Vacuum Cleaners Discussions |
Joined: Jul 25, 2007
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Re: Consumer Reports - March 2008
Reply #31 Feb 6, 2008 4:34 pm |
Prior to December this was a very civil board. Then Carmine joined. From that point it took less than 30 days to lock a topic. He has also been a major contributor to getting an entire site closed. Problem is he is living the past and can't comprehend how he was passed by. In case you do not know, Carmine parted the sea, predicted a flood and provided a ship to save all animals, taught Fred Astair to dance, taught Joe Louis to box. No matter what the occurance Carmine always reminds the world that he predicted it way in advance. He predicted that Dyson would be out of business two years ago. He predicted that the Hoover Fusion then the Hoover Z would be the next bagless standards. They are long gone. There were a few others that he claimed would unseat Dyson in BB and other stores. It ain't happened. I see he has a puppet on this site also. Perhaps he and mole should get in the laundry business. Both seem to be washed up. I really like Dyson!! I have to say that I stopped reading the old board because of the bashing that took place by several members… The saddest part was that a lot (but not all) of the commotion was started by Carmine… When the old forum closed it was like a breath of fresh air to come onto the new forum, even if for me it was only to read and not post… I often thought the same thing that you did Hardsell… It was so nice without Carmine stirring the pot. I was actually glad that he had not found his way onto this forum, but knew it would only be a matter of time before someone ruined it for everyone else and led him back… So once again, most people will stop coming to this forum to actually ask questions – Now that there is a new host of the board, maybe someone will step up and address the actual problem and see about having the problem removed once and for all… Dan
"There is no BEST or PERFECT vacuum cleaner"
"Take care of your vacuum, then your vacuum will take care of you"
Joined: Nov 30, 2004
Points: 1683
Re: Consumer Reports - March 2008
Reply #32 Feb 6, 2008 9:04 pm |
I have to say that I stopped reading the old board because of the bashing that took place by several members… The saddest part was that a lot (but not all) of the commotion was started by Carmine… When the old forum closed it was like a breath of fresh air to come onto the new forum, even if for me it was only to read and not post… I often thought the same thing that you did Hardsell… It was so nice without Carmine stirring the pot. I was actually glad that he had not found his way onto this forum, but knew it would only be a matter of time before someone ruined it for everyone else and led him back… So once again, most people will stop coming to this forum to actually ask questions – Now that there is a new host of the board, maybe someone will step up and address the actual problem and see about having the problem removed once and for all… Dan Dan; This forum is the same, just using a different program. Remember to keep your comments/opinions regarding administration/moderator off the posts(same as other forum). As for "most people will stop coming"-NOT! It has been the same people for quite some time now, just like the former forum. There are quite a few who return almost every hour. We have seen very few visitors posting, even before Carmine. BTW, this seems to be one of the most active of the few discussion boards here. Now, bring this thread back to topic and take it off eachother.
This message was modified Feb 6, 2008 by Mike_W
If my vacuum can remove even one spec of dirt that yours misses, then mine is better than yours - even if there's no proof that mine would have picked up as much dirt as yours...
Joined: Jul 30, 2007
Points: 397
Re: Consumer Reports - March 2008
Reply #33 Feb 7, 2008 5:52 am |
Mr Washed Up, It seems that the trend at CR is to pick the least expensive. If one chooses the $60 Hoover should they also invest in a good electronic air filtering system to catch the dust spewed from the Hoover? I notice that you are now supporting the disposable vacuum. Is that because all your favorites only last a short time? Maybe that useless headlight is wearing them out. HardSell: Most consumers pick the lowest priced machine that meets or exceeds their needs, so why wouldn't CR use a similar criteria. This particular Hoover is a great bargain at $60. Given CR's positive emissions rating on this machine, it is a little disingenuous to refer to it as a dust spewer. Whether it's a wise strategy on Hoover/TTI's part to have such a good performer topping it's more expensive siblings, I don't know. But that has nothing to do with CR's ratings. Unless you have lifetime/repair data on this particular Hoover Tempo to share, which I'm sure you don't, you don't really have a leg to stand on when discussing the lifetime of these products - or calling it disposable. Many people manage quite nicely with their $60 Hoover Tempos. Assuming that they are not abused, I suspect that most of these Hoovers will still be in service ten years down the road.
