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Nov 26, 2013 8:00 pm |
Re: Ariens back in the game again, a new single stage snowblower.
#1 Nov 26, 2013 6:49 pm |
Preliminary testing on the Ariens don't look so good compared to the competition. CR didn't like the stalling of the Ariens and recommended the Toro 621. I was already leaning towards Toro anyways because of their single stage reputation. I imagine I'll pick up the new 721 which is probably very similar to the 621. Quote from CR
But the same Ariens that serves up such beefy, sturdy two-stage models also makes two 21-inch single-stage models that couldn’t cut it in our tests. The Ariens Pro Path 938033, $600, and Ariens Pro Path 938034 (shown above), $450 at Home Depot, both stalled repeatedly during use. The $600 model has a slightly larger engine and, when run with lots of care, stalled less often. But the two models were among the weakest at removing what municipal plows leave behind and had little throwing distance. For about the same money, the 21-inch Toro Power Clear 621 38451, a CR Best Buy at $500, was impressive for quick clearing and chopping its way through plow piles.
Re: Ariens back in the game again, a new single stage snowblower.
#2 Nov 8, 2013 6:01 am |
I saw one at a local Ariens dealer. Actually, I saw all the Ariens SS models, from the 136cc to 208cc. It is a well built machine, no hollow rattles from the cowl. (The Toro SS could use an improvement in this area! )
<snip> I think Ariens will likely hit a home run with this single stage. I think it has all the positives of Honda and Toro, and previous Ariens SS pulled together in this latest design. The price is competitive too. Nice job Ariens and can't wait to see how it does in the real snow. great review. If you ever get a chance to see how the new Toro 721 R-C stacks up against the Ariens please do. Seems like it's a bit more heavy duty than the standard Toro single stage.