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Dyson, Sebo and Bissell user
Joined: Jul 24, 2007
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Re: James Dyson, inventor: DC16 / Root6 "Animal"? LInks & pics
Reply #11 Oct 1, 2007 12:55 pm |
Hello DIB Yes I think you was re-editing your picture of the DC16 Animal and posting it when I posted mine! I couldn't view your picture to start with! Can now! Although I can't see any of the pictures of this catway James Dyson has designed I think it fantastic he has been asked by one of the fashion designers to design their catwalk! He designed his own garden for a garden show why not a catwalk. I think alot of people not just the public but other area's of life look to James Dyson for inspiration and idea's or ask him to design for him. I think one of the reasons because he is different which is one of the many reason I admire him! He doesn't conform to the norm like most and tryies something no one else would do or try! After all why not be different! What he has achieved and continues to is a testiment to his success! What do you think of the 'new look' web? Just seen it today! I did half expect a brand new model on there in the shape of an upright or canister! I have to say it is a complete change and a very good one to! Complete change to the last one! This must be about the 3 or 4 UK web change I've seen since the very first UK Dyson website! I see with the new Dyson UK Website the DC03 is no longer on there to buy! Also they have dropped all DC15 models and just left the animal version! Interesting they have put the DC18 Slim before the DC15 in the upright model line up! Was in model number order! Now the web has a special offers page! With some deals on there! Wonder where it will rollout next? US web? Speak soon! DC18
This message was modified Oct 1, 2007 by DC18
Dyson, Sebo and Bissell user
Joined: Jul 24, 2007
Points: 294
Re: James Dyson, inventor: DC16 / Root6 "Animal"? LInks & pics
Reply #12 Oct 1, 2007 1:00 pm |
Hello M00seUK So what do you think of the 'new look' Dyson UK website? Very impressive! One thing I have noticed that they have not changed is the careers page! I would of though they would of injected the same cool design on that page too!? It does look more professional now all the pages have been done as before only the front/home page got changed mainly! So do you think the DC16 Animal is one of the 8 new vacuums from Dyson? I'm not sure as they said 8 brand new models! Will have to see! Looks like you can remove the brush bar on the DC16 motorised brush bar head from one side using a coin! DC18
This message was modified Oct 1, 2007 by DC18
Dyson, Sebo and Bissell user
Joined: Jul 24, 2007
Points: 294
Re: James Dyson, inventor: DC16 / Root6 "Animal"? LInks & pics
Reply #13 Oct 1, 2007 1:23 pm |
M00seUK, DIB one thing I noticed with the DC16-handheld website if you click on the view full range link it takes you to the new Dyson UK website full product range. Like you say M00seUK someone maybe trying to capitalise on protential search traffic! DC18
This message was modified Oct 1, 2007 by DC18
Dyson, Sebo and Bissell user
Joined: Jul 24, 2007
Points: 294
Re: James Dyson, inventor: DC16 / Root6 "Animal"? LInks & pics
Reply #14 Oct 6, 2007 1:25 pm |
Hello DIB and Co I visited the Dyson Stand at the Grand Design Exhibition in the UK. They had 3 Dyson Airblades on show to use and see first hand how the Airblade works! They had a Dyson Slim DC18 being put through it's paces by a robotic arm and showing you in depth shots and video shots of all the testing they do with the machines before we the public are let loose on them. Quite impressive the testing that goes into them! They had the DC14, DC18 Uprights (No DC15!), DC19, DC20 and DC21 Motorhead canisters and 3 cubes/stands with the DC16 and DC16 Animal hand helds on the stand. All to use and try out! To answer any questions about the brush head on the DC16 Animal. It is powered by a 6 watt motor in the brush head that is powered by the machine using simular connections of that found on the DC18 Slim and DC21 Motorhead to power the cleaning heads! So this attachment will not work on the DC16 standard hand held! The only thing I would say is the brush bar on it does not have many brushes on the bar! I used both machines which are good! Told will last about 6 minutes contact use if button pressed in constantly but to leave it on charge all the time! The powered bruch bar on the DC16 Animal would be ideal for stair and cars interiors to pick up pet hair etc... You don't get the combi tool with the DC16 Animal version but both come with the crevice tool! I purchased a DC16 standard plus with both models they were giving away at the show a accessory pack worth £35 which was a very good deal! Asked if they knew about the 8 new vacuums they did not! Unfortunitly Dyson and the Engineers seem to keep things very close to themselves away from the show demonstrators! Asked if the washing machine is due to make an appearance again I'm told they are still working on refining it and improving it! As for a version of the Airblade for home use loads of people asked this at the exhibition but they didn't know of any plans to do this! DC18
This message was modified Oct 8, 2007 by DC18
Dyson, Sebo and Bissell user
Joined: Jul 24, 2007
Points: 294
Re: James Dyson, inventor: DC16 / Root6 "Animal"? LInks & pics
Reply #17 Oct 8, 2007 12:01 pm |
Hello DIB Thank you. I thought I'd give you the low down on the event. The video's did show the rigerious testing Dyson puts their machines through before we get our hands on them. I already knew Dyson did this from the very first DC01 in the UK. Things like dropping the mahines from a hugh height and bashing them into walls, skirting etc... not just once or twice but continiously over and over again many times. All parts of every machine as well as the whole machine is tested over and over again. This covers every model they produce. The video was interesting to see what scale this testing is done! I think the battery life is slighly different on the DC16 Animal due to the motor in the brush head. Only slightly though! Well I just tell you info I know from the Dyson UK Web or I hear in the news in the UK or from events. Its cool to hear US news on Dyson from yourself and others! Take care DC18
Dyson, Sebo and Bissell user
Joined: Jul 24, 2007
Points: 294
Re: James Dyson, inventor: DC16 / Root6 "Animal"? LInks & pics
Reply #19 Oct 9, 2007 12:54 pm |
DIB The Issey Miyake DC16 looks nice! I see that the DC16 Animal has been launched in Australia but called the DC16 Motorhead along with the DC21 Motorhead which has also been launched there! 
Close up picture off the Australia Web of the DC16 Motorhead! It also comes with the combi tool which the UK version doesn't, not sure why!? DC18