Re: Defective electric starter motor or switch?
#1 May 4, 2008 12:05 am |
Hey Trouts2, Just today I decided to tear my snowthrower start switch apart since it failed during our last heavy snow up here in Alaska. After searching on-line for just the switch unit unsuccessfully, I pried the thing apart and discovered the malfunctioning Cherry switch. Then I googled the part number and came up with your posting. A little digging and I found that Cherry appears to still make the switch. It's part number is E-13-00E. From looking at the specs and measurements it appears to be *approximately* the same switch. It has one extra spade connector which you can just ignore for the purpose of the snowthrower switch assembly. Sure beats everything else I found on-line (nothing but the entire kit including motor). I just ordered a switch from www.alliedelec.com . Their part number for the switch is 908-1435. The cost? A whopping $2.74. You may want to grab a few as it seems like that is a common failure point on these machines. You can see the whole spec sheet here: http://www.cherrycorp.com/english/switches/general/e_sp.htm
Good luck,
Alaska Steve