I remember seeing that Singer System upright in ads (KMart was one IIRC, as well as the Damark catalog) in the early-90s when I was little; saved the ads for a "vacuum scrapbook" of sorts. Fast-forward 15+ years, at our club's gathering this past June, and I wind up pulling a Singer System canister out of the basement of a vacuum shop that was about to close along with 2 power nozzles for it. That was the only one that appeared to be decent-looking enough to save, everything else was pretty bad. Another member was digging around for parts for the Singer Golden Glide canister he found (which bore a striking resemblance to mine) and came across the electric hose for mine. I dug up some chrome wands that fit, although I found out the originals were plastic.
The power nozzle is an interesting T-shaped design with two headlight bulbs, unfortunately, the sleeve-bearing brushrolls in both are frozen. I think, though, with enough PB spray I'll have no problem getting them unstuck. Worst case, I'll end up making one good one out of two. Surprisingly, for a cheap canister, this one apparently was still working when it was traded in. I plugged it in, hit the switch and after who-knows-how-many years of sitting in that damp basement, it fired right up with no strange noises.
There's also an interesting Singer "Simon" upright on eBay right now. I'm told it was about as well made as the Regina Housekeeper...;-)