Honda HS1132 auger/blower turn independently of auger pulley
#1 Feb 5, 2015 11:17 am |
I have a Honda HS1132 that ran over something that made a noise and instead of breaking the shear bolts the complete auger and blower assembly now turns independently of the auger pulley. I can not see behind the blower (blade) or in front of the auger pulley. I have been searching and researching drawings, parts and forums for some clues to the issue. I can't find anything. MY GUESS: is that there is a shaft (a 2-4" shaft) that attaches the blower to the auger pulley. There must be a bolt or pin that has broken. This is a vary difficult area to see and I would need to remove the complete auger/blower assembly and housing just to get a view. Is there anyone that has a picture, drawing or knowledge of what this looks like and what could be the problem?