Does anyone out there own one of these?
I bought it new in 1998 and have dispised it since Day 1. It has been in for repairs more than I care to mention.
Long story short....
I am using the thing to cut down overgrown grass at my camp. I TRY to make it cut through some tall weeds like golden rod which doesn't have a very thick stalk.
What is the secret to keeping those cutting cords on the machine without having them fly off as soon as they hit a weed? I found that cutting the stock cords a little shorter helps keep them on longer because they are not smacking into the side shields when the head is spinning. But they come off WAY TOO EASILY!!!! I hate the machine with a passion, I am constantly re-installing cords until I get sick of it and put the thing away.
Any secrets? I am installing the cords properly and I am using the recommended cords they sell for this albatross. Of course the Sears 'Service' Center says nothing is wrong with it when it is in for repairs.
If I hadn't paid so much money for it, I would throw it by the curb side in a heartbeat.
I have a Murray similar to your machine, and I love it. I've rebuilt and modified it several times over the years, but it's the kind of machine that will do what nothing else can do. Early on I had problems with the trimmer line breaking and coming off as well. It may be that you're not installing it properly, which is very important, but the MOST important trick is to cut back on the engine speed. Where I once needed several line changes to mow my half acre, I can now usually mow twice on the same set. Throttle should be set at the lowest RPM that will cut what you need to cut. Unless you're attacking really heavy stuff, that's somewhere around a third to a half of max power. Try it. Good luck.