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john shepard |
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Feb 14, 2010 |
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Feb 27, 2010 3:28 pm |
Re: cc to horsepower
#1 Feb 27, 2010 3:28 pm |
all I can remember - when I was a kid that corvettes were at 350 cubic inches and then all of a sudden it was 5.7 liters.. Sooooooo i guess you could convert cubic inches to metric. but that does not answer request. You cannot convert cc s to horsepower- for example a porche might have 3 liters and 400 horspower.... and a cobalt might have a 3 liter and 150 horsepower. good luch with the numbers.. John the bulbman
#2 Feb 23, 2010 5:32 pm |
Is it possible to increase the size of the small pulley and or decrease the size of the large pulley to effect higher paddle speed? John
Re: Toro Snow Commander In-Depth & Dirtiest Carb Ever
#3 Feb 18, 2010 4:22 am |
LATEST UPDATE: I had a section of sidewalk that was never cleared of snow. Since the weather turned a little colder and the slush was gone I tried the SNOW COMMANDER again. This time it cleared 10" of snow that was packed and crusty with ease. Guess I will hang on to this snow blower for another season to give it a real try. John the bulbman
Re: Toro Snow Commander In-Depth & Dirtiest Carb Ever
#4 Feb 17, 2010 11:40 am |
I'm an big Ariens fan but even so I can't defend the 722. My 2-stage Ariens 5hp ST504 was still strong when I sold it after 20 years...and I love my Ariens 11.5hp machine. That's the good new. The bad is that I've owned two Ariens snow throwers that couldn't throw snow out of their own way. One was an Ariens Metro...a small 2 stage blower with a plastic bucket and a 4hp 2 stroke engine. It was pitiful. And of course the 722 single stage machine. Interesting that neither is in Ariens current line-up.
Bulbman made a comment in an earlier post that makes me think that I wasn't using my single stage thrower the right way. He said that his Commander only worked ok when he moved very quickly to keep the volume of the snow up. That's pretty much the opposite of what I was doing. I ran mine like I run my 2 stage...slowing up to keep the volume from being too much.
Just to be clear. I bought my snow commander used very recently. I have only used it once. And the snow was wet and sticky and only about 2 inches deep. I really wanted to try it out....... I have had other toro single stage machines and yes you do have to have some volume of snow to keep the snow flowing out of the chute. i am anxious for the next fluffy snow to try it again. OR NOT. maybe we wont have any more snow and I can go golfing John the bulbman Kalamazoo Michigan
Re: Toro Snow Commander In-Depth & Dirtiest Carb Ever
#5 Feb 16, 2010 1:52 pm |
ok so i bought a used snow commander= that was used only 4 times--- and from the condition of the paddles and the machine in general; I believe the previous owner only used it 4 times. So I tried it today-- I am NOT a happy camper... I also own a 2450 20" model and the 20" model has never plugged up....Not the same with the snow commander----I will agree that the snow was wet and it was not very deep..... but the snow commander plugged up a number of times and only worked ok when I moved very quickly to keep the volume of the snow up ANy Ideas-- I really like the extra 4 inches of the commander width, but I will resell it if it can t handle the heavy snow.. John