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Name Michael Agner
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Date Joined Jan 12, 2009
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Re: CVS questions......
#1   Jan 14, 2009 6:47 am
Thanks Vacuuman,

There are only 2 dealers listed within 30miles who advertises CVS.  One calls itself a home tech store. It  carrys no CVS in stock but will order Beam (maybe others) for you.  I'll check the other-- a real vac store--- today and deal with them if I like the brands they carry. They worked on my moms Kirby 30 + years ago and I know they sell Riccar.  As I recall  this same store tried  Very Hard to upsell me from a $250 dollar range to some much more expensive eq-- kirby or rainbow systems-- before I purchased the Simplicity elsewhere.   I'll see how they are now.

EDIT-- Correction. Bought my Simplicity  around  '94 I think.  Used  "Whats The Best Vac" sometime after  "02 and recommended Simplicity to my sister.--Terrible when the memory goes... 

CVS questions......
#2   Jan 13, 2009 11:03 am

Thanks to everyone for providing info in the past (when I lurked) and  present.  In the early(?) 90's I purchased my Simplicity 5200 sentry3 after input from "Whats the best vacuum" forums and was quite happy with it.. So I am back for more insights.

I am considering a CVS and have read the recent threads and some online articles. My two story townhouse is pre installed for CVS. Approx 1600 sq ft total living space -- 800 ft upstairs is mostly berber carpet with 2 tiled bathrooms-- 2 universal inlets.  The downstairs 800 ft   is mostly hardwood and tile with 2- 8x10 area rugs- --- one inlet and one vacpan. Stairs are carpeted. Vacuum tube ends in the garage with 120v outlet.  Looking to purchase long lasting, heavy duty,  well made equipment........ For example,  years ago I worked with irrigation and pool motors. Brands like a.o.smith, century, baldor.......  Baldor was especially excellent  with oversized bearings in steel endcaps (instead of aluminun or egads!!!!plastic) and a solidly built centrifugal start start switch. It ran quietly without whine or vibration. Some of the others- names I cannot remember -were basically good for 2-3 yrs then replace rather than repair.

Electric powerheads-- Hayden/centec and Lindhaus/stealth were mentioned-- any other well regarded suggestions?  Special eq needs or considerations  for hardwood , tile floors,  stairs-- never had stairs before?

Several brands were mentioned- Beam, Hayden, MD, Vacuflow  and manufacturers like Cyclovac and Lindsay.  Any  brands or Mfg that I should avoid?  Lower reliability-- more warranty repair visits? Your favorite?

The wet/dry vacs look interesting-- if legal in FL -- Any comment on its wet carpet cleaning attachments/ ability?

 Can I install vacuum access to use the CVS in the garage and for vehicles?

Thanks, Mike

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