Actually I bought one of these Yamaha YS928J in Feb 2011 as well. While these are very heavy machines, they can be easily handled by using the auger tilt handle to shift the weight, making it easier to turn. My wife (who weighs about 135 lbs) used this machines several times without any problem. Actually, she found it much easier to use than than our old Craftsman 9/28 which weighed about 200 lbs. Yamaha's 373 lbs actually works to the operator's advantage because you don't have to manhandle it to get it to dig into snow and ice. it doesn't bounce off of it but rather chews right through it and spits it out.
Prior to purchasing my YS928J, I used my neighbor's Honda 9 hp. I found the Yamaha a much better machine. It throws a mile, doesn't climb up on the snow, its auger assist is more responsive, (YS928J is about 130 lbs heavier than Honda 9/28), quieter than honda since, the Yamaha engine is totally encased for noise dampening, and the list goes on....
Like the Honda, it's a bit pricey but you'll have it for 20+ years, and you won't feel like you just returned from the Gym after using it. I highly recommend the Yamaha. Honda would be my second choice, as they are very good as well.