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Re: Miele S4 or S5-Air or Power?
#1   Dec 16, 2010 3:42 am
Thanks all for weighing in.  I'm fascinated about how much there is to know and all the nuances of vacuum cleaning-and can't thank you enough for taking the time to respond. (And Lucky, I absolutely appreciate insights from a dealer!)  I was leaning toward air models since I'm used to that having owned an electrolux canister and kind of like the simplicity of the air models. I read many raves on Amazon from Neptune s4212 buyers using turbo with shedding dogs/cats living in apts larger than mine (not sure if they are in the honeymoon phase though). And a friend with 2 pets wants to marry her Polaris.  But I hear you all on the clogging hair and grit in the Turbo pipes issue.  The electric head certainly cleaned up the sample rug brilliantly, but I was a little worried about electric harming my very thin antique rugs-so good to know powering down is the key. The electric wand seemed heavy and clunky compared to what I'm used to but I'm willing to grow. I'll look at electric more closely this weekend. Family members (much more fastidious about dust and hair than I am) never use the electric head that comes with their brand.  You're noting clogging on the turbo head though -- I don't know what kind of non-electric head comes with theirs (Kenmore)-might have a different construction because they have pets and grit, but no clogs. And maybe their electric head is more of a pain to take off/put on too--not sure, just know they have option to use either, but use air only. Probably not a fair comparison-Miele/Kenmore.
Re: the s2s: Interesting:Two dealers recommended the 4 or 5 over the 2-both have the S2 Titan in their line up which costs more than the S4s they showed. Pointed out that the inside is a little less sturdy, the dial on the hood doesn't click into place, etc. One said she's already seeing a few sent back for repair. But that's just from two -I'm sure there are happy buyers who own it and love it. Also, I think I read somewhere that all Miele's are "sealed system" canisters, but the Miele site lists that S2 Titan and Delphi canister construction is a "clean air" system. The S4 and 5s are "sealed." I'm not sure how much difference this makes or how it affects the vacuuming experience.  But since I live in a big city, if I have the option I think I prefer to trap toxins inside of the machine as much as possible - if in fact that's what that means. I probably breathe more toxic stuff in the street or office, but I can't have my little cat's lungs taking in nasty air if I can help it!  (it's her house, I just live here).
PS - Lucky, I love the online options and information at sites like allergyclub, but I plan to do the buying from a dealer who has a small business and huge patience. with the uninitiated like me.  I like to support local establishments whenever possible.  However, if I'm ever in the UK, I'm going to shop for some compatible Miele vac accessories!
Thanks again all for your input. Your advice and experience is really helpful.
Re: Miele S4 or S5-Air or Power?
#2   Dec 15, 2010 3:57 am
Thanks Vac man. You are a rock star of vacuum cleaner information!!  I appreciate the great advice and  I enjoyed reading your helpful reviews. 
I realize i have to really scrutinize ebay photos and posts-of course true of everything on ebay. Some items with fabulously low prices are cleverly listed so they appear to be Miele brand, but are really after-market that fit Miele machines.  Makes sense to buy only Miele brand for most tools.  Right now the  Miele brand accessories are at or above the dealer price.  Miele Hepa # you shared is happily $20 less than retail, but the more substantial items are pricey .   I'll keep watching  for the deals -.since I know I want parquet  and turbo tools, I will probably wait to find the accessory deal on ebay before buying the base vacuum from my dealer. That way I'll know which base model configuration is going to be most-cost effective.  Ultimately, I will have to decide s4 or s5..   S5 makes a lot of sense from your suggestions.  S4 pros:  with my old vac i rarely if ever used the onboard accessories, so I'd likely park those, and I always used a long extension cord since I'm lazy, so i'd do that again with either model.   So for me it's s5 bag size and resale, vs. lower cost and lighter weight - and in an apt.  the slightly smaller size works for maneuvering into smaller spaces.  I'll have to take the plunge soon - the dust is building!  
