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Date Joined Oct 3, 2007
Date Last Access Dec 18, 2011 10:54 pm
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Re: The Newly Desingned Rainbow is here
#1   Dec 18, 2011 10:54 pm
No WAY I'm taking it apart! (LOL)

I was just curious if YOU knew how. With mine you can pretty much see inside really well with the hepa out. It really doesn't look bad at all. Really not worthy of taking it apart to clean it. Perhaps years from now if I don't do a trade in which I highly doubt I will.

Just to add:

I did call the local distributor a while back to see what the trade in value of mine would be. I told them it's great condition and wanted to know how much it would be if I upgraded...........I told him that I did not need a demo; I know all about the machine. He said ..........2200.00 AND my Rainbow (but that would be with EVERYTHING) and I said WHAT??????? Really? I only paid 1600 for mine new and you want 2200 for this AND my Rainbow? That's insane! I told him I was sorry I wasted his time but that really I just wanted to know an estimation of the trade in value of mine. He then said he would go down to 1800 AND my Rainbow.  I told him it was a shame these are so overpriced due to the way they are sold and everyone needs to get their cut. I said they are great vacuums but they are NOT worth THAT much! I think he would have gone lower but that's just crazy. I'm not giving them a perfectly good two speed Rainbow only to have to pay full price for a new one. GRRRRRRR
Re: The Newly Desingned Rainbow is here
#2   Dec 18, 2011 8:08 am
Hi Venson

When I bought mine in July 2006, In the manual, it stated that the separator was self cleaning. Initially I just took the separator off when done and rinsed it really well after rinsing the basin and just placing them on a towel to dry outside the closet by where I store my Rainbow. The separator has some kind of material where (unlike the Pre E series) nothing sticks to it. I remember my grandmas d3 separator needed to be visibly cleaned. At any rate.......I took a clean toothbrush and cleaned the small fins of the separator and the toothbrush to my horror was dirty.......Even though Rexair stated that it was self-cleaning.......It really still needed to be cleaned, and at FIRST, I wasn't doing that. Now I just clean it every time after I use it.

For some reason, for a short time when the Gold 2 speed's were sold, they didn't include a brush and called the separator self cleaning.........then they added the brush back...........It must have been at the time I got mine I got one of the (short production runs) where they didn't include the brush and changed the wording in the manual.........

If I clean the separator after every use, there is no dirt at all on the white toothbrush.

I can see inside my machine when taking the hepa filter off........and there is an ever so slight amount of white haze (which is probably dust).........but it's ever so slight and not even worthy of taking apart and cleaning.......

I suspect that had I cleaned the fins each time, this wouldn't have happened.......But even with that, the inside of the machine still smells fantastic and whatever slight amount of dirt that did escape didn't seem to be enough to even clog the hepa filter. Since then, underneath the area where the separator goes, you can see the fan area on the shaft, which had a slight film on it and I wiped that off (perhaps three years ago) .......It's the only part of the fan that you can actually wipe off without taking the machine apart........Since I wiped that off, and have cleaned the fins of the separator each time, that visible area of the fan (near the shaft) has no film on it at all.........So keeping those fins of the separator clean I think are KEY to keeping the fans clean (as well as keeping the water changed)

Do you know how to take an E 2 Gold speed apart and clean the inside?
Re: The Newly Desingned Rainbow is here
#3   Dec 15, 2011 10:50 pm

About the too-good-to-be-true claim

Let me say this and I'm totally being honest. I've taken my hepa off several times over the past five plus years and inspected it on both sides and the thing is still freaking snow white and even still smells good..........I clean the separator and change the water about every 20 to 30 min's......before it gets too dirty........ I even took the hepa off and ran the machine without it to see if I could feel an increase in power and didn't.....(at least nothing noticeable). I keep thinking I should buy a new hepa for it but it's still like new..........I think that in of itself is pretty amazing, considering some of the dirt I've sucked up over those years. I still like my bagged Lux vacuum.......but I still wouldn't be without my Rainbow. I love it. I wish I could justify upgrading to the new one.........but I can't. What I have is still in fantastic condition, even though I've used it a lot. I wonder if this is just the case of me being to anal about changing the water and taking care of it that other folks may get tired of doing is why we see so many rainbows full of caked on dirt inside? Perhaps. I dunno
Re: The Newly Desingned Rainbow is here
#4   Aug 30, 2011 2:04 am
I think *it's" the same as the brushless 2 speed E series (which is what I own) and the suction on mine is great using the long 14 foot non-electric hose that I bought with mine.

But the electric hose that comes with this Rainbow is a foot longer than previous ones, but they do have an option to get the longer one.

I would think since they updated the PN, the longer hose would be fine
Re: I'm done with bags and I need some advice on bagless models.
#5   Aug 15, 2011 9:03 pm
Is is safe to suck up baking soda into a vacuum? (Even if it's a small amount?)

I just bought an Electrolux Renny on Ebay and it's take some time getting used to, but I'm starting to love it. I  that hoping to find something as easy to use as the Kenmore canisters but that's better built.

The thing I notice is that the bags for these are SOOOOO Cheap! I mean you can get a CASE of 100 for less than 50 dollars. They seem to work really well too. I haven't noticed any fine dust in the tank of the vacuum. You could change the bag every time you finish vacuuming almost (but I don't)

I suck up some eucalyptus essential oil on a cotton ball and that works good.
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