But I DONOT usually check oil in-between oil changes assuming it should be OK unless engine burns oils or leaking somewhere.
For a knowledge point, let me ask, do you think manufacturer ever looks at these kind of discussion and review websites and learn lesson from it ? If they do, they can know the flows in their products and improve the quality of them.
Maybe they ought to check the "FLOWS" in their Customers. I own a Craftsman II with an 8hp 27"path Snowthrower with Electric Start. People laugh and make fun because my Snowthrower gets washed and waxed every spring and before the first snowfall, it gets lubed, belts adjusted, new plug and fuel (WHETHER IT NEEDS IT OR NOT!!!!) I've been accused of wasting money as a spark plug will last 5-6 years given the amount of use they get per season. My response, "So what!!" It cost's me $12-$15 a season to get my machine ready for the whole winter and if you can't afford that once a year, maybe you shouldn't own a Snowthrower.
Not checking your oil, assuming it is ok is plain and simply RETARDED!!!! You should check your oil EVERY SINGLE TIME YOU GO TO START IT!!!
Sincerely, my Snowthrower looks exactly like the day I bought it and I have NEVER had a problem with it. Incidentally, it just turned 12 years old!
Thanks for reading people!!!