I've been advised to start a new post and add some details...
It's an 8HP HMSK 80 about three years old, used maybe a half of dozen times. I've drained the gas tank after every season and ran it til the carb was dry. The number on the carb is 5002C19.
So I went out again this morning with last night's new snow and it kicked over. That screw I played with the other day was just the idle crack and is ok. Like I said, it started but needs full choke and half throttle to stay running and even then it surges. I managed about ten to fifteen minutes before had no power at all and I nursed it back to the garage. I let it cool down, loosen the gas cap and tried again...no start at all. A blast of starting fluid in carb gets it going but then it dies.
Any suggestions???
Hi Folks,
I stumbled across your group while doing a search for Tecumseh snowblowers. I was hoping to find an online troublshooting manual for my machine. The last time I used it ( that two feet we got here in the NorthEast ) it began to lose power to the point of almost stalling. This was after a couple of hours. I had to play with the choke to keep it running, let it idle for a bit then continue. Ran OK for a while and then the same thing would happen.
So I started it up this afternoon after checking out the forecast and the same thing happened right away...only it kept stalling. I assumed ( very bad move ) that the idle could be adjusted and went and turned the screw on the carb. Now it won't start at all
Have I messed things up big time or is there hope?
This message was modified Mar 1, 2005 by Yankeeblues