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Jul 19, 2016 3:53 am |
New Lawnmower Recommendation
#1 Jul 19, 2016 3:53 am |
Possibly looking to buy a new push self-propelled. The Cub Cadet SC100 got some pretty good ratings and reviews but what I do not like about it is the plastic shroud on the front end. The front wheel axle is mounted to this plastic shroud and I do not believe it will hold up. After looking at other mower manufacturers, looks quite a few are doing the same thing. I am for a good push mower and willing to spend up to $350 or so as long as it's going to last at least 10 years. Any thoughts or recommendations? Thanks!
Re: craftsman lawn tracter, 917.258870 automatic, won't go into gear
#2 Mar 27, 2013 1:42 am |
Here ya go:
Re: Honda HS624 - Running Problem
#3 Feb 11, 2013 12:46 am |
Hi Again Rover, This link will get you to a parts list for your machine. It will the get you to sub-links depending on the VIN # of yours.
Re: Honda HS624 - Running Problem
#4 Feb 11, 2013 12:35 am |
Hi Rover. I watched as well as "listened" to both videos and it seems like I can hear a little bit of engine surge which usually points to a fuel starvation problem. It's difficult to see in your video from poor lighting but it looks like when you may move the choke to the "off" position then that is when I can especially hear a little engine surge before it dies. I would take a good look at the carb again and give it another good cleaning. I would also take your float bowl apart and check the float itself to make sure there isn't any fuel in it from a damaged or cracked float and that it is in proper working order. Consequently when you put a "load" on the engine by engaging the auger, it's surely going to die because of a lack of fuel. If all ease fails after you carb clean and inspect again then you may have to replace the carb. Hope this helps.
Briggs Oil Leak
#5 Oct 8, 2012 8:58 am |
I have an 9-year old Sears Craftsman snow thrower Model: 536.887752 with a Briggs & Stratton Intek Snow Over Head engine Model:12C314-0131-E1
In the process of getting it ready for upcoming winter I noticed engine oil on my shed floor. After removing the bottom cover plate of the thrower, oil was of course all over the inside of the plate. I inspected all drain plugs and bolts and made sure all was tight including the oil filler dipstick tube. Cleaned up oil and started her up and let it run for about 3 minutes. I noticed oil leak at front of engine toward auger side where engine is mounted to frame. I inspected some more but can't see anything outstanding. I don't see any cracks but oil seems to be coming from front bottom of engine where mounted to frame. The oil appears and runs on frame. I have included link to the engine parts list above. I don’t think it is oil seal Ref.#20 because I don’t see any oil dripping or running down from this area. I have checked and tightened the crankshaft cover bolts especially paying attention to the bottom three but the oil isn’t coming from there. What else should I look for? I am pretty handy and can certainly remove the engine and get into it. I just don't want to tear it apart any further if I don't have to. I already have the auger/impeller assembly separated as I have new belts and was going to replace them anyways. It would be nothing now to remove the engine if I have to. Any help you can give me to point me in the correct direction would be appreciated. I am starting to think the worst like the block is cracked underneath. Thanks so much!