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Date Joined May 30, 2009
Date Last Access Nov 23, 2012 8:57 am
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Re: Vacuum suggestion
#1   Nov 23, 2012 8:56 am
Bear in mind that if you are going to go for a Miele canister vac, the S2 has a shorter power cord length than the S6 and newer S8. SEBO's D4 Premium (sadly the non-electric versions have yet to land elsewhere other than currently in Europe) has a 12 metre power cable, large dust bag capacity and electric power nozzle as standard WITH an additional hard floor brush. However, Im sure there are plenty of other canisters with just the same amount of longer cord available. There is nothing worse than constant plug hoping, especially if you have to get around a large home.
#2   Oct 23, 2012 4:14 am
Released a couple of weeks ago in the UK, the latest Vax Mach Air version 3, known as Air3. It's like the original (similar to the U.S Hoover Windtunnel Air) but this one swivels and the hose has moved from the central rear to the side.
Re: Need help picking a vacuum cleaner...
#3   Oct 23, 2012 3:30 am
Rugbusters wrote:
Reviews and the like are fine when they come from someone who knows what they are talking about. This is, and has been, my whole point all along. Inaccuracies and glaring errors, however, are not acceptable - especially when you later attempt to position yourself as the go-to vacuum expert, or some sort of consumers' champion. Obvious bias is a very, very bad sign too. For example, complaining how it was SO unfair that Miele would not honour the guarantee on a vacuum that had been damaged by picking up wet dirt, yet claiming a broken Sebo drive belt was "totally" your own fault (despite being electronically protected and therefore supposedly break proof).

Nothing to do with Miele not being flavour of the month any more, because too many ordinary people are buying them now and they've lost their snob appeal? Hmmm, thought so.

And to then suggest that you are in a position to give this site a bad review, and the mods ought to be worrying about it? Because yes, that is exactly what you were implying by your thinly veiled threat. The hypocrisy burns! The only thing your reviews are any good for is demonstrating why you absolutely should not put too much faith in anything you read on the internet.

The rest I can't even be bothered to respond to, because it makes little sense and you're starting to waffle again like you usually do when lost for words. Maybe think it over and rephrase it a little, and we'll see where we can go from there.

P.S. Nice subtle dig at my "fingers in pies" statement by the way, but I'm afraid that's a bit of an own goal on your part. You see, we've diversified through being good at what we do, and have been running for nigh on forty years, doing the same job in the same location and with a growing customer base. Now, let's compare. You claim to have been a merchant buyer, a market researcher (i.e., someone holding a clipboard), and done lots of retail. Is this in addition to being an on-again-off-again teacher, and doing part time cleaning jobs to make ends meet? Yes, obviously very successful. Great track record. Don't call us, we'll call you.

Oh WHATEVER Steve, if that is your real name (or could it be Jamie, or JM the one that is banned from most forums on the internet?).  I dont see any of the posts and opinions you've cared to share, so really i can't quote you because you're too weak and false to provide any real time evidence to back up what you claim to be. I chose to do teaching because it was new and something different; info which I see you seem to take fun in sharing from my about me on Dooyoo.

Again, my experience is mine and I have the right to voice any opinion I wish to share. You don't seem to recognise that. You'll fit in well here, then!

You can look at other comments and reviews that show both Sebo and Miele in poor light as well as the good. You may well have a 40 year old history in your business, but I sincerely hope that your buyers are looking elsewhere like the internet for a far better deal and far better respect. End of the day if you can't take it, don't dish it.
Re: Need help picking a vacuum cleaner...
#4   Oct 22, 2012 6:31 pm
The issue of writing an independent review is to offer an independent opinion, in the same way that this forum is supposed to act. I don't feel that I have been treated this way - and certainly if the moderator wished to message me about my behaviour or language choice, I'm sure Mike could have done it by now.

Lets not get sidetracked here. You may well feel what you feel by my posts, and granted I could just say that you're not an expert with your many fingers in many pies. I couldn't care less what you've done and what kinds of experience you have because put simply, I've never read about it. You've never made yourself indictive enough to share any experience until now where you feel obliged to act upon Abbysguide's defence on the threat of a review or wish to tell me I'm speaking out of turn. Why should you feel threatened? What happened to free voice. Certainly if someone told me I was being condescending, I'd have changed my style straight away!

Also to quote this site's actual words, ""…We hope to create a people helping people atmosphere at Abby's Guide so we encourage you to come back after you have made your purchase and help someone else by posting a review or contributing to a product forum. Feel free to jump right in and start learning!" One can surmmize then that the forum is a natural extension of "contributing."

As to who I am, well it doesn't make a blind bit of difference. I'm not here to convince people or to sell an idea, I'm here to share information and to learn from others. I also like debates and I also like independent members to also share their thoughts and info. That is after all, what this forum is supposed to be about, isn't it? I haven't got it wrong since 2009, have I? This isn't Fixya where everyone runs to Mike if they have a vacuum cleaner query??

Further more since you feel the desire to point out my personal style, remember this - a seller or a industry worker will always have a different view point to the buyer - in the same vein that everyone has the right to offer a different opinion - and I really don't care how many posts you've seen me write or how many reviews you've read that are mine - my experience is MINE based on what I've bought. You of course have the enjoyment of such machines, probable at lesser cost than me, the buyer who has shelled out more for them. I don't just do up machines, I've worked as a merchant buyer in floorcare appliances and in large franchise corporations, Ive been a market researcher in kitchen appliances - I've done a lot of retail but I don't feel the need to tell the whole world about it - it doesn't justify me or justify who I am.

Also if you feel that Dooyoo and other sites are worthless, why does the U.S & U.K pay so much for consumer opinions? Whether you like it or not, individuals opinions about machines, lifestyle articles and consumer products appear to have some weight for companies not just in the U.S, but also the U.K where product reviews never appeared before at high street franchises such as Argos, Comet, Currys, John Lewis et al. Whether you agree or disagree, these franchises have cashed in on review sites' concept of individual buyer opinion and Abbysguide with its "come and write a review," section clearly paints the same picture.
Re: Need help picking a vacuum cleaner...
#5   Oct 22, 2012 11:02 am
How nice of you not to share your real name and interesting that you're a new member who has only just joined and posted the same day. Certainly if I knew who you were, I could say the same thing about you. One would assume that if you worked in the industry, one forum would be sufficient. I don't work in the vacuum cleaner industry, I wish I did. Perhaps I'd spend less time discussing with members and sharing info on the net and just believe what the brands want me to believe. My reviews reflect what I've bought, owned, done up, collected, sold on and in some cases kept for myself to use as my hobby. The review content is my own opinion and people have the right to disagree or agree. Sometimes that seems to be forgotten for those who don't realise what a review site is.

Frankly, if that's what you think of me, plenty of people would disagree - but we're all entitled to our opinion which seems to be an issue that, of late, seems to be suppressed on Abbysguide. Only last year this forum had many great members sharing their info and advice, and some of them (Carmine, for example) was a great member I had a lot of discussions with - its a pity they were thrown off as well as others.

Now there are very few on here who take the time to visit this forum. Clearly, its no wonder if opinions and differing opinions aren't allowed to be voiced. By all means, share your expertise and industry led experience with others - if you can find them on here. Have fun.
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