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Re: Oreck/ XL 21
Reply #15 Jan 29, 2008 2:04 am |
The best comment i ever heard from an oreck customer is that she didn't have to take a nap after cleaning her carpets. MOLE
I love it! That says it all. If people equate vacuuming to hard work, they won't do it. Instead putting it off until they absolutely can't anymore. With an Oreck you're not tired after the deed is done. You do the traffic areas, the floors, the throws, and then zip under the furniture and beds too. You wrap up the cord, and don't have to break your back to do it. Then you tuck it away behind a chair/lamp until the next day. Change the belt every 6 months, it takes 30 seconds. And there's a storage well on the soleplate for a spare. Change the bag every 2-3 months [maybe longer]. Takes a minute. Store extra bags in the outer bag pocket. Dispose the full bag in the kitchen trash. No daily/frequent dust and dirt bin dumping. People equate the latter with hard work. And consequently they don't do it! Throw in filter maintenance and weight of bagless vacuums and you have a huge headache. In addition to a backache.
Carmine D.
This message was modified Jan 29, 2008 by CarmineD
Joined: Dec 30, 2007
Points: 5894
Re: Oreck/ XL 21
Reply #16 Jan 29, 2008 7:56 am |
Carmine, OH--BTW, If I ever catch you endorsing a Dyson. I will start looking around for UFO's and those bodysnatchers from the Sci-Fi movies. Because I know they've got you.
Hi Just:
I didn't notice this in my earlier reading and it gave me a good laugh. I've made several personal and professional suggestions for improving dysons on a number of vacuum Forums. I was probably the first observer to note and comment on the flimsy brush roll [bar] on the DC07. And warn buyers and users that it was not an industry standard brush roll. This was in April 2002. I also criticized the u bend airway saying that customers typically step on it confusing it for the handle release also in April 2002. And criticized the DC07 for not having a headlight. The u bend joints would be found laying around the dyson vacuums unattached. Why? The store staff did not know how to attach and the dyson manual didn't specifically illustrate. A BEST BUY employee and supervisor tried for 20 minutes when they demoed the DC07 to me. Of course without the u bend air way, it has no attachment suction. I finally showed them. These faults have been corrected [save the headlight]. I could go on, but I'll spare the readers the redundancy. One of the reasons I laugh, is because there have been recent UFO sightings over Las Vegas on 2 different occasions. Both seen by dear Wife and several of our neighbors. To my knowledge, they got no news coverage locally/nationally. Not like the recent fire at the Monte Carlo Hotel/Casino. After the first sighting, I kidded my Wife and others about it. Citing the Twilight Zone. After the second, I didn't. Wait until I tell her that she was right and jaydee is sending his cadre of cronies to kidnap me. She'll love it! Some thought that was the reason for my absence from this site. No such luck by jaydee.  My sense is dyson will do one of 2 things in the future: One: Sell the dyson rights off to the highest bidder which he tried to do before in better economic times. And/or resign himself and his products to a "niche" market in the USA. If the former, the dyson products will result in a niche base of faithful clientele. Most of whom, post on the vacuum Forums and will buy anything with the dyson name and pay whatever it costs. if I were still in the business I would stock and sell dysons [if customers absolutely insisted on buying]. And I would wholesale them by just covering my costs of sale. As an accomodation for my customers and to have the dyson repair and parts business which should get lucrative soon. Carmine D.
This message was modified Jan 29, 2008 by CarmineD
Dyson, Sebo and Bissell user
Joined: Jul 24, 2007
Points: 294
Re: Oreck/ XL 21
Reply #18 Jan 29, 2008 11:29 am |
That link to Oreck is very 'laughable'!! Why? 1: Carpet to bare floor - Dyson vacs head adjusts automatically from carpet to bare floor (you can turn off the brush bar if required as to not mark your hard floor) 2: No brush bar turn off on the Oreck! What if I need to turn it off - no function to do this! 3: Why the need for a light! No one vacs in the dark (put the room light on! waste of electric and energy regardless of how light it takes!) and if your going under furniture (I believe someone made a comment on here) you would not vacuum blind under beds etc... 4: Hard platic shell (Dyson) - yes to with stand knocks etc... 5: Handle - well the Oreck handle is not much different form the Dyson! 6: Filters - Yes washable and reuseable and reuseable bin very green - Oreck no filters yes may be but a paper bag (clogged one at that!) - not very green on the environment! 7: Edge brushes - the DC07\DC14 (which is in the picture on the web link DC14 that is) has edge brushes which Dyson places on the edge/corners and you can just see them on that web link picture if you look closely!! 8: Odor Conrol - well the Oreck would need that due to it having a bag, Dyson doesn't need odor control dirt is spun out of the air flow! 9: Energy Use - yes the oreck has a lower watt motor but when you compare a Dyson to other vacs you will also find the Dyson motor wattage is lower than others (all Dyson vacs are under 1400 watt apart from the DDM which I believe is 1600 watts!) 10: Diry Capacity - Why would you want old dirt sitting around in your vaccum for weeks or even months! Vacuum up and get it out of the house! 11: Environment/Green Issues - With no parts to replace (ie Bags, belts, filters) the Dyson is more greener than the Oreck! In a world where we are told to be greener then the Oreck is not that green! 12: Where Oreck states 'Just the facts', they fail to mention there is no tools on the machine you have to take out of the cupboard their little canister. By the time you have done this and wasted time doing so the 'quick' draw wand on the Dyson can be pulled out to do your above floor and attachment cleaning! No vacuum cleaner is perfect, each to their own and also down to users preferred choice! Oreck should be comparing there vacuum to other simular lighter models, ones with a bag. The DC14 is a full size vac plus they need to do there home work a little better as well! I think other vacuum company pick Dyson becuase of it unique technology, if the Bag is so great they don't need to compare it to Dyson. They should look at there own technology and the product should sell on it merits! DC18
This message was modified Jan 29, 2008 by DC18
Joined: Aug 17, 2007
Points: 295
Re: Oreck/ XL 21
Reply #19 Jan 29, 2008 12:17 pm |
I copied this from a link on this site for dysons. Well done. Doesn't appear to be bashing. A neutral fact based comparison. Carmine D. The No1 rule with competitors is that you never directly 'bash' their product or service when comparing to your own. Why? It looks appears Unprofessional and isn't as effective!
