I saw this mod online and he wanted $30 plus $8.95 shipping. I went to my local Family Center (tractor/farming store) and purchased a foot of hay baler belt and the brackets and bolts for $6.41.
I had to replace the belt on my MTD 5/22 anyway so I took off the 6 bolts that hold the auger body to the body. I took off the chute and placed the whole unit on a bench. I used a long board to stick through the auger which held the impeller in place.
The whole process was quite easy and took about 40 minutes. The trick is sharp drill bits. I started with a small bit to get the two bolt holes lined up then used the larger one to finish the hole to the correct size for the bolts.
Fired up the blower and let the rubber wear to the size and shape needed.
Now I await the first snow. of course, none in the forcast. :)
PS The gap on my impeller was over a half inch!! No wonder it plugs a lot. Cant wait to try it.