The smart tyrant writes his own story to ensure that it is favorable. The lazy will repeat lines from the book without fact checking.
Joined: Aug 21, 2007
Points: 1293
Re: Consumer Reports - March 2008
Reply #35 Feb 7, 2008 9:52 am |
Most consumers pick the lowest priced machine that meets or exceeds their needs, so why wouldn't CR use a similar criteria. This particular Hoover is a great bargain at $60. Given CR's positive emissions rating on this machine, it is a little disingenuous to refer to it as a dust spewer. Whether it's a wise strategy on Hoover/TTI's part to have such a good performer topping it's more expensive siblings, I don't know. But that has nothing to do with CR's ratings. Unless you have lifetime/repair data on this particular Hoover Tempo to share, which I'm sure you don't, you don't really have a leg to stand on when discussing the lifetime of these products - or calling it disposable. Many people manage quite nicely with their $60 Hoover Tempos. Assuming that they are not abused, I suspect that most of these Hoovers will still be in service ten years down the road. Picking the lowest price machine that meets minimum standards for the consumer does not make that the best overall machine. If that was true the Ford Taurus and F-150 Ford trucks would be the best autos ever built.
I simply asked if extra filtration was needed since Hoover has been known to spew dust. I haven't read the latest report. Was a measurement given for the amount of dust released back into the air? Have you used a Tempo on tile or wood floors? My money says it will blow more dust across the room than it vacuums up. Dyson is excellent for these types of floors. Carmine is the one who eluded to replacing the Tempo every year. For the past 3 years or more he has repeatedly stated that the Dyson will not last. Maybe you should ask for his lifetiome data. I used a DC07 for 3 years with absolutely no parts replaced or any other problems. Try 3 years without replacing belts and bags on other brands. Most any vacuum that is not abused should last 10 years. Big question is how will it perform during that time span? Good example is the $700 broom with a 21 year warranty.
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Re: Consumer Reports - March 2008
Reply #36 Feb 7, 2008 11:17 am |
Hardsell, Thanks for what you said about the timeline and the trouble they cause. You should know this baiting cheap shot and calling you “disingenuous” by someone called “Severus” is indeed “Mole”. Mole is also “DysonIsOverated”. He floats around this forum using the Severus or Mole typically. Most telling, Mole uses children’s fantasy characters from “Harry Potter” for all 3 of his Member profile personas. Creapy? Dan, Yes, it is already happening, Good people here are attacked frequently by 2 individuals or “Internet Trolls”. Lately these good people are posting less and less. DIB
Joined: Aug 21, 2007
Points: 1293
Re: Consumer Reports - March 2008
Reply #37 Feb 7, 2008 12:11 pm |
Hardsell, Thanks for what you said about the timeline and the trouble they cause. You should know this baiting cheap shot and calling you “disingenuous” by someone called “Severus” is indeed “Mole”. Mole is also “DysonIsOverated”. He floats around this forum using the Severus or Mole typically. Most telling, Mole uses children’s fantasy characters from “Harry Potter” for all 3 of his Member profile personas. Creapy? Dan, Yes, it is already happening, Good people here are attacked frequently by 2 individuals or “Internet Trolls”. Lately these good people are posting less and less. DIB DIB, thanks for the heads up. I was wondering if mole chose that name because he resembles one of those little creatures that always hides underground and roots in his own excrement. Considered by most to be a pain in the a$$ and useless.
