machines have used the same designs for the last 50 years.[except hoover],and look what happened to them. Maybe down the road kirby might main line their machines by adding on board attachments,Then the machine will loose it's old school looks and charm. The kirby is a great open area rug cleaning machine.The other stuff that it does is really just for show when the salesperson GETS IN, and puts on the dog and pony show. This why they say people dont buy kirbys people are sold kirbys. more to come later.............. MOLE
Joined: Nov 27, 2007
Points: 172
Re: New Kirby ?
Reply #3 Feb 20, 2008 10:48 am |
Mole, I will agree with you. If Kirby does anything they will tweak the innards or add a new toy. And toy it is. How many people actually use their expensive vacuum to polish their car anyway? Maybe with spring coming, we could use our Kirby powerplant as a garden tiller. I don't see Kirby drastically changing their machine. After all it has only happened three times in 90 years; even then they were still recognizable as a Kirby. Though the G series could stand to lose a few pounds, I wouldn't want to see it changed to something that wasn't a Kirby. I wonder if this could have been why the Royal Powercast failed so quickly? Besides the weight, of course, you did not readliy recognize the machine as a Royal.
This message was modified Feb 20, 2008 by Just
Joined: Dec 30, 2007
Points: 5894
Re: New Kirby ?
Reply #4 Feb 21, 2008 2:57 am |
I wonder if this could have been why the Royal Powercast failed so quickly? Besides the weight, of course, you did not readliy recognize the machine as a Royal.
The Royal Powercast was an excellent performer. A dealer let me use a new one in my home with the attachments [which were not stored on board, a major drawback] before buying. The very first thing I did with it was to vacuum up some small rocks and pebbles that I brought into the house when I did some back yard upgrading. We had a week of rain in Virginia and the yards were soaked and drenched. My dear Wife was vacationing, so I bought up a bunch of patio block stones on sale and walked them to the backyard through the house [a no no with the Wife present]. I staged the stones on the foyer rug and floor from the car [Ford Explorer] and before carrying to the back yard. The Powercast made them disappear quickly with no tell tale signs on the rugs/floors and vacuum.
I could have snagged it for a "C" buck. Wife wouldn't hear of it. She liked the job it did on the rugs and with the attachments. But it just was too darn heavy to use and big to store. Even more so than the Royal metals. It would have gathered dust in the closet [like my new DC07 pink]. So it went back. As I recall, it came with a 6 year motor guaranty and the date was stamped on the machine. This was several years before dyson opted for the 5 year warranty on its dysons. An excellent marketing ploy that worked for dyson, not Royal. Carmine D.
This message was modified Feb 21, 2008 by CarmineD