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HARDSELL's last  
Re: Kirby G4 not working.
#1   Feb 13, 2013 12:08 pm
hooverman wrote:
Kirby (post-G Series only) is the WORST vacuum ever! The Sentria is even worse; it does a TERRIBLE job vacing. You'll be better getting a Sanitaire SC888. Even a 30+ yr old Kirby will outperform the new Sentria.

How does the Sanitaire perform after receiving a bath?
Re: Dyson DC17
#2   Dec 20, 2012 2:09 am
I have no experience with your model so this is a stab at resolving your problem.

Use another vacuum to suck the clog back out the inlet where the debris entered the Dyson canister.  Or, open the Dyson as if to dump it and blow back in the canister so that the debris is loosened or pushed back out the inlet on the canister.  Most shop vacs can vacuum or blow by reversing the hose.
Re: Aerus Guardian Platinum
#3   Oct 25, 2012 1:07 pm
mole wrote:
Seen it, Used it, It has a nice long cord.........

Excellent review.  Very thorough.
Re: Help me decide; Oreck vs. Simplicty/Riccar or other?
#4   Jan 10, 2012 3:10 am
Venson wrote:
My God, Hardsell where have you been all this time?  How are you? Hope all is going great for the new year.  Anyway . . .

I had my misgivings but I've gained a bit of respect for the Oreck through use.  Mind you, I haven't gone out to buy one for myself but I do think they do the job and fit the bill for many now that there is this new phenomina come to light -- ask anybody to lift more than ten pounds and they look at you as though you're asking them to committ suicide.  (To think I took a liking to a 22-pound LG upright.  What was I thinking?)

While i doing demo duty, many longtime owners walking by would proudly step over just to say the Oreck they'd bought ten or more yeas ago was still running and cleaning well. 

As for the call for high power, it's a myth and not everybody needs it.  Besides which, big power is usually used to compensate for bad design.  All depends on the individual household and the kind of traffic it's subject to.  The needs in a home with kids and lots of company and the requirements of a home where life moves slowly are different.  The Ultimate Handheld didn't seem to lack much and a hurricane isn't neccessary just to clean a bathroom or kitchen floor, go over furniture or do window sills unless we're talking maybe about a houseful of pets. The upright's meant to handle bare floor as well as carpeting and did so well when I was showing them. There shouldn't be any real above the floor cleaning challenges for the handheld to meet but buyers should be made aware that the handheld is meant only for the most general household duty.  We did have have one customer come back to complain that it couldn't handle cleaning the several halls and stairways of the apartment building he owned; really a job for a full-sized vac.

My only beef about Oreck is pricing. The Oreck stores and some chain stores really go off the chart pricewise regarding the simple machine an Oreck actually is. The Hoover Platinum upright and handheld canister hold the trump card here due to not only good cleaning but usual price point advantage.

Hi Venson, I still read the forum.  I sort of lost desire to comment without Carmine around to dispute my statements  I really miss him. You and Carmine are two people that I really would like to meet.  All has been well for me and my family.  You have a great year also and may you always remain the gentleman that you are.
Re: Help me decide; Oreck vs. Simplicty/Riccar or other?
#5   Jan 9, 2012 4:58 am
vacmanuk wrote:
What about the Hoover Platinum bagged upright? Is it really that bad?

I have tried Oreck twice in my home.  Returned them each time.  The only positive for Oreck is the light weight.  Vacuum performance was little better than a Bissell sweeper (non electric).  I settled on the Hoover Platinum.  No way Oreck can touch it.  Also it has not had the belt/brush roll problem associated with Oreck.
My main dislike is having to have a hand held since it has no hose.  The Platinum hand held is noisy and the exhaust will blow away anything in its path.  However, it has tremendous suction.  I thought the Oreck hand held had very poor suction.
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