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Joined: Sep 29, 2007
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Re: Consumer Reports - March 2008
Reply #38 Feb 8, 2008 4:54 am |
Hi DIB, H.S., Dib your wrong in your assumptions about me,I think you should retract that post.H.S. you and I have gone at it for over 3 years now . You are trying to combat one of the living legends in the industry. GOOD LUCK......... THE MOLE
Joined: Jul 22, 2007
Points: 1900
Re: Consumer Reports - March 2008
Reply #39 Feb 9, 2008 2:46 pm |
Hi all, Here's the Seattle Times interpretation of the latest Consumer Reports vacuum estimations. Best, Venson
Joined: Jul 22, 2007
Points: 1900
Re: Consumer Reports - March 2008
Reply #40 Feb 10, 2008 8:55 am |
Hi Vernon,Venson,LUCKY1,and anyone else that knows this business,[Yes Carmine even you]. I would like to submit the following question. 1 If you are in charge of producing a cleaner,and cost and quality is the most important factor,and of course staying in business is important,What type of cleaner would you build, and what price point would you chase. 2 Would you hire people to design,engineer it, give it a retro look?. 3 or buy a company thats already going and use the same as it's always been approach...... Please think about what and where this industry has become before posting........ MOLE Howdy Mole, I’m so sorry. It took me a while to come up with a well thought out answer to the questions you posed. . It’s for you to judge how worthwhile all the thinking was. First let me say . . . In no way an original thought on my part but, as an instance, in the music industry -- a business unto itself -- there are about three levels of artists. There are those who do the work more for the love of the craft than love of money and who are unafraid to bear the weight of faith in uncompromised originality on their shoulders. They make their sacrifices, they put blood, they put sweat, they put tears into the effort of "making" and may gather something of a following but don't usually get the accolades or landmark returns for all the effort invested. Could this be representative of now defunct Air-Way and some similar old guard American manufacturers either still in business or gone? Then there those who are adept at imitating the former with less investment. Onstage, though maybe not as artful, they know all the technical moves to the dance and can match poses with the real talent well enough to produce some semblance of “know how”. They usually do well because they focus on the look of things re the status quo. Could that be Aerus and several other companies? Lowest on the ladder are the mere assemblers of things. They are picked by bigger entities and haberdashers to put forth cute stuff of dubious quality that money can be quickly made from and ask no bigger questions than, "When's lunch?" They say what they are told to say, stand where they’re directed to stand and move right to left as directed by guides who care little about the art of manufacture but a lot about pleasing the crowd with the superficial -- again all for money. Anyway . . . If I were in charge of putting together a vacuum cleaner from the ground up, though I’d be more inclined to want to develop a traditional bagged canister with power nozzle, I might be also intrigued by seeking a way to the best of both worlds. I might want to opt for a two-motor machine say no more than 12-15 inches in overall body width and of no more than a 10-inch height with an attached power nozzle. The design idea being that the vacuum could be used upright style for rug cleaning and flipped back horizontally for better mobility for above the floor cleaning and other duty. There would of course have to be safety mechanisms in place to keep the brushroll from becoming operable while the machine is in horizontal position. I think I’d opt for a hand-operated cordwinder similar to the one used back in the day on the Lewyt 210. The amount of actions you usually go through to guide a power cord into a spring-wound winder aren’t significantly less involved than reeling in a cord by hand. There’d be also be less components in the winder to bother about. I’d first want to find as compact, quiet and well-balanced a two-stage fan and armature set-up as I could get and see to it being well-mounted. I’d also want to research and design an integral baffle set up, prior or post final filters, for exhaust air that might lessen noise additionally and allow less reliance on sound muffling material that may promote heat build-up. And all that of course without impeding air flow. Automobile mufflers basically use this idea don’t they? Yes, I’d want my machine to be bagged. I would also want as large as possible high-efficiency filtration area, pre-motor and after, besides a large disposable bag. Design of the bag chamber would of course allow for efficient airflow all around the disposable bag. Plastic would be used as a mainstay for the overall body of the unit but a metal skeleton of some sort could be used to further strengthen the cleaner’s body and possibly be incorporated as a motor mount. Ideas as to how to keep the machine as easily owner repairable as is reasonable would also have to be kept in mind while thinking on overall design. I cannot answer questions as to cost but the idea, I feel, can be realized by way of modification of forms already here. This is something, Miele, Tacony or Electrolux could easily do it if they wanted to. Of course the issue is that it would be different. Different is always an exception on way or the other when making money is in mind. Best, Venson