Joined: Nov 1, 2007
Points: 409
Re: Oreck/ XL 21
Reply #21 Jan 29, 2008 12:48 pm |
Hi DC18,
You hit the nail right on the head with that one as always, I agree with everything you said. And, again, look what we see the Oreck being compared to, the "poster boy" DC14, one of the older US Dyson models. A dead giveaway that Oreck is grasping for something to complain about. The reason being that if it was compared to any of the newer models (Slim, DC17 anyone?), well, they wouldn't find anything TRULY wrong with them. I agree with you that the Dyson is picked on due to the simple fact that it has potential that others are afraid of. No one can ignore its success in the (almost) 6 years it has been in the US.
True, the Oreck does have a lower watt/amp motor, but it also has less airflow. Have you ever seen the size of an Oreck fan? Only 5 blades, and TINY. Good for picking up surface dirt from low-pile carpeting, and that's about it. Not only is the Dyson better. There are even other bagged lightweights the size of the Oreck, look at the Lux Lite/Hoover Clean & Light and the Tacony-made machines for example. The difference is that those are actually REAL vacuums with REAL fans. In fact I recall one of the advertising claims on the Tacony-made machines was showing the Tacony and Oreck fans side-by-side; the Tacony fan being of a much larger diameter of course. And don't get me started about that minicanister...
And to me, a headlight is there for purely cosmetic reasons, just to add to the look of the cleaner. It's a nice touch, but is it REALLY necessary?
Dyson, Sebo and Bissell user
Joined: Jul 24, 2007
Points: 294
Re: Oreck/ XL 21
Reply #22 Jan 29, 2008 1:21 pm |
Hi Motorhead Thank you! I was only stating the obvious from the 'so called facts' Oreck was stating/claiming about a Dyson machine! I agree with you Oreck must be grasping and clutching at something to try and sell their machines. If the Oreck technology is so great then as I've said already the product will sell itself there is no need to make comprision to a specific machine which really is not a like for like model/setup!! Yes I think Dyson is picked on or used because they have something different to offer and there is nothing 'truely' new and different on the market for them to use/pick on! Dyson thinks 'out of the box' which is different and unique to the so called 'norm' and like you say has been very successful with it. I do think are 'deep' down affraid in someway of Dyson. If Dyson is no good then why do they try and compare their machines to them, they should just concenstrate on their own technology and promote that! If there own technology is any good then the product will sell. No I have not seen an Oreck fan but looking at the size of the machine I can only guess it is very small like you say. Oreck in the UK is not sold in high street shops they are mainly web base, newspaper and magazine articles and are always aimed at the older generation! Where as Dyson is main stream! I think for the price (Oreck UK) I think they are well over priced for what they are and in my opinion a 'modern' Hoover Junior! Or some would say an electric sweeper! I take it MH you don't like the mini Oreck canister then!? I think the headlight is cosmetic. We had a Hoover (UK) Turbopower in the late 80's which had a head lamp and it played no use when using it. In fact when the bulb went we didn't get it replaced no need to! It a waste of time and energy having one! If I wanted to vacuum in the dark then yes but I don't think anyone would! Never seem to purpose of them really! DC18
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Re: Oreck/ XL 21
Reply #23 Jan 29, 2008 1:21 pm |
So when is Jimmy boy going to innovate a bumper strip into his innovations.Do the dyson faithful feel that this would be a benefit to the customer?I really would be upset when that cleaning head is crashing into my woodwork and marking it all up.I mean come on boy's even my regina electric had a rubber bumper on the nozzle. My suggestion to Dyson would be to get out of the vacuum market,before he and his 300plus engineers are on the unenployment line. Maybe they can R@D into a candle that burns from the bottom to the top.And then and only then tell us how innovative they are.DYSOON............ MOLE
Joined: Dec 30, 2007
Points: 5894
Re: Oreck/ XL 21
Reply #24 Jan 29, 2008 2:08 pm |
The No1 rule with competitors is that you never directly 'bash' their product or service when comparing to your own. Why? It looks appears Unprofessional and isn't as effective!
M00seUK et al:
Webster has the following definitions for "bash" as a transient verb: 1. To strike with a crushing blow. 2. a. To physically assault; beat up. b. To abuse verbally. And as a noun: 3. A crushing blow. 4. a lively social event. And finally basher-noun. A checklist of product features comparing one product brand to another [or to its own for that matter] does not meet the above definitions of "bashing'. It presents the facts in an easy to read comparative format. Some would say smart comparative advertising. Oreck does the same for its own vacuum products. So does dyson. So do all other brands. Does this mean they are "bashing" their own products? Pointing out the differences in an easy to read format? If you think so, fine don't buy it. To me, it's smart and effective advertising. "You'll discover that while a dyson may be pretty, a new Oreck Ultra is pretty smart." Carmine D.
This message was modified Jan 29, 2008 by CarmineD