Abby’s Guide > Outdoor Power Equipment (Lawn Mowers, Snow Blowers, Chain Saws and more) > Product Reviews > Honda Honda mini Tiller - FG110
Product Reviews for Honda mini Tiller |
Honda mini Tiller
Model No: FG110
Manufacturer: Honda
Avg. Price: $551 |
Joined: May 31, 2009
Just purchased the Honda FG-110 last week. Used it yesterday. Purchased optional tines (for sod) and edger. First impressions: Great engine! Tills very well. Edger: tough getting a "line of sight." Somewhat rough edge. I'll need to use more. I decided to "lead" with a manual edger. Followed up with the Honda Tiller. Good results. Extra work.
Date Purchased: 05-26-09
Price Paid: $349
Recommend: Yes |
Engine: Started easy. Performed well. Tines excellent. Manual should be read thoroughly. Was quite accurate.
The edger. Should have a spacer for use between a sidewalk and the tine. Needs a mechanical aide to get a better "line of sight." I understand why people will use the edger in reverse.
Other: Home Depot had several FG-110 units. Honda Dealership said they were out of inventory; however, they quickly ordered and shipped my optional accessories in two days. Good service. Too bad they couldn't get the FG-110 tillers shipped to them. |
18 October 2007. Honda and the Dealer came through. I pick up a new Honda FG110 tomorrow morning. They finally came around to my line of thinking. I finally convinced them that the maintenance was done religiously on the machine. I suppose they have to be hard on people claiming warranty, but it was annoying at the time.
In the interval I was looking around to buy another FG110; in spite, of all my travails. I have about half an acre of gardens and simply cannot live without this little marvel.The two seasons I had the FG110 made gardening a total joy.
I was looking at Mantis with a Honda engine, and almost bought one, except I found they have two Honda four stroke engines on the Mantis. One is 25 CC at 1 HP, and the other is 31 CC at 1.5 HP. The Mantis 7260 is 31 CC and the 7261 is 25 CC. I would not buy a 25 CC engine on a rototiller. And the 31 CC engine is hard to find on the internet.I don't want any two strokes on my property. Fortunately Honda came through before I made the purchase.
Thank your, Honda.
Date Purchased: 4 April 2006
Price Paid: $580
Recommend: Yes |
The FG110 is best tool in my posession for gardening
After two season of use, this Honda FG110 is perfect for my applications. |
This message was modified Oct 26, 2007 by Admin
5 October 2007. I called Honda Customer Relations and this is the gist of the converation from the peron who answered the phone. He dug up the file and noticed that there was some note about some dirt in the carborator, and this wasn't covered by warranty, but that Honda was going to give a goodwill settlement, and that "Jennifer" would give me the details and he switched me to Jennifer. Jennifer only had an answering machine, so I left a message to call me.
I then called the Dealer, Brantford Tractor, and talked to Kevin, the Service Manager. The essence of this conversation was: The dirt in the carborator was a non-isssue, but Honda, Jennifer, was making a customer goodwill gesture; in that. they would pay for the cost of the Engine only, and that they were trying to locate an Engine. There were no engines available. I took this to mean from their normal suppliers. Kevein informed me that this took time and I had to wait. And that is where the situation rests now.
A Warranty appears to be so much written bloviating nonsense in practice. Effort to subvert the intent of the Warranty has be thrust forward by Honda. This Honda Engine failed through no fault of my own. It was serviced properly and simply failed, but Honda personnel are acting in a manner, contrary to the intent of the Warranty, without fully evaluating the situation.
The Service Manager, Brantford Tractor, mentiuoned to Honda about some oil in the carborator to indicate that the filter had been seviced with the intent to indicate that probably service had been done periodically. (Honda probably assumes this is a massive gob of tar) The Honda Rep decided to enlarge this fact into the reason for the Engine failure. This is certainly a great leap in the circumstances. Anyway I still don't have a Rototiller, and am not pleased by the actions of Honda.I am repelled by their slithering actions regarding this Warranty, and expected more. Honour amongst thieves seems to be the motto, certainly in my case.
Date Purchased: 4 April 2006
Price Paid: $654
Recommend: Yes |
Perfect for my purposes. A hassle in trying to get the Engine replaced under trhe Warranty conditions. Every twist and turn to blame the customer for the engine failure. This is patently not the case.
It worked fine until the engine failed. |
This message was modified Oct 26, 2007 by Admin
Update 21 September 2007 Afternoon. Trying to get Warranty Service.
I decided to call Honda 1-800 946 6329 to correct the mis-information that was given by the Farm Service Depot; in that the engine lacked oil.
After explaining the issue, the lady informed me that I had to have proof of oil changes. I told her that I did the oil changes myself, but she was insistant that I had to have documents. I told her it wasn't an automobile and to give me her suprvisor. She put me on hold and came bck after few minutes and told me she would contact the dealer and would get back to me.
That is where the waranty issue remains for now.
Date Purchased: 4 April 2006
Price Paid: $654
Recommend: Yes |
Recommendation subject to Honda honouring their Warranty.
This message was modified Oct 26, 2007 by Admin
Update 21 September 2007 Honda FG110 Waranty Issue.
I visited the Service Depot today where the Honda FG110 was purchased and was talking to the lady who had called Honda. The Lady told me there was no oil in the unit, and this was passed on to Honda. The Honda Representative told her it probably wouldn’t be covered under Warrantee. She had just got off the phone when I visited.
I told the lady she had bad information. I had just changed the oil prior to taking it in for service. After discussing it for awhile the lady talked to the person, who had inspected the unit. Then it came out that there was plenty of oil but that it was grey in colour. I had noticed this gray colour, since I had run the unit for about 10 minutes after changing the oil (10W30, which I always used. What caused the new oil to change colour to grey, after only about 10 minutes of running?
Now the Service Manger is going to contact Honda again. Unfortunately, Honda now has the mis-information that the unit had no oil, and this obstacle will have to be overcome.
I am now awaiting the call from the Service Manager.
Date Purchased: 4 April 2006
Price Paid: $654
Recommend: Yes |
Recommendation subject to Honda honouring their warranty.
This message was modified Oct 26, 2007 by Admin