Most frustrating is that on the Miele UK site prices are significantly lower than in the states - e.g.,  Turbo Head 205-3 = 34 GBP, ($54 US).   Miele USA charges $129!     Unfortunately, Miele U.K  does not deliver to the States.  And the vacuums: the Miele S5211 =  229.99GBP ($360US).  In the US, its $519.  I know we use different wattage, but it's the same Miele machine. Yeesh.
I think in the states the motor is under warranty for 7 years - machine parts, accessories, and labor - 1 year. 
Many thanks.
Re: Miele S4 or S5-Air or Power?
#3   Dec 13, 2010 4:45 am
Thanks a million for this great info VacMan and Carmine - so incredibly generous of you!  So great to have your insights and a perspective other than the dealer's.  Love the allergyclub site. AC doesn't include Ariel but similar site says: S5211Ariel vacuum for low pile rugs & smooth floors. Excellent for homes with pets. Includes Combo head SBD 550-3: no Hepa, no turbo, no parquet twist, no ergo handle. GN Bags. Online it's $519US, but my shop sells for $569, so maybe he added hepa--i'll have to inquire. I'd want to add the turbo brush ($129), parquet twist($70), and ergo handle($55), bumping up the price to $823 (using dealers).  The Pisces S5281 includes: Standard turbohead, parquet twist, and hepa (no combo tool, no ergo) for $679. If I add the combo and ergo handle, my price would be $813.   I think other than the tools and color, Ariel and Pisces are same machine. If I don't need combo head if I have turbo and parquet, then it's $725 and that one might end up being the better deal with customization.  Of all of the additional accessories I'm looking at right now, the Turbo head is the priciest.  Great idea to check Ebay, I hadn't considered ebay for deals and no-name tools.  I guess the ebay deals on the accessories will help me determine whether to buy Ariel or Pisces as the base.  Thanks so much for checking and providing the #s !! I went to Ebay UK and saw the filter and parquet. At EbayUS there are some options too.  Have you purchased any of the generic no-name brands that say they fit a variety of vacuum brands? So far I've seen Miele brand twist at Ebay, and some no-name turbos advertised to work with several brands of vacuums.  I wonder if that's risky, especially for a turbo head with more moving parts.
Good to know the turbo head can be used on the wood floor too. From your note:---Protected by a lifetime toothed belt, the larger air driven turbo brush is lightweight (around 140g) on the end of the suction pipe and also gives a lighter gliding for use on hard flooring thanks to it's built in changeable slider on the front of the floor head. This lets out air so that the turbo brush is easier to glide as well as using on delicate surfaces---- I  just want to clarify-Is this a description of the standard 205-3 turbo head? Is there only one size turbo head (by "larger air driven turbo brush, do you mean larger compared to combo brush or compared to a smaller version of the turbo, (I found the mini-head, but not a larger version than the 205-3.) Pisces AC info says: The Pisces also comes standard with the air powered Turbo brush to sufficiently clean your area and scatter rugs, so I didn't know if there might be an advanced version that upgrades the "standard."  The salesguy said the hole into the hose on the one he showed me, the 205-3 I think, that's why he felt hair will get trapped or wrap around the bristles),  So good to know I can unscrew it to clear pet hair if needed without having to take it to the shop.
Do you use the combo head?  Note: I had wrong model# in my previous post - the combo  tool that comes with Ariel and that I tested is #550.  The standard 450 has natural bristle only along one side and metal along the other and so it will scratch, whereas my salesguy showed me the 550 with bristle all around and said it is better suited for wooden floor (although seems like parquet twist is safest for delicate and finished wood).  Seems like the US Miele models that feature the turbo, but not combo head, also include the parquet. But maybe that's a marketing thing so they can bump the price and say it's suited for all wooden floors. Do you use the turbo on rugs only?
 The S4 and S5 I tested were both without electric power-so I don't know why S5 seemed suckier--maybe it was my imagination- also the salesguy said it has it has stronger suck, but he may have been trying to persuade me to go S5.  Although I loved that the S4 included so much for $500-everything with possible exception of the dual head if the S5 has the larger chassis and bag capacity, given my sq feet (in the 950-1,200 sq ft vincity), seems like I need to go in that direction. I didn't realize S4 was the compact-thought s2 was. Prices for s2 were good, but salespeople in two shops were a little skeptical of longevity and one said she is seeing them returned already for repair. 
