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Jan 4, 2009 5:05 am |
Re: John Deere 928E Easy to turn or not?
#1 Jan 4, 2009 4:27 am |
I also own the 928E, and had the same concerns when I purchased mine.(My first snowblower) The John Deere dealership didn't have the next model up (1130), although Lowe's did. I talked to the John Deere person (who also does all the service on the Lowe's machines), and he seemed to think it wasn't that big a deal. I was of the mind at first, that if I'm going to shell out THAT kind of money, the thing ought to go do my driveway and sidewalks all by itself. At the very LEAST I wanted it easy to turn. But, in the end, I went with the 928. The first snowfall had me out experimenting, and it really isn't bad at all. I didn't like the idea of bending over and popping out the knob every time I wanted to turn around, (and there IS a trick to that....) but with snow on the ground, the thing really isn't that hard to turn around. As Ozzie said, just push the handles down and "muscle" it.
Where easy steer would help me is on my front walk which isn't straight, but curved.
I've used the machine 3 times as of now, and after having a couple of issues (that were cleared up with some help from this forum), I have been very happy with the purchase.
Hope that helps.
Re: John Deere 928E issues
#2 Dec 30, 2008 12:59 pm |
Out of curiosity.... Does anyone know the HP rating on the 928E? When I purchased it, the John Deere associate told me 9HP (JD dealership), the Lowe's technician/mechanic told me 11.5 HP. I emailed John Deere, and they wouldn't give me an answer. They told me they measured the power in CC's, not HP.
I figure someone on THIS forum MUST know the definitive answer!!
Re: John Deere 928E issues
#3 Dec 24, 2008 8:25 am |
A big thanks Borat and MacLorry27!
The scraper blade makes sense, as the whole machine would start to jerk....I was concerned because it seemed like there wasn't any bumps or anything in the way. But, I've had it out a couple more times and it only seems to do it once in a I will attribute the cause to that scraper blade. I may try to raise the skids if it becomes problematic.
And, the other day, after finishing the driveway (while having to physically grab and move the chute every time I needed to change it's trajectory, I decided to take a look and you hit it right on the head MacLorry....the little worm gear was not making contact with the "teeth" properly. Maybe it got jostled in transit, or I loosened the bolt and moved the gear slightly inward, and it seems to be just fine now! I haven't had to use it yet, but I think that was it.
So again, a big thanks to both of you, Happy Holidays and "Happy Snowblowing"!
Re: John Deere 928E issues
#4 Dec 20, 2008 11:37 am |
Hi Borat
Sorry for the lack of info...I'm not all that mechanically inclined...but...
As far as the "jerking"...I would be moving along and the whole machine would start...well...jerking forward and back....and then it would stop (the jerking would stop, not the machine) first I thought maybe I was stuck on something...but the driveway was actually clear a couple times when it did it.
As far as the operates by a crank on the "control panel". At first I thought maybe it was frozen, but that wasn't the issue. I just know that at this point, when I turn the crank, I see the little gear box turning, but the teeth don't seem to be responding. At first is was just when it got to a point when turning the crank to the right (clockwise), then when I checked on it a few hours later, it just didn't want to move at all, anymore.
Very discouraging considering what I paid for it. I plan on paying the dealer a visit on Monday (weather permitting), but as we are supposed to be getting hit pretty hard starting late tonight and up to Monday afternoon/evening, I may actually NEED the unit! :)
I'm just wondering if anyone else has had any difficulties with JD (or any other brand) that is similar.
Thanks again for responding....and any suggestions would still be appreciated!
John Deere 928E issues
#5 Dec 20, 2008 10:15 am |
Hi all,
First snowblower, and first post to go with it!
I just purchased a John Deere 928E at the local John Deere dealership. I figured that spending the extra cash on a JD would get me a top notch machine with top notch performance.
I have used it twice. The first time out the motor began jerking a few different times, but would then start behaving again.
The second time out (this morning), it jerked a couple times, but then the chute started having trouble turning. When turning it to the right, it would only go about 3/4 max and then get stuck, where I couldn't turn it either way. I would grab and turn it enough for the gear to start working again and it would turn the OTHER way, but still get stuck when going to the right.
After finishing up, I decided to take a look at it a few hours later, and now it has ceased to work altogether. We are supposed to be getting another large snowfall Sunday /Monday.
Anyone else have this problem? Anyone have any suggestions? Anyone else feel as though they got taken for a ride when they bought a John Deere?
Thanks for any help anyone can offer.