Is there anybody out there that is willing to sell a Hoover Quadraflex power nozzle to me, I just can't seem to find one. I looked on a couple of sites such as but I know its impossible to buy a brand new Hoover Quadraflex nozzle.
I'm no vac pro or collector bur do no how to search the web quite well. Here is a "cached Google ebay page" with this nozzle. It is sold of course but it was available recently. I would suggest (if looking on eBay) to sigh up for email "notices" of anything you are looking for. - in> My ebay>All Favorites> Searches> "Add a new search" your search criteria and then sign up for email noification. This is a great way to have eBay look for you automatically. I find my grandfathers old novels (he was once a writer) this way.
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