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Name nadine Mesch
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Date Joined Apr 18, 2010
Date Last Access Apr 21, 2010 7:55 pm
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Re: want to buy an "older" Electrolux canister, which one??
#1   Apr 20, 2010 1:58 pm
Thank you for your honest answer. I was just hoping for an easier route. I have been to 3 independent dealers and have had NO luck. No used models of Electrolux at all. All 3 dealers told me , quote "since Eureka has bought them they are $#%*".
I take very good care of everything I own yet my vacuums have not been good. So that is why I was considering e-bay etc... since the private dealers have had none. I was hoping someone could tell me purchase "type A or type Z"
Spent hours trying to read google reports on "reviews of Electrolux" Could not find any. This blog was the closest I came.......
Again thank you for your time
Re: want to buy an "older" Electrolux canister, which one??
#2   Apr 20, 2010 6:12 am
Is there anywhere, or a list to find that tells the name and order that they were made? Also is there a mark on the vacuums that can allow me to know which one I am looking at?
I see some on e-bay. But I dont know good price from bad price.
Did I also not read that when Electrolux was sold that the machines were for a long time considered junky> But that one has been made like the original? If so which one?
Would I be better off ( meaning a better all around vac) buying that one? ( whichever one it is ) or a vintage one and finding and paying for added parts?
I am sorry for asking so many questions. I looked for hours on google and though I am sure it is there I just couldnt find the info I was looking for.
I was on Craigslist, I was interested in this one. But the seller does not know anything about it. He said it works and has the power head. No other attachments.
Any help and advise is appreciated. I have laughed that I have spent more time researching a vac then my car. And still having a difficult time.
I see Dysons mentioned here allot as well as Miehlis ( pardon the spelling ) Now both of those I read are allot of plastic and arent worth the money. I have owned several vacs. I feel they dont hold up well. Parts break, especially where they attach to the hose. The hoses dont turn well, so they kink, etc... I am willing to spend up to $800 if I have to, but I would like a vac that does its best to outlive me. And I hope I have several decades left :)
Thank you for your time and expertise
want to buy an "older" Electrolux canister, which one??
#3   Apr 19, 2010 7:42 pm
I want to purchase an Electrolux canister vacuum.
I would like to buy a reconditioned one , as I keep hearing that the older versions are made better.
Which one??? ( very confused. ) or is there a new version that is good?
Ambassador? Silvarado? Olympia?or ??????
If I buy either in town or thru an on-line source. Which would you suggest? As best?
I would appreciate any advice
Many thanks
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