If anyone told me I'd be considering $700+ for a vacuum... yikes - way way more than I ever thought I'd spend, but from reviewing posts on this site and Amazon, it seems like in the long run it's cost-effective than replacing every few years - and the Miele traps the nasty air better than cheaper brands.  My sister has had her Kenmore for 15 years and loves it-as does her friend and my mother. That's about $400 with all attachments-so that's an option too. I saw a YouTube comparison of escaping dust from the vacuum, comparing Miele and Kenmore - not sure how legit this was, but Kenmore seems to emit lots. My family lives in the country - but for city-dwellers I might want to trap that nasty air in the tigher-sealed Miele.
Thanks again for your help--very much appreciated.
Miele S4 or S5-Air or Power?
#4   Dec 12, 2010 12:14 pm
Hi: I'm looking at Mieles. My 1st post - apologies for the length. I've read conflicting info and am confused about the options. I had a vintage electrolux canister for years-no electric head-same brush for floor and rugs. Have a cat: some but not major. (would sometimes get build up in old head that easily pulled out.). Rug cleaning was a little workout, but it okay.  1,200 sq ft dusty city apt,parquet floors, a few very thin pile oriental and Persian (old/not hand knotted) rugs with very short fringe, plus a kilim. Rugs get tracked mostly w/dirt, litter - some, but not huge amts of hair. Floors: typical dust, dirt, some hair.
I've read that non-electric miele is fine with pets - others say no. Air-Turbo head is good for oriental rugs - others say no and say not good for pets. Some say electric head for rugs, others say no if any fringe.  In the store, I first looked at an S4 Galaxy with hepa installed, turbo head, parquet twist, and ergo handle. Seemed perfect & on sale for $499 (recently discontinued store exclusive). But then salesman said he recommends low end S5 models over high end S4 -says S5 has more suck power and overall is made better. It did seem stronger when I tested both-wondering why if motors are all the same?  He showed an Airel (combo 450head, elec-upgradeable) and Pisces(ergo, turbo head, parquet twist, hepa, elec-upgradeable).  I sampled the 450-head, he said it can be used on parquet whereas 250-s combo that comes w/some S4s can scratch. When I said "cat" he said pet hair could clog the turbo and i'd likely need to bring it in for unclogging and repair. ugh. But it seems like turbo got the test dirt up better than the 450 head and is easier to push. He said with pet I should consider powerhead...I don't know if I need electric for 3-5 rugs, plus the wand seems heavier and a little more bulky and slightly harder to maneuver-at least compared to the other. My mother's home is filled with a dozen+ rugs like mine and a Maine Coon cat-she has Kenmore, but never uses the electric head that comes with machine-prefers the standard-but maybe Kenmore is different for rugs/hair, and she cleans more often than I do.). My friend w/2 cats one sm rug and wood loves her Polaris, but she cleans frequently and has very small apt.
  • -- Does anyone with oriental rug/wood floor plus pet use and like the non-electric? Which model and head(s)? Is the Turbo head a mistake for my situation? Anyone with a pet use this?   I like the ergo handle (I have bad joints), hepa, parquet twist looks nice for wood and getting into tight places. I like not having to switch heads, but could get used to it if necessary. I'm not sure any one machine has the combo I might end up wanting, so I may need to supplement.
  • -- Should i get the S4 on sale for $499 with lower suck;  and add an 450-s to complete the package?  Is it strong enough?
  • -- Or go with non-elec S5 and add heads/ergo handle?  Is the S5 a better investment? How is it better/different?  
  • -- Or go electric? - which I'm not really feeling right now pricewise, and because it seems like overkill for my situation and like i might park the head and not use it, but will keep an open mind (I don't want the s2)

    [PS. right now my floors aren't sealed and the dirt gets stuck between wood strips so need suck power, but this will change sometime and before sealing I'll likely rent a commercial vac to super clean.

    Most grateful for your advice and experience. 

    Many thanks.


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