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Abby’s Guide > Outdoor Power Equipment (Lawn Mowers, Snow Blowers, Chain Saws and more) > Product Reviews > Lawn-boy/Toro Lawn-boy mower - 10685

Product Reviews for Lawn-boy mower

Lawn-boy mower
Model No: 10685
Manufacturer: Lawn-boy/Toro

(Based on 2 reviews)
Avg. Price: $325
Reviews: 1 - 2 of 2   View as Outline
Lawn Boy Personnel pace
Sep 26, 2006 12:53 pm
Joined: Sep 21, 2006

The LB 10685 power propelled mower works in an excellent manner.
Intuitive best describes it.
It is far better than the Honfda in this respect.
I'd admit that the more costly Honda VXA.... mulches better and vacuums better and has the better engine.
The handling of the grass bag is far, far better on the LawnBoy, Honda falls flat on their face here - and for no good reason...

This will hopefully be the last mower I'll ever buy - it is the best..

Date Purchased: Aug '06
Price Paid: $350
Recommend: Yes
The drive system
The folding handle
general design

Nothing, really

Lawn-Boy 10685 2005
Aug 25, 2005 9:06 am
Joined: Dec 13, 2004

This mower is very nice, and the price was pretty good. I've used the toro personal pace, and I chose this one because of the wheelsc basically they are wide, so when you turn you don't have to lift the front wheels off the ground. They just slide on the grass. The other main thing that drew me to this, is the fact that the front wheels are mounted narrower which lets the deck hang over the side, it makes it easy to mow around obstacles, and hangs over my mow strip leaving alot less edging to do. It folds up and I didn't think this was going to be somthing I would like, but I use it everytime I put it away now. You just step on a little lever and the whole handle assembly can be moved up into a vertical postion which leaves a lot more room in the garage. It mulches just as good as any mower I've ever used. This mower also has personal pace just like the toro and it works just as good.

Date Purchased: 8/19
Price Paid: $300
Recommend: Yes
folding handle.
inset wheels.
easy to change from mulching to bagging and side discharge.
The green paint.

I can't name one. This mower is so well thought out its fantastic.

This message was modified Aug 25, 2005 by Mang
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