Re: John Deere vs. Ferris Zero-Turn Mower
#1 Sep 10, 2006 12:57 pm |
I've owned an IS Ferris 1500 48" for the last two years and have loved it. The last two weeks I've been using a Ferris 3000Z with a 61"deck while the 1500 is in getting a bagger put on it. The 3000 is a few years old with 1500 hours on it while my 1500 has less than 200 hours..........and still I'm impressed with the quality of the ride and the trackability vs my smaller Ferris. My Ferris does have suspension and it's ride is well regarded for it's class; however, the 3000 soaks up the bumps compared to it! We have a LOT of sidehill here and the 3000 tracks the toughest parts much better than mine. Particularly, near the leach field there is a steepish side hill that ends with an abrupt drop into a ditch. I've nearly put the 1500 in the ditch a couple of times and have gotten so nervous that I ONLY cut it going uphill. The 3000 tracks down the hill without a hitch.
These are NOT knocks on my 1500....it's a great mower. But the increased size and power of the 3000 is very enviable!!!! While the deck is only 13" larger.....cutting time is decreased by a larger margin.....it seems to have dropped by nearly a third. It's going to be tough to let it go back.
I've never used a John Deere so I can't comment. I can say the my friend uses Exmark's in his business and loves them as much as I love my Ferris.
Best of Luck,